View Full Version : Alabama professor killing spree

16-Feb-2010, 02:48 PM
Just as I thought...if you love Obama you are definitely a nut. :p


darth los
16-Feb-2010, 03:46 PM
Well, I don't know about that, but imo, there are nuts on both sides.

Now, with that said. There are way more on the right than the left. Yeah there are left wingnuts talking about how the gov't blew up the WTC, yada, yada, yada, but there there aren't nearly enough to form movements like the tea party nuts who believe our president is a foriegner.

So ya...


16-Feb-2010, 04:11 PM
i don't think we can connect this to politics until we know for sure what her motive was. the reports say that she she started shooting in a faculty meeting and she shot people that she knew. there could be a plethora of motivations in those circumstances.

this lady has a history of run-ins with the police. in 1986 her brother was shot and killed by her. the shooting was ruled an accident and she wasn't charged. in 1993 she was questioned as a suspect in an attempted pipe bombing of a harvard medical school professor.

sounds like she is a few fries short of a happy meal.


i think that i get what lee is on about though. folks on the right are made out to be gun toting lunatics, while we are lead to believe that those on the left always choose "non-violent" means.

16-Feb-2010, 04:57 PM
/Absentis ut inconcinnus*

*=Dog Latin, sorry for the poor skillz.

darth los
16-Feb-2010, 05:30 PM
i think that i get what lee is on about though. folks on the right are made out to be gun toting lunatics, while we are lead to believe that those on the left always choose "non-violent" means.

Well, it depends on what they are choosing non violent means about.

Take the Fort Hodd shooter for example. He had an agenda and murdered people because of it. This woman might be obsessed with Obama but it's not clear whether this incident was to further that agenda in some way.

However, there are numerous (too many imo) of those on the right breaking the law even murdering people (see: Dr. George Tiller) To further theirs.


16-Feb-2010, 06:14 PM
well here we go as to motive:

Anderson said he didn't believe his wife -- a brilliant scientist who colleagues said had been upset about not receiving tenure -- was capable of finding out who her alleged victims were for retribution.

she got turned down for tenure and went crackerdog over it. the other academics in her dept., esp. the chair of the dept., are involved in the process. she most likely held them responsible for being turned down.

16-Feb-2010, 06:19 PM
well here we go as to motive:

she got turned down for tenure and went crackerdog over it. the other academics in her dept., esp. the chair of the dept., are involved in the process. she most likely held them responsible for being turned down.

Well, that's Liberals for ya...:D:D:D

darth los
16-Feb-2010, 06:20 PM
well here we go as to motive:

she got turned down for tenure and went crackerdog over it. the other academics in her dept., esp. the chair of the dept., are involved in the process. she most likely held them responsible for being turned down.

Oh well atleast the Obama theory lasted a couple of hours.

What do we call that mike?

Epic FAil? :lol:


16-Feb-2010, 06:29 PM
Oh well atleast the Obama theory lasted a couple of hours.

What do we call that mike?

Epic FAil? :lol:


Darth, I'm surprised that I have to explain this to you, but apparently I have to. The Obama remark was a joke. I didn't think the woman killed people because she loved Obama. Please, please do not start acting like phillyswat for god's sake.

p.s. thanks to Mike70 for catching on to my point.

16-Feb-2010, 06:36 PM
i forgot to post a link to the article that i took that quote from. sorry bout that.


like i said above, this lady has a really shady past.

i cannot wait to hear what this woman's excuse for all this is.

17-Feb-2010, 04:31 PM
Sarah Palin obsessor stockpiles weapons.

http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/02/man_charged_for_stockpiling_weapons_was_tea_partie .php

I knew it, all republicans are whackjobs! :D

17-Feb-2010, 04:47 PM
Fat people stand at a higher risk to aquire diabetes


I knew it, all fatties are pigs.

darth los
17-Feb-2010, 04:58 PM
Darth, I'm surprised that I have to explain this to you, but apparently I have to. The Obama remark was a joke. I didn't think the woman killed people because she loved Obama. Please, please do not start acting like phillyswat for god's sake.

p.s. thanks to Mike70 for catching on to my point.

Oh now i get it !!

What a knee slapper !! :lol::lol:


17-Feb-2010, 06:10 PM
Oh now i get it !!

What a knee slapper !! :lol::lol:


Do you get it, Darth?

darth los
17-Feb-2010, 06:36 PM
Do you get it, Darth?

And who says thxleo answers everthing with a question. :lol:

But anyway, the woman was deranged and had a 20 year old record. I'm just wondering how she fell through the cracks in order to be in a position to do something like this.


17-Feb-2010, 06:51 PM
And who says thxleo answers everthing with a question. :lol:


There is a reason why I asked that question, Darth. You basically ignored it, so I will not press the issue.

18-Feb-2010, 02:45 PM
Here's what I think is the clincher...

Anyone who goes on a killing spree for what they believe are political motives, aren't in fact acting because of their political motives. They're doing it because they're f**king nutcases. it's just that they can't see that, go a bit mental, and find any excuse they can to flip.