View Full Version : Zombie Wars?

28-Feb-2010, 02:31 AM
What a fucking joke this movie is. I literally turned it off after 10 minutes. The zombies growled like Lions. They somehow enslaved and dominated humans even though they had no tools or weapons to speak of. They had been dead for 50 years. And there was a cheesy line before every head shot.

Maybe I shouldn't be so uptight, but GAR treated the genre he created with such seriousness and respect this drivel pisses me off.

28-Feb-2010, 02:39 AM
I have never even heard of it. I stay away from almost everything that isn't worthy of widespread theatrical release.

28-Feb-2010, 02:52 AM
I have never even heard of it. I stay away from almost everything that isn't worthy of widespread theatrical release.

Good idea. Very good idea.

28-Feb-2010, 04:06 AM

thats the link for review and trailer looks stupid as hell

05-Mar-2010, 03:01 PM
I find it hard a s a fan of zombie movies. There is a conflict. On one hand I want to enjoy as many zombie films as possible, and I am always on the look out for new viewing/reading. Sadly however there is a large portion of the genre that is not worth watching at all and you can assume that or you can give it a chance and find out for sure.

Being a fan I try to watch it all and it just leads to a lot of frustration. Sometimes though you find a gem, or something that is so bad you can just laugh at it and it makes it less painful.

05-Mar-2010, 03:15 PM
I have never even heard of it. I stay away from almost everything that isn't worthy of widespread theatrical release.

There are a lot of good movies that don't get theatrical release, and plenty of movies that do get theatrical releases that suck. The factor that decides whether a movie gets into cinemas or not isn't quality, but money. Certainly a lot of filmmakers can't get money and theatrical distribution because they suck, or deliberately produce poor-quality mass-produced DTV fare in order to make a quick buck (e.g. The Asylum) so a higher percentage of straight to video movies are of poor quality, but there are always a few diamonds in the rough.

I Sell the Dead, for example. I actually saw it at a film festival but it ended up going direct to video. It was a fantastic, highly imaginative and slickly-made horror film starring Larry Fessenden (Session 9), Dominic Monaghan (Lost, Wolverine), Ron Perlman (Hellboy) and Angus Scrimm (Phantasm), made by a director struggling without the backing of a big studio. I seriously recommend that film.

05-Mar-2010, 03:39 PM
What a fucking joke this movie is. I literally turned it off after 10 minutes. The zombies growled like Lions. They somehow enslaved and dominated humans even though they had no tools or weapons to speak of. They had been dead for 50 years. And there was a cheesy line before every head shot.

Maybe I shouldn't be so uptight, but GAR treated the genre he created with such seriousness and respect this drivel pisses me off.

where you get it from. i got it from netflix and your right. it was worse than children of the dead and thats saying a lot. lol. i tried watched it thru to the end but fell asleep.

05-Mar-2010, 04:57 PM
where you get it from. i got it from netflix and your right. it was worse than children of the dead and thats saying a lot. lol. i tried watched it thru to the end but fell asleep.

I got it from Netflix too! Luckily it was a direct dl to my blue ray so I didn't waste valuable time with that piece of crap going through the mail.

14-Mar-2010, 12:43 PM
There are a lot of good movies that don't get theatrical release, and plenty of movies that do get theatrical releases that suck. The factor that decides whether a movie gets into cinemas or not isn't quality, but money. Certainly a lot of filmmakers can't get money and theatrical distribution because they suck, or deliberately produce poor-quality mass-produced DTV fare in order to make a quick buck (e.g. The Asylum) so a higher percentage of straight to video movies are of poor quality, but there are always a few diamonds in the rough.

I Sell the Dead, for example. I actually saw it at a film festival but it ended up going direct to video. It was a fantastic, highly imaginative and slickly-made horror film starring Larry Fessenden (Session 9), Dominic Monaghan (Lost, Wolverine), Ron Perlman (Hellboy) and Angus Scrimm (Phantasm), made by a director struggling without the backing of a big studio. I seriously recommend that film.

I agree with everything you said, including bigging up the awesome I Sell The Dead.

I guess people just need to sharpen up their "Bullshit detectors" in regards to which films they watch. People who watch a film called Zombie Wars are the same people watching Killer Shark Vs Giant Octopus and are why these materpieces are still being made.

14-Mar-2010, 11:19 PM
I agree with everything you said, including bigging up the awesome I Sell The Dead.

I guess people just need to sharpen up their "Bullshit detectors" in regards to which films they watch. People who watch a film called Zombie Wars are the same people watching Killer Shark Vs Giant Octopus and are why these materpieces are still being made.

Mega Shark Vs Giant Octopus was film making genius! If it weren't for this gem I would never have seen a Mage Shark breach the oceans to take down a 747! Nor would I have seen a Giant Octopus take out a pack of Nuclear Subs! I also would not have seen the same shot of Mega Shark swimming towards a Navy Battleship... again... again... and again... oh, and again. Film making excellence. I can't wait for a sequel. Mega Shark V Giant Octopus V Mutant Turd Monster.

How are you doing Paul, my young proddy pal?

15-Mar-2010, 02:01 AM
it was worse than children of the dead and thats saying a lot. lol.

For the last time, COTLD was quality! It gets a bum rap!