View Full Version : Has "Zero Tolerance" in schools gone too far?

02-Mar-2010, 01:03 PM
I would say so...

Link: http://www.wave3.com/Global/story.asp?S=12047295

Ok, so lemme get this straight. The girl was in the bathroom at school and someone came in and handed her a pill (Aderall, used for ADHD) - she said "no way" and gave it back - yet now is going to get suspended for touching the pill? Even though she said "no" and gave it back!?

That's a great idea. Good job, River Valley Middle School - teach kids that saying "no" is bad.

How goddamn stupid are these people?! I mean, who really made this judgement call and thought it was a good decision??

Edited to add: Their Student Handbook (http://www.gcs.k12.in.us/content.asp?q_areaprimaryid=4&q_areasecondaryid=16) (pdf) has lots of rules, but oddly, no mention of expulsion for "drug touching."

It's also interesting to note that the two main goals of the school are not to impart knowledge and wisdom, but to ensure the students "pass tests."

02-Mar-2010, 01:59 PM
It's also interesting to note that the two main goals of the school are not to impart knowledge and wisdom, but to ensure the students "pass tests."

This is unfortunately the way the gimp-ass system currently works and will probably continue to be the case till not one but all parties involved in shaping policy--parents; local, state & national government; teachers & their unions--take responsibility, stop the grab-ass, no-finger-pointing bullshit and look a little past their own short-term bottom lines. It'll take a holistic, across the board approach.

What are the chances of that happening anytime soon? :(

02-Mar-2010, 03:16 PM
The chances of that happening?? Nil.

I find it completely appalling, but this is what our public school systems have come to, thanks to the "politically correct" fools out there.

...and people wonder why I bust my ass to put my kid through private school. Not that it's that much better, but I'm glad he doesn't have to put up with crap like this.

darth los
02-Mar-2010, 04:37 PM
The chances of that happening?? Nil.

I find it completely appalling, but this is what our public school systems have come to, thanks to the "politically correct" fools out there.

...and people wonder why I bust my ass to put my kid through private school. Not that it's that much better, but I'm glad he doesn't have to put up with crap like this.

For those who can afford it that's definitely the way to go.

So let's see. On one end we have an education system that doesn't actually educate children by having them engage in critical thinking, but teaching to tests so that their graduation and promotion rates are higher.

Side note: Is there anything in this country NOT tied to money for christ's sake !?!

But anyway. On the other end you have a child welfare system that doesn't let parents parent. Put those two together and it's no wonder the youth of today are what they are.


02-Mar-2010, 04:39 PM
Indeed. Seems like all public schools care about is the no-child-left-behind... it's so messed up. Drug touching? Well... I can see why there'd be concern, but suspension is completely uncalled for. Damn... Used to be schools were about teaching kids, now it seems more like they just program them to be able to pass whatever standardized test shoots down the pipe that semester. It really needs an overhaul... I weep for the youth of tomorrow and today.

02-Mar-2010, 07:11 PM
Best education I have received besides college was a private school during the 1st and 2nd grade. When I attended public school in the 3rd grade I was almost 2 years ahead of everyone else. High school did not prepare me for college and I nearly flunked out my freshman year along with a lot of other peope, including honor students.

As for this case, I hope they sue the school and get Bell fired. This could have been avoided if this dumbass used some intelligence or common sense. The girl did the right thing. She did what was told by pretty much most of us in school with the D.A.R.E OR C.H.I.C.K.E.N program. It was in her hands. So what? Maybe she did not know what it was at first, until examining the pill. It was not in her possession when confronted and she did not doing anything wrong.

02-Mar-2010, 07:30 PM
The girl did the right thing. She did what was told by pretty much most of us in school with the D.A.R.E OR C.H.I.C.K.E.N program.

Exactly, and I think that's was pisses me off most about this. She did what she was taught to do - just say no - and now look at what's happening to her. Unreal....

darth los
03-Mar-2010, 03:24 PM
This seems like the sort of scenario where a dumb ass decision is made by the tone deaf higher ups and when the story blows up and citizens actually start paying attention to it, heads roll.

There has to be an update to this story ammending this because it just defies common sense. Then again, we are in America, So ya...
