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17-Feb-2010, 07:05 PM
Some Italian food is better than others:


By FRANCES D'EMILIO, Associated Press Writer Frances D'emilio, Associated Press Writer – 56 mins ago
ROME – Italian state TV has suspended a cooking show host who shocked the nation by saying cat stew is a Tuscan delicacy he swears he has enjoyed many times.

RAI TV confirmed on Wednesday that it had suspended Beppe Bigazzi, the 77-year-old host of a popular morning program that offers food tips and recipes in a country fiercely proud of its cuisine.

When his 27-year-old female co-host looked stunned as Bigazzi said he has eaten cat stew "many times," the white-haired, grandfather figure defended his tastes.

"Why, people maybe don't eat rabbit, chicken, pigeon?" Bigazzi said. He could have added horse meat, which many butchers and supermarket meat departments stock.

"Who's not fat, kills the cat," is how Bigazzi began his lighthearted prattle about cat stew.

Bigazzi claimed cat stew was a Tuscan specialty near the Arno river valley, but co-host Elisa Isoardi looked so embarrassed she ducked behind a cart of fresh salad greens whose healthy virtues the two were supposed to be chatting about.

"Cat, soaked for three days in the running water of a stream" in Tuscany "comes out with its meat white, and I assure you — I have eaten it many times — that it is a delicacy," Bigazzi continued.

His critics included Health Ministry Undersecretary Francesca Martini.

"Cats are pets protected by law," Martini noted, specifically against "cruelty, maltreatment and abandonment."

She lamented in a statement issued by the Health Ministry that Bigazzi's advocating cat stew "hurts sensibility, which is fortunately steadily growing, of citizens toward animals."

The director of the RAI channel the show runs on, Mauro Mazza, called the decision to suspend Bigazzi for an unspecified amount of time as "painful but inevitable."

Only a few moments after revealing his startling recipe, Bigazzi seemed to anticipate he would be barraged with criticism. "Now there will be letters from nature lovers. Why don't they defend rabbits?" he asked.

By Wednesday, two days after the showed was broadcast, the YouTube video clip had recorded more than 55,000 hits, and more than 800 comments registered.

Cat. Stew.:barf:

I'll pass on that, thank you very much.

17-Feb-2010, 07:13 PM
I tell my cat regularly that I only keep her around in case meat gets scarce...:sneaky:

17-Feb-2010, 07:29 PM
i dont get it, is this meant to be a shocking article or something? i love cats and wouldnt eat them for any money but we live in a world where people will eat snails, seal penis and even for some twisted folk even shit. A human eating cat aint exactly a big deal.

I mean you folks across the pond eat slim jims, and from a guy from country that makes 'traditional' food with kidneys and hooves in em i gotta say they are supremely fucked up shit.

Plus we eat chickens, compare them to cats and they are fucking vile, filthy creatures.

17-Feb-2010, 07:32 PM
I guess Italy is working very hard not be considered a 3rd world country and has lots of PR ground to cover. Cat stew isn't my sort of meal, but I imagine it could be quite good and necessary in the more rustic parts of the country in times past when Italy was dealing with one of its spates of troubles.

darth los
17-Feb-2010, 07:35 PM
i dont get it, is this meant to be a shocking article or something? i love cats and wouldnt eat them for any money but we live in a world where people will eat snails, seal penis and even for some twisted folk even shit. A human eating cat aint exactly a big deal.

I mean you folks across the pond eat slim jims, and from a guy from country that makes 'traditional' food with kidneys and hooves in em i gotta say they are supremely fucked up shit.

I've never been so offended in my life. :(

What 's wrong with slim jims?

Snap into it !!

And Please don't post what they consist of. I wanna keep enjoying them. :lol:


17-Feb-2010, 07:37 PM
I've never been so offended in my life. :(

What 's wrong with slim jims?

Snap into it !!

And Please don't post what they consist of. I wanna keep enjoying them. :lol:


You enjoy something when you dont know whats inside it?

geez dude, thats pretty gross i aint gonna lie. But im the kinda guy that has to look into a sandwich before i take a bite even if i made it :lol:


seriously though, dont eat slim jims, i thought this was taffy before i knew it was a picture of slim jim manufacturing, apparently thats meat. :barf:

17-Feb-2010, 07:52 PM
Hellsing, I will warn you of this one time and one time only: this campaign endangering Macho Man Randy Savage's residual checks must be stopped!

17-Feb-2010, 07:53 PM
A human eating cat aint exactly a big deal.

I dunno...once they get a taste for Human flesh they can be a handful...


17-Feb-2010, 07:56 PM
Hellsing, I will warn you of this one time and one time only: this campaign endangering Macho Man Randy Savage's residual checks must be stopped!

i will never stop my campaign of hate against Macho Man Randy Savage.

darth los
17-Feb-2010, 08:27 PM
You enjoy something when you dont know whats inside it?

Hell yeah !!

We enjoy women and who know what in blazes has been insid them, so ya...

And yeah that pic is pretty gross. I asked you not to show me that !! :lol:


17-Feb-2010, 09:36 PM
Cat stew? Heck, I'd eat human stew if it was legal.

17-Feb-2010, 09:43 PM
Cat stew? Heck, I'd eat human stew if it was legal.

We know you would guy, we know you would.

17-Feb-2010, 09:57 PM
I tell my cat regularly that I only keep her around in case meat gets scarce...:sneaky:

That's why I have a dog.

I've got kind of a big appetite.

17-Feb-2010, 10:14 PM
Eating pussy is usually fun, but not like this.

Nasty cat-eaters!

17-Feb-2010, 10:17 PM
Cat stew? Heck, I'd eat human stew if it was legal.

Oh really?

18-Feb-2010, 01:39 AM
Eating pussy is usually fun, but not like this.

I was wondering when this comment would arrive. Rep to you!

18-Feb-2010, 02:39 AM
Oh really?

clang wins this discussion. bringing out clint in omega man is an automatic "shut the fuck up or else" to all opposition.

i love cats but people have some mighty interesting ideas on what is good to eat on this fucked up homeworld of ours. as long as you are engaging in a fat bastard related diet, who cares?

18-Feb-2010, 03:16 AM
I've never been so offended in my life. :(

What 's wrong with slim jims?

Snap into it !!

And Please don't post what they consist of. I wanna keep enjoying them. :lol:


Please DO post the ingredients left off the label. Just hide it in a spoiler! I love Slim Jims, however I find the key ingredient "mechanically separated pork, beef, and chicken" a little uneasy. I suppose this means they just take any spare body parts from any of those animals and have a machine mash them up until they are the soft stuff which is a Slim Jim? :barf: Oh well, I'll still eat them. In fact, I now really want one.

You're missin out, Hells...

---------- Post added at 04:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 AM ----------

Cat stew? Heck, I'd eat human stew if it was legal.

According to 'dem repubs, that statement is 100% true. (Get it? Communism? Evil?)

18-Feb-2010, 10:49 AM
---------- Post added at 04:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 AM ----------


According to 'dem repubs, that statement is 100% true. (Get it? Communism? Evil?)

You know the Ukranian famine of 1931-34? We made it up. Yeah, there never was any. We just wanted ourselves to some meat.

18-Feb-2010, 11:17 AM
Cat stew? Heck, I'd eat human stew if it was legal.

I'm just gonna call you Armin from now on... ;)

darth los
18-Feb-2010, 01:36 PM
Some Italian food is better than others:

Cat. Stew.:barf:

I'll pass on that, thank you very much.

Is this supposed to be a sequel to "what ever happened to chicken soup? :p


18-Feb-2010, 07:45 PM
Is this supposed to be a sequel to "what ever happened to chicken soup? :p


Cat Stew for the Soul?

---------- Post added at 03:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM ----------

clang wins this discussion. bringing out clint in omega man is an automatic "shut the fuck up or else" to all opposition.

i love cats but people have some mighty interesting ideas on what is good to eat on this fucked up homeworld of ours. as long as you are engaging in a fat bastard related diet, who cares?

I was actually looking for a good Heston pic from Soilent Green. . . but that was the best I could find. . .:o

triste realtà
18-Feb-2010, 10:04 PM
From pickaweedia:


Historically cats have been eaten in the West. In Europe, cats are eaten in some rural parts of Switzerland;the traditional recipe on farms in some regions involved cooking the cat with sprigs of thyme. In January 2004, Reuters reported that, "Swiss culinary traditions include puppies and kittens. Private consumption of cat and dog is permissible. Swiss animal welfare groups say it is hard to estimate how many pets end up salted and smoked or in a Swiss frying pan each year."

Inhabitants of Northern Italy, particularly those of Vicenza, are still nicknamed "magnagati" ('cat eaters') as a derogatory term in Venetian.

Cat meat was also eaten in Spain in some rites of passage. The "cat stew" and "cat in sauce" recipes were found in Basque County in the province of Alava.

Live cats were eaten for the amusement of others in 18th century Britain.
