View Full Version : Romeros new venture - Zombisodes [Merged Threads]

01-Jun-2006, 08:32 PM
Found it on Horror-Movies.ca


01-Jun-2006, 08:44 PM
personally I'm hoping it'll be a TV show, or at least like a mini-series.

01-Jun-2006, 08:53 PM
personally I'm hoping it'll be a TV show, or at least like a mini-series.
I hate to say it, but,.....It's about time for GAR to move to TV. (Kinda like Stephen King did with Kingdom Hospital)....Hell, EVERYONE in the business knows who he is!........And, he knows what he wants on the screen.....

01-Jun-2006, 08:56 PM

01-Jun-2006, 08:57 PM
If its TV then it better be on a premium cable channel like HBO or Showtime. Even a channel as progressively daring as the FX Channel would balk at showing extreme gore and violence.

01-Jun-2006, 09:03 PM
If its TV then it better be on a premium cable channel like HBO or Showtime. Even a channel as progressively daring as the FX Channel would balk at showing extreme gore and violence.
GAR is not always about "gore and violence". That's what alot of people forget.

01-Jun-2006, 10:27 PM
GAR is not always about "gore and violence". That's what alot of people forget.

True, but its also that gore and violence that gives the scenes and story it's visceral impact that without it it might not have. I mean if you think about it, outside of Knight Riders, all of GAR's films have had some sort of extreme gore and/or violence to punctuate the story he's trying to tell. Sure, he 's not all about gore and violence, but then he uses them judiciously and to propel a story and theme.

If this project of his was a romantic drama that didn't involve zombie horror elements then gore would be abit much, but a title of Zombisodes pretty much says zombies and hard to think of a zombie entertainment product that didn't show abit of gore and violence.

01-Jun-2006, 10:29 PM
Oh, pleasepleasepleaseplease be picked up by a major cable channel.

Anyone else know anything about this?

Good find, by the way!

01-Jun-2006, 11:51 PM
I gotta agree with the above sentiment

great find man

rep point for you

02-Jun-2006, 12:03 AM
Adrenochrome great Signature man ...thats awesome !!!

02-Jun-2006, 12:14 AM
Mouth man, he creeps me out! :D

I thought you guys would like that article I found. I was excited when I found it. IMHO it is George's chance to bring legions of fan a series of zombie shows.

BTW you think this was a good find, check LOTD section I found some never before seen LOTD features

02-Jun-2006, 02:50 AM
I've been running that clip on my site on the "land extras" page for quite some time DJ. It's being redesigned currently but it's still available I've posted the link...
I also have the original trailer featuring the first three films in it as well as the "Gory Version"
Click Here (http://dead-central.com/LOTD_altTrailer.html) to view them but give it a few there's a lot of video to load on the page.

general tbag
02-Jun-2006, 03:16 AM
mayb it will be a zombie soap opera.........

i can see a one hour story . maybe a tv series or else small stories told threw the zombie universe. maybe it will answer some questions to, reguardless welcoming news, we will get more zombie type material from gar

02-Jun-2006, 04:28 AM
I cant wait to hear some more news on this. Very exciting in my book.

04-Jun-2006, 01:23 PM
I thought more people woul dbe excited about this. Kinda shocked I am to only see 13 replies.

general tbag
04-Jun-2006, 02:06 PM
I thought more people woul dbe excited about this. Kinda shocked I am to only see 13 replies.


04-Jun-2006, 04:30 PM
I thought more people woul dbe excited about this. Kinda shocked I am to only see 13 replies.

You gotta figure, alot of people were dissapointed with Land of the Dead because it didn't duplicate the DAWN remake or wasn't a sequel to it (insert "haha" right here :D )

I'm not at all surprised. There are probably split camps on this one. The people dissapointed with LAND. The people who don't want Romero to rush this. The people who are still unable to get over DAY.

Personally, despite how much I oppose rushing this, I'm still excited for it. Let's bring it! :cool:

As the big man himself would say, "I dig it. Dig it hard"

05-Jun-2006, 07:23 PM
according to horrormovies.ca the new project of romero is called "zombiesodes" :confused:

the whole news: http://www.horrormovies.ca/horror_5945.html

George Romeros Next Project Revealed!
Posted By : Goon, Thursday Jun,01, Via: Source
Filed Under : Zombisodes, Zombie,

Finally we hear some word about what Romero will be doing next. He has had his hand in everything from "From a Buick 8" to a sequel to Land of the Dead. But thanks to our sister site MoviesOnline we got the final word.

It appears that the King of Zombies will once again be bringing the undead to film in a new project called "Zombisodes". There is no word on what it will be. It could be a feature film, a TV show, or just something for the web. What we do know is that it will be shooting in Toronto sometime in July.

So keep it here because we will be bringing you more on this first

05-Jun-2006, 07:30 PM

Sounds a bit...rumorish at this stage...

I wouldn't get too excited until there's an official announcement....

05-Jun-2006, 07:50 PM
it sounds like a official proyect, they said that he is gonna shooting on july, but what the **** is "zombiesodes"? tv series?i would love to see another zombie movie!!

05-Jun-2006, 07:55 PM
I already covered this...

Cool, I merged em'. axlish

Pistolero Films
05-Jun-2006, 08:28 PM
The preproduction on the television series is underway, according to my source. Locations have been scouted and auditions are supposed to start at the end of this month. Filming to begin in July/August/Sept.

I doubt it will have a lot of gore, but certainly will be there.

05-Jun-2006, 08:29 PM
i hope thereīs nothingh to do with this:


05-Jun-2006, 09:27 PM
I thought more people woul dbe excited about this. Kinda shocked I am to only see 13 replies.

If you notice, none of the oldschooler's (except for zombie04, and no offense to the rest of you) have replied in this thread. It is due to a natural skepticism that has developed in every Romero fan over the years, especially since the dawn of the internet. Oh so many rumors over the years, and oh so many letdowns. This is still in effect as recently as the Masters of Horror series, not to even mention the multiple Stephen King projects and Diamond Dead.

If this is true, and it pans out, it sounds awesome. I'm sure everyone on this forum would give it a watch.

05-Jun-2006, 11:09 PM
i posted a thread talking about a new horror channel series called "DEAD". but i donīt know if romero has something to do with that. hereīs a "dawn of the dead 04" look alike trailer.

thatīs from www.dead-central.com:

We've been super swamped with re-writes & re-editing since the passing of Pat.

About DEAD:

DEAD is a show that takes place on day one of a world wide zombie plague.
Each episode follows a different main character through his day one experience. The reasons why I do this is because it enables me to:

A) Start off every story from the action packed "what you do if a zombie plague happened now" stand point.

B) Kill off any character then bring him back if I want to by having him interact with another main characters story line. Reason B being the major corner stone for the evolution of a much larger story involving everyone separate story's in one way or another.

Now the fantastic side benefit of these self contained Day#1 adventures is anyone could jump in at any episode and not be lost story-wise. But if they have been watching every episode they get to witness the evolution of a much larger story.

The problem I always had with television shows such as LOST or BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (both of which I am quite fond of) is that you couldn't just hop right in without knowing anything about it.
Many episodes and sometimes seasons of information were required to be able to fully appreciate what the hell was going on.

If not for me being sick one day and the Sci-Fi Channel running a Battlestar marathon, I would have never had the patience to sit down and watch an entire episode of any of the current installments. And even if I had I don't think I would have enjoyed it the same way I did with the back-story included.

As you know. Patrick C. Dwyer passed away. His story happened to be a major hub in a much larger story.

So re-writes and some fancy re-editing has quickly become the order of the day to help re-direct certain plot points through some of the other major characters.

--Zebediah Ysabel De Soto




16-Jun-2006, 06:47 PM
nobody knows nothing new??:confused:

16-Jun-2006, 06:49 PM
I thought more people woul dbe excited about this. Kinda shocked I am to only see 13 replies.

I'm just kind of waiting until more details and something official surfaces.

19-Jun-2006, 12:02 PM
I love Night of the living dead, and Dawn of the dead... Day of the dead was kinda rubbish... hell Romero even added in a background guitar solo while people were being eaten alive.

Land of the dead was worse still... I actually prefered watching Shaun of the dead, at least it was Shaun of the dead's intention to be funny.

To be honest... if it hadnt have been Romero who made the film... you guys would have probably dissmissed Land of the Dead for crap. Im not letting the fact that Romero made the flick, cloud my judgement that it was a very, very poor film. It really didnt do Night or Dawn any justice what so ever. Now he's doing... Zombiesodes?... The name itself lets it down before its even started.

19-Jun-2006, 12:27 PM
I love Night of the living dead, and Dawn of the dead... Day of the dead was kinda rubbish... hell Romero even added in a background guitar solo while people were being eaten alive.

Land of the dead was worse still... I actually prefered watching Shaun of the dead, at least it was Shaun of the dead's intention to be funny.

To be honest... if it hadnt have been Romero who made the film... you guys would have probably dissmissed Land of the Dead for crap. Im not letting the fact that Romero made the flick, cloud my judgement that it was a very, very poor film. It really didnt do Night or Dawn any justice what so ever. Now he's doing... Zombiesodes?... The name itself lets it down before its even started.

Heh heh.... This must be your first visit to these boards?;)

19-Jun-2006, 03:20 PM
I love Night of the living dead, and Dawn of the dead... Day of the dead was kinda rubbish... hell Romero even added in a background guitar solo while people were being eaten alive.

Land of the dead was worse still... I actually prefered watching Shaun of the dead, at least it was Shaun of the dead's intention to be funny.

To be honest... if it hadnt have been Romero who made the film... you guys would have probably dissmissed Land of the Dead for crap. Im not letting the fact that Romero made the flick, cloud my judgement that it was a very, very poor film. It really didnt do Night or Dawn any justice what so ever. Now he's doing... Zombiesodes?... The name itself lets it down before its even started.

I couldn't agree more. I appreciate your honesty.

19-Jun-2006, 04:07 PM
I couldn't agree more. I appreciate your honesty.

You're right....that was a nice display of honesty. But he also has to remember that some of us like it because we actually like it. Regardless of whether or not it's Romero's.

Me? I enjoy it. Even if some random Joe was the writer/director, I would have found it to be an entertaining flick.

Does it have flaws? You bet....but what film doesn't?

Could it have been better? Yes sir.

It all comes back to opinion. Everyone has a difference in opinion. I'm sure you're right about the "Romero Lovers" out there, but it doesn't apply to everyone that enjoys the flick.

19-Jun-2006, 04:24 PM
Let's hope that whatever it is the final title wont be 'zombisodes'!
Could be anything from tv to feature film the article said. Here's hoping that it's a film, perhaps Land2 (fingers crossed)

Some of us did indeed like Land. Perhaps it was a bit too 'Mad Max-ian' for some (i.e. more of an action film than a straight horror film) but I enjoyed the hell out of it. Same with 'Day'. That doesn't mean i like everything the man does; Bruiser wasn't that good come to think of it, ... but still way better than Yawn of the dead '04.
And yeah, Shaun was probably the best thing to come out of Britain since Monty.

20-Jun-2006, 09:14 AM
If you notice, none of the oldschooler's (except for zombie04, and no offense to the rest of you) have replied in this thread. It is due to a natural skepticism that has developed in every Romero fan over the years, especially since the dawn of the internet.

aye ,exactly why i havent said owt till now...i think. theres so many rumors like "did you hear the rocks gonna play the teacher in battle royales remake?"

when we all know it should be someone like the dude who played agent smith in the matrix.:D

i dont think much of rumors ,getting back on topic, as there very rarely ture, especially since we are all gossip hounds, no matter how hard we act not to be.

i gotta say i dont think the whole epic "zombie evolution" could be done with enough finnesse to fit into a hbo syle series and probly end up with a lame ,easily predictable /zany cliff hanger ala lost.

id much prefer a series based on the walking dead.

I love Night of the living dead, and Dawn of the dead... Day of the dead was kinda rubbish... hell Romero even added in a background guitar solo while people were being eaten alive.

Land of the dead was worse still... I actually prefered watching Shaun of the dead, at least it was Shaun of the dead's intention to be funny.

To be honest... if it hadnt have been Romero who made the film... you guys would have probably dissmissed Land of the Dead for crap. Im not letting the fact that Romero made the flick, cloud my judgement that it was a very, very poor film. It really didnt do Night or Dawn any justice what so ever. Now he's doing... Zombiesodes?... The name itself lets it down before its even started.

very true, i like land, now ive finally seen it bout two weeks ago but yeah i dont think its in the same league as dead or dawn, but maybe thats proof that films made in hollywood with a big budget lose some of the heart and soul the writers and directors try to put into them, id rather see romero do another vampire film.

in fact id like to see him do the rumored sequel to an interview with a vampire that isnt that lame ass queen of the damned stuff.