View Full Version : Day of the Dead: Desertion

18-Feb-2010, 07:59 PM
What's with all the "origin" stories coming up lately? Anyway, I didn't see anything about this..

Day of the Dead : Desertion (http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=20790). The comic book origins of everyone's favorite zombie, Bub.


A small issue of this is reportedly available with the upcoming R2 Day Blu Ray.

18-Feb-2010, 08:27 PM
Looks cool, but I have to point out the little inconsistency with Day there - the zed with the rat in his jaws. The zombies' disinterest in non-human meat was a driving plot point in the movie.

18-Feb-2010, 08:28 PM
That's a thread on the Day R2 Blu Ray, this is about a comic. Nowhere in that thread is there mention of a comic other than the link says a sample will be included. DVD. Comic. Two different things. Move along Leo.

darth los
18-Feb-2010, 08:33 PM
What's with all the "origin" stories coming up lately? Anyway, I didn't see anything about this..

Day of the Dead : Desertion (http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=20790). The comic book origins of everyone's favorite zombie, Bub.


A small issue of this is reportedly available with the upcoming R2 Day Blu Ray.

Shit man. I just bought the DOTD blu ray from best buy (They were $12.99) and bubkis !!

It obviously wasn't R2 then. Any other way to get my handson this or an R2 blu ray?


18-Feb-2010, 08:50 PM
Now children, play nice. :rolleyes:

18-Feb-2010, 08:55 PM
Day of the Dead : Desertion (http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=20790). The comic book origins of everyone's favorite zombie, Bub.


He's missin' his bottom half.

You sure he's not Zombie Rhodes?

18-Feb-2010, 10:18 PM
The thread was hijacked, and irrelevant posts removed. Any further discussion of the deleted posts in the shoutbox, this thread, or any other thread will be construed as insubordination.

18-Feb-2010, 11:44 PM

18-Feb-2010, 11:55 PM
I will definitely grab this as it looks interesting.

19-Feb-2010, 12:48 AM
cant be too bad since its not by avatar press. there night sequel books blew. but then avatars ethos is "is it about war?, rotten corpses or something else morbid?, ah lets throw in weird bowl titties and giant asses in every panel", there the damn larry flynt of comics publishers.

20-Feb-2010, 09:37 AM
WTF are bowl titties?

20-Feb-2010, 10:21 AM
WTF are bowl titties?

I'm assuming they are unnaturally firm, dome-shaped mammary glands, but they might also be concave pits you can eat breakfast cereal out of, I'm not sure. :lol:

20-Feb-2010, 10:34 AM
where do I get me one of those? my shreddies just aren't sexy enough...

Shit, was that insubordination?

21-Feb-2010, 08:54 PM
Looks cool, but I have to point out the little inconsistency with Day there - the zed with the rat in his jaws. The zombies' disinterest in non-human meat was a driving plot point in the movie.

In "Night 68", we see a zombie eating an insect, in "Night 90", one of them chomps down on a mouse.


22-Feb-2010, 07:19 AM
I'm assuming they are unnaturally firm, dome-shaped mammary glands, but they might also be concave pits you can eat breakfast cereal out of, I'm not sure. :lol:

Hell, if its post zombie apocalypse, I'm going to want to see every titty I can because it could be my last. Bring on the bowl titties.

22-Feb-2010, 07:42 AM
In "Night 68", we see a zombie eating an insect, in "Night 90", one of them chomps down on a mouse.


I Know Romero can be somewhat prone to inconsistencies between films, but then most of the films are basically separate entities, so I can accept that (Night 90 isn't even in the same series). This is a DIRECT TIE-IN with Day, so you'd expect its continuity to at least adhere to the details of that film.

22-Feb-2010, 09:42 AM
I don't think Day established any refusal to eat non-human meat. The only other thing the zombies were offered were the mysterious "beef treats". I'd bet there was very little actual beef to them, even; they were probably some nasty Slim Jim-type processed crap, which not even most living people would eat. Can't expect the dead ones to eat something we won't.

22-Feb-2010, 09:49 AM
Looks cool, but I have to point out the little inconsistency with Day there - the zed with the rat in his jaws. The zombies' disinterest in non-human meat was a driving plot point in the movie.

The 'rules' are a little fuzzy there. In NOTLD they ate insects and a mouse/vole? But then the zombies even almost ran and used 'tools' (a brick) at the beginning of that film too...

---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------

The only other thing the zombies were offered were the mysterious "beef treats".
Ummm... If that's the stuff for example Bub ate, wasn't that human meat?

24-Feb-2010, 12:44 AM
I don't think Day established any refusal to eat non-human meat. The only other thing the zombies were offered were the mysterious "beef treats". I'd bet there was very little actual beef to them, even; they were probably some nasty Slim Jim-type processed crap, which not even most living people would eat. Can't expect the dead ones to eat something we won't.

True, offering a zombie a live mammal (like a cow or lab rat) would probally get a different reaction.

24-Feb-2010, 12:58 AM
The 'rules' are a little fuzzy there. In NOTLD they ate insects and a mouse/vole? But then the zombies even almost ran and used 'tools' (a brick) at the beginning of that film too...

Not to mention using a trowel as a weapon.

Rancid Carcass
24-Feb-2010, 01:39 AM
Not to mention using a trowel as a weapon.

Blimey! That's a bit harsh... Don't forget NIGHT was the film that established the rules, or at least some of them, surely of all the films in the series this the one that can't be faulted in that respect.
Have we really sunk so far into the hypothetical mire that we're now grumbling about George not following his own rules at a time when there where no rules to follow? Damn we're brutal. ;):D

24-Feb-2010, 02:57 AM
Nah, just acknowledging that the rules weren't quite firm yet. Because like you said, he was starting with a blank slate.

24-Feb-2010, 04:10 AM
Ummm... If that's the stuff for example Bub ate, wasn't that human meat?

No. Bub and the others eat human meat, that's what's in the bucket. The only thing other than the bucketed human meat the zombies were offered was the "Beef Treats". That's what gets refused.

Right after John's little "trying to figure his shit out" speech, Sarah walks in on Fisher having no luck with a ghoul. It won't eat.

Fisher: It's no good. It's no fucking good.
Sarah: What is that stuff?
- Sarah approaches the mystery food in what appears to be a generic soup can
Fisher: It's something called "Beef Treats", which the Army provides us with so generously. He won't touch it.
- Sarah sniffs the can, and almost gags
Sarah: Shit, I wouldn't, either!

And that's the story of the Legendary Beef Treats. As I said, the shit was so ghastly even a living person won't eat it (or at least Sarah won't), so why expect a zombie to eat it?

24-Feb-2010, 05:53 AM
As I said, the shit was so ghastly even a living person won't eat it (or at least Sarah won't), so why expect a zombie to eat it?

Maybe because zombies and humans have different tastes? If they tried to make it taste like raw human intestines, for example, a living human would find it repulsive, but they might expect zombies to like it.

24-Feb-2010, 06:00 AM
That would have been the "Entrails Treats". No doubt made by Kraft.

Beef in a can from the Army would have been some military ration food.

02-Mar-2010, 04:00 PM
Shit man. I just bought the DOTD blu ray from best buy (They were $12.99) and bubkis !!

It obviously wasn't R2 then. Any other way to get my handson this or an R2 blu ray?


www.amazon.co.uk is definitely the way to go for the R2 release.

02-Mar-2010, 05:32 PM
Maybe because zombies and humans have different tastes? If they tried to make it taste like raw human intestines, for example, a living human would find it repulsive, but they might expect zombies to like it.

Kind of how they make Pet Food cater to Human tastes...