View Full Version : School spying on students remotely through webcams

18-Feb-2010, 07:21 PM

A local school official confronted a student with photographic evidence that he was doing bad things at home. She got her evidence by activating the webcam on the laptop in his house, a lawsuit claims.
Lower Merion School District officials are spying on students and their families inside their homes with Web cameras installed in pupil laptops, states Blake J. Robbins vs. Lower Merion School District.

The lawsuit, filed Feb. 11, alleges that webcams in personal laptops--that are issued to every high school student-- can be, and have been, remotely activated by school administrators at any time without a person in the same room as the laptop being the wiser.

How did Robbins and his family find out administrators could spy on them?
On Nov. 11 Harriton High School Assistant Principal Lindy Matsko told the teen that he “was engaged in improper behavior in his home,” and showed Robbins photographic evidence from his webcam, according to the suit.

Upon hearing about the incident, Robbins’ father, Michael Robbins, got confirmation from Matsko that the school district does in fact have the ability to remotely activate any of the students’ webcams at any time—even if the computer is not being used.

Superintendent Christopher McGinley boasts of the laptop program on the districts’ site, saying that it “ensures that all students have 24/7 access to school-based resources.” But administrators never told students or their families that district officials had "24/7 access" into their homes at the same time, according to the lawsuit.

The class action suit, which represents not only Robbins and his family, but all 1,800 students given one of these “spying” laptops, is based on the claim that the district is violating the Constitution’s Fourth Ammendment right to privacy and the Civil Rights Act, among others.

Really? What business is it of theirs to what someone else's child is doing in their own home? That has nothing to do with education.

18-Feb-2010, 07:31 PM
Wow...that's crazy. They should be brought up on charges.

I can't help but think of how funny it would be for them pull up a teenage boy's camera only to have a front row viewing of him masterbating. That'll teach em. :lol:

18-Feb-2010, 07:46 PM
I could almost guarantee there was at least one teacher at that school that would watch certain students just to catch a glimpse of something like that.

18-Feb-2010, 08:11 PM
"What are these things? They come to our place of business everyday, interrupt our daily routines and make getting our pention downright inconvenient."

"I don't know, but it's best to observe them in their natural habitat to better understand how to pacify them."

darth los
18-Feb-2010, 08:36 PM
And as technology becomes more advanced it's only gonna get worse.

Now where did i put that micro nanny cam...


18-Feb-2010, 08:47 PM
Imagine... JUST IMAGINE... the horror of being pulled up in front of the class, told that the principal just watched a video of you wanking and you're now in trouble for it :lol:

18-Feb-2010, 08:49 PM
Imagine... JUST IMAGINE... the horror of being pulled up in front of the class, told that the principal just watched a video of you wanking and you're now in trouble for it :lol:

"This is going on your Permanent Record, young man..."

darth los
18-Feb-2010, 08:51 PM
"This is going on your Permanent Record, young man..."

And the young man answers

"No one's gonna read it because the pages will be stuck together !!" :lol:

God. Kids are such smart asses.


18-Feb-2010, 08:54 PM
And the young man answers

"No one's gonna read it because the pages will be stuck together !!" :lol:

God. Kids are such smart asses.


I lol'ed.

"I hope you brought enough for the rest of the class."

18-Feb-2010, 09:40 PM
And people wonder why I don't go in for all the latest technical crap. At least my VHS player and tube-based TV aren't going to sell me out to The Man.

18-Feb-2010, 10:37 PM
I'm glad I don't attend that school, were naturists:moon:


18-Feb-2010, 11:51 PM
Marie, how old are you? I was always under the impression you were married with children...

19-Feb-2010, 12:50 AM
Marie, how old are you? I was always under the impression you were married with children...

Not married, no kids, but 23:)


darth los
19-Feb-2010, 03:50 PM
Marie, how old are you? I was always under the impression you were married with children...

Not married, no kids, but 23:)


Shit mike, she's living the dream! :lol:


20-Feb-2010, 06:00 AM
Big Brother's on the way... mark my words!

21-Feb-2010, 02:33 PM
Big Brother's on the way... mark my words!

Big Brother? Where have YOU been? He's been here a couple of decades at LEAST. They listen in on our cellphone conversations at will, they want a warrentless backdoor to our computers. Have cameras on the streets in England and many places in America. Every day we seem to lose more of our privacy. Big Brother is alive and well and in your closet taking notes.


21-Feb-2010, 02:57 PM
Oh... I was talking about the infamous skateboard magazine that died in the wee years of the last decade... but yeah, George Orwell's cool too.

21-Feb-2010, 03:01 PM
Not married, no kids, but 23:)


hell yea...so..you like zombies eh?

21-Feb-2010, 03:13 PM
hell yea...so..you like zombies eh?

Liked Zombie movies since I saw my first with Dad at nine<G>
