View Full Version : Analyst: Nintendo Must Drop Wii Price Before Rival Motion Devices Hit

darth los
18-Feb-2010, 02:31 PM
The writer of the article makes a couple of points, one in particular I have to take issue with:

"The Wii is still less expensive than purchasing an HD console -- for all the stuff you really need (proper cables, extra controller), plus whatever these new peripherals would likely cost. I care about HD gaming (so do many of you, I believe), but do the millions of people still buying this console have the same concerns I do? Also, how can you say that in light of record-shattering sales after the Wii's first holiday season post-price drop? At $250, it took two holiday seasons to satisfy demand, and after dropping to $200, it set new records."

Yes it's less expensive than geting an HD console. However, you get what you pay for and what you get with the 2 HD consoles is much more, imo.

Also, is he trying to say that the wii DOESN"T have you buying Bullshit peripherals as well !?!

3/4 of their games have some special attahment that goes with it for christ's sake! As a matter of fact if you want to hook up something as simple as an ethernet cable to it there's a neat little 24.99 attachment they will give you the priveledge of purchasing. :rolleyes:

I disagree with this article and agree with the analyst. The big thing that distinguishes the wii from the other two is it's motion sensor capability. Once that advantage is gone what else have they got?

Certainly not the games, the bulk of which either suck or are ports of existing games with wii controls built in. ( See RE 0 and RE archives for more info.)



18-Feb-2010, 03:33 PM
the wii has motion controls, but often there just gimicky, if theres a HD current gen equivalent i can certainly see it drawing away some people.

-OR, the people the wii eased into videogames might see the ps3 has a motion controller now and thus be more inclined to investigate that console and its game too.

Though for my money natal is where its at really in terms of future integration, if only because in a world where everyone and there mum has a touch screen phone, waving your hand to change a menu or something just seems like where were headed instead of waving another type of remote around.

-Also, i got very sick of my wii and would love to see more people try out the ps3 as a more viable option to a 360 than a wii. god knows its got less gimicky shit than most of the crappy wii releases we get nowadays.

18-Feb-2010, 06:46 PM
Two problems with rival motion controls
Natal uses one processor of the 360 so games will take a hit somewhere.
Arc is SLOW this RE5 demo shows it, it is way slower then the Wiimote and there's no way to fix that:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OfR5ctyw6LU&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/OfR5ctyw6LU&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Plus neither has a IR device for shoot em ups.
And since developers haven't invested in Wii motion controls that come as standard they certainly wont put much backing behind risky and expensive peripherals.

If you want to enjoy Resident Evil on Wii pick up RE4 which is the definite edtion with Gamecube quality res visuals AND the extra content of the PS2 game and two control schemes, the Wiimote which has been a hit with many who played it and the Gamecube controller which was generally considered the best between dual shock and NGC pad for that game. Forget the crap Archives ports and hunt down the Gamecube games instead.

For better games check out Wiiware, the virtual console or stick to Nintendo's own stuff, third parties have only given Wii third rate support with ports and mini games and hopelessly unappealing niche games from Madworld to Tatsunoko Vs Capcom.