View Full Version : is there nothing these assholes won't protest?

17-Feb-2010, 02:44 AM
this time the collective fuckwads known as PETA have protested the westminster dog show.

fuck me am i tired of these shitbirds. if it's not one thing, it's another. i have extremely little patience and/or tolerance for the animal rights crowd. fuckheads the lot of them. with the mammoth amount of human suffering and deprivation that goes on in our world, i'm sorry if fricking animals don't rate high on my list. to the animal rights crowd i say: climb down off your fricking self assumed high horses and start worrying about what really matters in this life and that is how humans treat other humans.

i know that at least one member here is going to cry like a little fucking girl over this and i don't really give a flying fuck. there are people all over this planet who don't have enough to eat, don't have a place to live, and don't know what terror tomorrow will bring. in light of that, what dogs go through means shit to me.


17-Feb-2010, 03:15 AM
i know that at least one member here is going to cry like a little fucking girl over this


Well, shit. That's as close as I could find.

I'm thinking of starting a Plants Rights group to counter the animalheads.

17-Feb-2010, 03:55 AM

Yeah. . I like animals, and I would like to kick any real animal abuser's ass. But there are freakin limits.

17-Feb-2010, 10:21 AM
I also like animals. I particulary like the fact that they helped us develop pretty much every single medicine we ever needed.

17-Feb-2010, 10:35 AM
im all for animal rights, but peta are a bunch of uptight hypocrits or stoner hippies who can eat a dick. hell they gas a lot fo the animals they "rescue", there like the dr kavorkian animal rights group. "holy crap ned, its a rare duck billed platypus!, thin out there numbers!"

17-Feb-2010, 11:05 AM
I love animals & I fucking hate to see or hear of anyone abusing them, especially when its people who abuse pets, if you take on an animal in your care then you should keep it as safe, love it & make sure it is well looked after, ive gone ballistic at a dog walker I saw beating his dog once. But I also hate these PETA lot, they go way too far in their campaigning & its downright frightening the lengths they will go to. I also agree with raising animals for food & killing vermin as long as its done as humanely as possible, and for some testing as long as its humane & doesnt cause unnecessary suffering. thats my stance on it

17-Feb-2010, 04:30 PM
PETA does this shit for the attention. If newspapers/cable/network simply ignored them, they would go away.

darth los
17-Feb-2010, 04:48 PM
If newspapers/cable/network simply ignored them, they would go away.

You mean like Sarah Palin?


18-Feb-2010, 03:22 AM

Well, shit. That's as close as I could find.

I'm thinking of starting a Plants Rights group to counter the animalheads.


ah, this cracked me up.

i love cats and beyond them, i am not much of an animal person. i certainly don't want them mistreated but for fuck's sake they aren't human beings.

and to reiterate: shame on the animal rights right and i mean shame the fuck on them. there are millions upon millions of people that don't have enough to eat, don't have clean water, don't have access to medical care of any sort but yet, there are these well fed dickheads who are sleeping tonight in comfortable beds with thoughts of what they will have for breakfast worrying about fricking dogs. that is a position that i have no respect for.

18-Feb-2010, 09:10 AM
to the animal rights crowd i say: climb down off your fricking self assumed high horses

Their not on high horses.. that would be cruel to the horse :lol:

18-Feb-2010, 02:19 PM
This is just my point about over doing it!!!
They piss off more people than they inspire by protesting everything from the title of Judas Priest's "Hellbent for Leather" and now to this. It distracts from the cause completely.
Animal cruelty is disgusting though and needs stamping out. Anyone who's heard of the puppy stamping vids will know what I'm talking about. Also look at the cattle farms in India and Africa and you'll be disgusted. Some of the stuff that goes on out there is totally evil and I am a firm believer that if people can act this way to animals, it's only a small step to humans so both human and animal abuse needs stamping out completely.

darth los
18-Feb-2010, 02:35 PM
I tuned peta out after they suggested to Ben and Jerry's that instead of cow milk they use human Breast milk instead. :hurl:


18-Feb-2010, 02:48 PM
A lot of wasted effort, though I don't agree with over-breeding, in the form of breeding consumer-friendly/aesthetic traits to the complete detriment of the animal...unless it's to make them tastier :shifty:

18-Feb-2010, 03:39 PM
I'm not sure one can care about both animal rights and human rights (with limitations on both, of course).

18-Feb-2010, 04:18 PM
^^^^ what makes you say that?

darth los
18-Feb-2010, 04:37 PM
I'm not sure one can care about both animal rights and human rights (with limitations on both, of course).

Animals have no rights. We are at the top of the food chain. Nuff said.

With, that said people who abuse animals are cowards and deserve the same treatment in return.


18-Feb-2010, 09:39 PM
Animals have no rights. We are at the top of the food chain. Nuff said.
We'll see how well that keeps working out for you, dummy.

I'm glad that PETA pisses off all you uptight pantytwists. They wouldn't be useful otherwise. :p

18-Feb-2010, 09:45 PM
PETA's kind of like the NRA.

Sure, they're loudmouthed wingnuts, but they do have some valid points.

And when Cooler Heads with the same points want to talk,

(and not engage in shrill preaching)

People are more apt to listen.

18-Feb-2010, 09:47 PM
PETA can suck a dick. They cry about animals, but torment my precious plant friends every day.

Each December, the members of their organization alone (won't mention the masses at large) sever thousands of innocent evergreens at the knees. THE KNEES! Good God, CHOPPED OFF AT THE KNEES! All to prop in their house to put gifts under, after thoroughly humiliating their poor, now-legless victims by hogtying them with electrical wire, burning them slowly with colored lightbulbs.

And then they simply toss the poor crippled trees out beside the road for the garbage man to pick up.

Now how is that not "cruel"?

But because it's "just plant life" and not animals, like they are, it's okay to do it.

18-Feb-2010, 09:50 PM
PETA can suck a dick.
You sound just like a whiny little bitch. Keep it up, it's funny.

18-Feb-2010, 10:01 PM
You sound just like a whiny little bitch. Keep it up, it's funny.

Yeah, because I'm not protesting a dog show. I guess it's better to be stupid and protest something without knowing anything about it.

18-Feb-2010, 10:12 PM
Yeah, because I'm not protesting a dog show. I guess it's better to be stupid and protest something without knowing anything about it.
Just listen to yourself. Why do you give a rat's behind what anyone else protests? Have you've ever even spent a moment thinking about dog shows? Man, what a freakin' ego.

Now that I've read the article: "argued that purebred dogs suffer from breeding practices designed to produce show winners rather than healthy animals"

Exactly which part of that sentence fragment needs to be explained in better detail? It is 100% true. Dog "breeding" is a useless industry, particularly when we already euthanize millions of strays each year.

We don't have a "stray" problem -- we have a "stupid human being" problem.

18-Feb-2010, 10:30 PM
Just listen to yourself. Why do you give a rat's behind what anyone else protests? Have you've ever even spent a moment thinking about dog shows? Man, what a freakin' ego.

Now that I've read the article: "argued that purebred dogs suffer from breeding practices designed to produce show winners rather than healthy animals"

Exactly which part of that sentence fragment needs to be explained in better detail? It is 100% true. Dog "breeding" is a useless industry, particularly when we already euthanize millions of strays each year.

We don't have a "stray" problem -- we have a "stupid human being" problem.

Listen to myself?

My aunt bred and raised Elkhounds for competition for over 20 years. I grew up around and participated in her activities, and those of her circle of fellow breeders.

So yes, unlike some, I happen to know exactly what shows are about for at least a specific group of dogs that I personally witnessed. Not heard about from someone else, not read about on the internet, not pulled out of my ass.

For those dogs, I can tell you how horrible it was. Constant veterinary care at the slightest sign of illness or injury. Everything documented. The best food available; you don't give them some random shit from Wal-mart. Daily grooming; they are kept clean and flea- and tick-free. Not allowed to be eaten alive like the pets of many "loving" owners. They are cleaned up after constantly and immediately; they are not left in a backyard full of their piss and shit like many dogs. They are praised and rewarded (the whole process of training revolves around this) at every turn. They get daily exercise, and are almost never alone; there's almost always a person with them.

When not competing, they are coddled, snuggled, taken to the park, play ball, etc. just like any other healthy pet. And every single one of "our" dogs that I came in contact with was friendly and enjoyed contact.

Those were professionally bred and trained animals. A lot better off than a lot of typical pets.

I can't speak for everyone else in the world, unlike those that would protest an event due to their own "knowledge", but I can damn well tell you that the dogs we took to show were some of the best-treated animals you'll see anywhere. And that's from first-hand experience, which I'll bet most of these protesters have never had.

19-Feb-2010, 12:13 AM
You sound just like a whiny little bitch. Keep it up, it's funny.

Wow Dubs. . .that's pretty rough even for you. What kind of bug crawled up your ass and planted a flag today?

19-Feb-2010, 12:28 AM
Listen to myself?

My aunt bred and raised Elkhounds for competition for over 20 years. I grew up around and participated in her activities, and those of her circle of fellow breeders.

So yes, unlike some, I happen to know exactly what shows are about for at least a specific group of dogs that I personally witnessed. Not heard about from someone else, not read about on the internet, not pulled out of my ass.

For those dogs, I can tell you how horrible it was. Constant veterinary care at the slightest sign of illness or injury. Everything documented. The best food available; you don't give them some random shit from Wal-mart. Daily grooming; they are kept clean and flea- and tick-free. Not allowed to be eaten alive like the pets of many "loving" owners. They are cleaned up after constantly and immediately; they are not left in a backyard full of their piss and shit like many dogs. They are praised and rewarded (the whole process of training revolves around this) at every turn. They get daily exercise, and are almost never alone; there's almost always a person with them.

When not competing, they are coddled, snuggled, taken to the park, play ball, etc. just like any other healthy pet. And every single one of "our" dogs that I came in contact with was friendly and enjoyed contact.

Those were professionally bred and trained animals. A lot better off than a lot of typical pets.

I can't speak for everyone else in the world, unlike those that would protest an event due to their own "knowledge", but I can damn well tell you that the dogs we took to show were some of the best-treated animals you'll see anywhere. And that's from first-hand experience, which I'll bet most of these protesters have never had.

God bless your aunt but I'm not sure if my kids will be treated that well. :D

19-Feb-2010, 12:29 AM
Wow Dubs. . .that's pretty rough even for you. What kind of bug crawled up your ass and planted a flag today?

maybe he's a peta supporter?

darth los
19-Feb-2010, 01:36 AM
We'll see how well that keeps working out for you, dummy.

I'm glad that PETA pisses off all you uptight pantytwists. They wouldn't be useful otherwise. :p

You and thxleo stay classy.


19-Feb-2010, 01:41 AM
I don't know what is in the water, but you guys are going loopy.