View Full Version : Favorite Quotes from The Dead series?

26-Feb-2010, 02:16 PM
Saw this as clanglee's footer, this might be my favorite from the one legged preacher in Dawn:

"When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

26-Feb-2010, 02:30 PM
Nah..it's gotta be Rhodes in Day:

(say it with me)


26-Feb-2010, 03:45 PM
They're coming to get you, Barbara! - NOTLD

Fran: Spam!
Roger: You bring a can opener?
Fran: No, I guess I didn't
Roger: Then don't knock it, it's got it's own key. - DAWN

Dr. Logan: That's right, Bub! Say hello to your Aunt Alicia! Say, "Hello, Aunt Alicia!" "Hello!"
Bub: A-... a-... alloooooleeeeesha! - DAY

26-Feb-2010, 04:16 PM
"Our responsibility is finished" - Cameraman, Dawn

I like to use this quote at work when something is going down the crapper but it is out of our direct control. Invariably people respond with, "Oh, good, then I don't need to worry about it," even though they really ought to be very worried about it. I get an inside chuckle every time thinking of the parallels to the Dawn descent of civilization where no one would take responsibility for a situation that doomed everyone.

26-Feb-2010, 04:35 PM
"Shattaproof, asshole!!"

26-Feb-2010, 05:20 PM
Eh, instead of posting regular ol' quotes, here's my favorite FUNNY quotes...

DAWN: Tie: "You never know..." and "I see you, Chocolate Man!" (I always got a kick out of this, I never understood if it was really a 'racial slur' or what, but it's funny).

DAY: "BANG! You're dead!" (I laugh every time I hear it).

NOTLD '90: "Help us get some of this damn shit done!" (Kudos for using "damn" as a modifier for "shit" -- because it's far cooler to say this than just getting regular shit done).

I can't really include the original NOTLD 'cause I can't really think of any overly funny statements in it that crack me up...


26-Feb-2010, 05:31 PM
I can't really include the original NOTLD 'cause I can't really think of any overly funny statements in it that crack me up...

"It is tough for the kid, that her old man is so stupid."

Coupled with Cooper just standing there unable to do a damn thing about Ben insulting him like that, this is one of the funniest spots.

26-Feb-2010, 06:21 PM
"we got this by the ass!"

i use that one quite a bit on xboxlive when my team's about to win in mw2.

either that one or "we whipped 'em and we got it ALL!"

Ghost Of War
26-Feb-2010, 07:03 PM
"Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills! The people it kills get up and kill!" - Dr. Foster, Dawn

"One stop shopping, everything you need, right at your fingertips." - Roger, Dawn

"You want me to salute that pile of walking pus? Salute my ass!" - Rhodes, Day

"Get its head up. Get its head up. Roger, get its head up, man! " - Peter, Dawn

Rancid Carcass
26-Feb-2010, 07:26 PM
Dummieeeeees! Dummieeeees! Dummieeeees!

Basically anything said by Dr. Rausch is pure gold in my book.

26-Feb-2010, 08:10 PM
"It is tough for the kid, that her old man is so stupid."

Coupled with Cooper just standing there unable to do a damn thing about Ben insulting him like that, this is one of the funniest spots.

Groundbreaking at the time for GAR to cast a black man in the lead role, superior in every way to his white nemesis.

26-Feb-2010, 08:20 PM
"we got this by the ass!"

I agree! Best line ever.

26-Feb-2010, 08:40 PM
"is that FOOD enough for you?!"

that line always cracks me up.

26-Feb-2010, 08:44 PM
Another Dr Rausch quote that really nails the entire situation for me.

"This is down to the line, folks, this is down to the line. There can be no more divisions among the living!"

As for "We got this by the ass", it's second only to Rhodes and his "Monkey farm" tirade.


26-Feb-2010, 09:34 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned one of my favorite Rhodes quotes:

"This isn't a field trip people, it's a f***ing war!"

(I probably would have been the smart-ass that turned around to him and said: "Hey, field trip, where are we taking a field trip to?")


26-Feb-2010, 09:47 PM
"yeah, well it can all be taken apart in a matter of minutes lady. i'm here to tell you that i'm ready to do that little thing. i'm ready to take the next train outta here!"

"This is a great, big, 14 mile tombstone with an epitaph on it that nobody gonna bother to read. now, here you come. here you come with a whole new set of charts and graphs and records. what you gonna do? bury them down here with all the other relics of what... once... was?"

i have always dug the interchange between john & sarah. what john says in that scene hits at the heart of the desperation, loss, frustration, and pointlessness of their entire situation.

26-Feb-2010, 10:25 PM
Can't think of one for Night. That'll be filled to the brim from Jim, better known as Dube.

From Dawn

Roger and Peter inside JCPenny's.

Peter: All right, let's go brother. The old okee-doke.
Roger: Okay.
Peter: Alright.
Roger: Hey, hey ugly.
Peter: Let's raise some hell.
Hey, hey, hey.
Comer here chump. Come here.

Roger/Peter: Come on over here. Hey, hey, hey.
Peter: Just give it time. Give it time.

From Land

Slack: You wanna go up the hill right?
Riley: Yes, I wanna go up the hill.
Slack: Well, let's go up the hill.

As for Day, id be part o my signature below mon.

Don't have one yet for Diary.

26-Feb-2010, 10:27 PM
Apart from the most obvious, Barbra, I'll go with Kaufman: "In a world where the dead are returning to life, the word "trouble" loses much of its meaning."

26-Feb-2010, 10:40 PM
Dawn - Wooley's gone ape-shit man!


Pillsbury: [Motown is hot-wiring a car] Yellow to red!
Motown: What the fuck does a Samoan know about hot-wiring a fucking car?
Pillsbury: 50,000 cars stolen in Samoa every year.
Motown: Well, a million in Detroit.
Pillsbury: Detroit has 50 million cars. Samoa, 50,000. Every one stolen.

26-Feb-2010, 11:50 PM
This thread is great!!

Steel was priceless in Day:



27-Feb-2010, 12:45 AM

Reporter: Are they slow-moving, chief?
Police Chief: Yeah, they're dead. They're . . . all messed up.


When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth.

Rancid Carcass
27-Feb-2010, 01:10 AM
Before I forget. My favourite Day quote:

John: I’ll set us down, but I won’t leave my seat and I’ll keep the engine running. Now, the first sign of trouble I’m going up. If you ain’t on board when that happens, you’re likely to have a lousy afternoon...

27-Feb-2010, 01:19 AM
Ben (Night): The cellar's a deathtrap!

Peter (Dawn): You ain't just in here by yourself, boy.

Big Daddy (Land): GHAAAAAAAA!!! - you knew someone had to do it, eventually.

27-Feb-2010, 02:56 PM
Big Daddy (Land): GHAAAAAAAA!!! - you knew someone had to do it, eventually.

LOL. Classic. I also like the HELLLLLLOOOOOOO from Day.

27-Feb-2010, 02:59 PM
Land: "Zombies, man...they creep me out."

28-Feb-2010, 06:45 AM
I know it is anethma here, but my wife mentioned this one from Diary:

"Amish - No Car"

---------- Post added at 11:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 PM ----------

Ben (Night): The cellar's a deathtrap!

Peter (Dawn): You ain't just in here by yourself, boy.


28-Feb-2010, 08:10 AM
In the basement of this building you will find them. I have given them the last rites, now, you do what you will. You are stronger than us, but soon I think, they be stronger than you. When the dead walk señores, we must stop the killing or lose the war.

John: We don't believe in what you're doing here, Sarah. Hey, you know what they keep down here in this cave? Man, they got the books and the records of the top 100 companies. They got the Defense Department budget down here. And they got the negatives for all your favorite movies. They got microfilm with tax return and newspaper stories. They got immigration records, census reports, and they got the accounts of all the wars and plane crashes and volcano eruptions and earthquakes and fires and floods and all the other disasters that interrupted the flow of things in the good ole U.S. of A. Now what does it matter, Sarah darling? All this filing and record keeping? We ever gonna give a shit? We even gonna get a chance to see it all?
John: This is a great, big, 14 mile *tombstone*!
["tombstone" echoes with distant moaning]
John: With an epitaph on it that nobody gonna bother to read. Now, here you come. Here you come with a whole new set of charts and graphs and records. What you gonna do? Bury them down here with all the other relics of what... once... was? Let me tell you what else. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you what else. You ain't never gonna figure it out, just like they never figured out why the stars are where they're at. It ain't mankind's job to figure that stuff out. So what you're doing is a waste of time, Sarah. And time is all we got left, you know.
Sarah: What I'm doing... is all there's left to do.
John: Shame on you. There's plenty to do. Plenty to do, so long as there's you and me and maybe some other people. We could start over, start fresh, get some babies...
John: and teach 'em, Sarah, teach 'em never to come over here and *dig these records out*.

01-Mar-2010, 01:31 PM
Nah..it's gotta be Rhodes in Day:

(say it with me)


Mmmmm...mine too. :D

-- -------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ----------

Eh, instead of posting regular ol' quotes, here's my favorite FUNNY quotes...
"I see you, Chocolate Man!" (I always got a kick out of this, I never understood if it was really a 'racial slur' or what, but it's funny).

It's "I see you...Chopper man".

He's refering to the helicopter on the roof.

01-Mar-2010, 01:43 PM
It's "I see you...Chopper man".

He's refering to the helicopter on the roof.

Really? On both my old VHS tape and my DVD, Blades clearly says, "I see you chocolate man."

01-Mar-2010, 02:07 PM
Dawn - Wooley's gone ape-shit man!

I like that one :lol: Dawn actually has a lot of great quotes.


01-Mar-2010, 06:43 PM
Really? On both my old VHS tape and my DVD, Blades clearly says, "I see you chocolate man."

Ditto. I make it out as "chocolate man". Although, "I see you chopper man" would make a whole lot more logical sense even though it would be far less funny.


Ghost Of War
01-Mar-2010, 06:50 PM
I'm sure on one of the commentaries on the Ultimate Dawn set, they talk about the "Chocolate Man" line. I seem to remember Savini saying that it just popped into his head and he said it. Been a while since I watched Dawn with the commentary on, so I could be wrong.

01-Mar-2010, 08:14 PM
I'm totally drawing a blank here. When do we hear "chocolate man" in Dawn? (extra credit for screenshots with red circles)

darth los
01-Mar-2010, 08:27 PM
I'm totally drawing a blank here. When do we hear "chocolate man" in Dawn? (extra credit for screenshots with red circles)

During the raid, When Blades chases Peter down the darkened hallway. Peter disapears into the shaft and Blades utters the infamous quote.


01-Mar-2010, 08:37 PM
There was only quote in this entire thread that I did not recognize, which was the one about "shatta proof". I have no idea what that is from.
As for the "chocolate man" line, yes Savini most definitely say's "chocolate man" - he does not say "chopper man". Savini talks about that line on one of the three different commentaries he has done for Dawn of the Dead. He did one on the old Elite laser disc with Romero, one on a R2 dvd with Chris Stavrakis, and one for the Anchor Bay dvd with Mr. & Mrs. Romero. He mentions the line on at least one of those .

01-Mar-2010, 11:38 PM
There was only quote in this entire thread that I did not recognize, which was the one about "shatta proof". I have no idea what that is from.

The Dawn remake, when some zombies are banging on some glass doors in the mall.

02-Mar-2010, 12:07 AM
The Dawn remake, when some zombies are banging on some glass doors in the mall.

Well, then that's not really a quote from the Dead series then. That explains why it didn't ring a bell. I've seen the remake twice and there isn't one memorable line or scene from that picture. I take that back - the opening credit sequence w/ the Johnny Cash song was well done.

02-Mar-2010, 01:55 AM
Sad to say, but one of my favorite lines. . .(aside from the one in my sig). . is from Land.

"Good shooting Charlie, there's no such thing as 'nice' shooting."

02-Mar-2010, 03:02 PM
"I see you chocolate man"

Hilarious. If it was meant to be a racial comment (and I can see no other sensible context) it is one of the lamest attacks ever. I mean, chocolate is yummy and sweet - universally loved.

Sad to say, but one of my favorite lines. . .(aside from the one in my sig). . is from Land.

"Good shooting Charlie, there's no such thing as 'nice' shooting."
Land had tons of great lines.

Kaufman - "In a world where the dead are returning to life 'trouble' loses much of its meaning."
Riley - "That happened to my brother."
Charlie (regarding bullets) - "I don't normally need that many."

03-Mar-2010, 12:34 AM
Really? On both my old VHS tape and my DVD, Blades clearly says, "I see you chocolate man."

I had a Dutch uncut version and the subs were "I see you!...chopper man".

I'll have to check out the version I own now.


......Well, what do you know! I checked the "ultimate edition" DVD's and he does seem to say "Chocolate man". There's no subs though, so I can't confirm.

03-Mar-2010, 05:14 AM
I had a Dutch uncut version and the subs were "I see you!...chopper man".

I'll have to check out the version I own now.


......Well, what do you know! I checked the "ultimate edition" DVD's and he does seem to say "Chocolate man". There's no subs though, so I can't confirm.

Methinks the Dutch were trying to be PC.

03-Mar-2010, 09:41 PM
The Dutch? PC?

Have you been to Holland?


04-Mar-2010, 05:02 AM
The Dutch? PC?

Have you been to Holland?


No, thankfully. :lol:

07-Mar-2010, 05:38 PM
Roger~ Perfect Baby, perfect

Franny~You're hypnotized by this place, all of you. It's so bright and neatly wrapped
you don't see that it's a prizon too.

Stephen: Holy Sh***

Peter~We're going to try brother, we ain't doing this for the exercise so we might as get what we can.

Barbara~ You won't be able to start it, Johnny has the keys.
Cooper~ These people are insane, they're insane.
Johnny~ They're coming to get you Barbara

fulci fan
08-Mar-2010, 12:10 PM
The only person who could miss with gun would be the sucker with the bread to buy it.:rolleyes:

10-Mar-2010, 07:34 PM
I look forward to the day I enter a house with a cellar, and the owner consequentially declares, "I need to go get something from the cellar.." so I can dive on top of them yelling, "THE CELLAR IS A DEATH TRAP!!!!"

After a small moment of confusion, I will get off them again and give them an evil glare, but I'll never elaborate. They'll ask me why the cellar is a death trap a couple of times, but I won't respond. Finally, as they realize I'm not responding and they make their way to the cellar, I'll dive on them again and yell it again.

Repeat until I get punched in the face, of course.

darth los
10-Mar-2010, 07:45 PM

Would you then show them the movie so that they won't drive themselves crazy thinking about what the hell it is you are going on about before they have you connitted?


10-Mar-2010, 07:48 PM
Hahah, I'm not quite sure. I mean I have a toss-up now, have them forever fearing their new-found death-trap right in their homes for reasons they don't know, or show them the film and consequentially decide never to talk to me again for harrassing them with a measly film quote!