View Full Version : Dawn of the Dead 2!

02-Jun-2006, 06:08 AM
Im shocked this wasnt posted before. I found this on http://horrorchannel.co.uk/news.php

"A sequel to the triumphant 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead has been announced. Details are sketchy and plot details a closely guarded secret but one thing is for sure, this will follow from Dawn and will not be a remake of Day of the Dead, as there is one in production already"

Dont know if its true or not, but theres the news. Didnt we just hear there wasnt going to be another one? lol

02-Jun-2006, 06:28 AM
I hope it isnt true. Just another crap movie that will make money due to its title....which is why they would do it.

02-Jun-2006, 09:47 AM
ive heard tons of rumors about this, some on this very forum i think, but no matter how bad it is ill still probably see it cus it cant be as bad as vampires vs. zombies, and to quote novak "i wouldnt have it any other way".

02-Jun-2006, 09:51 AM
This is awesome news. I was hoping they would do a sequel to DAWN of the DEAD (2004). Good find.

02-Jun-2006, 01:02 PM
28 more dawns later, great :rolleyes:

like i said with the dawn remake on another forum, i have a riot squad ready if this movie tarnishes the good name of the original dawn :sneaky: :elol: :D

02-Jun-2006, 01:54 PM
28 more dawns later, great :rolleyes:

:lol: That's a good one. More possible names:

"Dawn 2: Cruise Control"
"Dawn 2: Electric Boogaloo"
"Dawn 2: Full Throttle"
"Dawn 2: The Island of Lost Speed"
"Dawn 2: The Curse of the Black Track Atheletes"
"Dawn 2: The Rise of the Speed Demons"
"Dawn 2: The Search For Speed"

02-Jun-2006, 02:03 PM
or they could pull a spaceballs.

Dawn of the Dead 3: The search for DAWN of the DEAD 2

I know most of you hate it, but I am so looking forward to this being made. I simply cannot wait. I hope you guys have some faith. I just hope they bring back Ving and Sarah and not the kid and the girl. I hope they got eaten alive when they were slammed by the zombies. :D

02-Jun-2006, 02:06 PM
or they could pull a spaceballs.

Dawn of the Dead 3: The search for DAWN of the DEAD 2

I know most of you hate it, but I am so looking forward to this being made. I simply cannot wait. I hope you guys have some faith. I just hope they bring back Ving and Sarah and not the kid and the girl. I hope they got eaten alive when they were slammed by the zombies. :D

I'm with you 100%, this is awesome news!

02-Jun-2006, 02:15 PM
or they could pull a spaceballs.

Dawn of the Dead 3: The search for DAWN of the DEAD 2

I know most of you hate it, but I am so looking forward to this being made. I simply cannot wait. I hope you guys have some faith. I just hope they bring back Ving and Sarah and not the kid and the girl. I hope they got eaten alive when they were slammed by the zombies. :D

I'll go see it, no doubt. I won't be expecting much, though. Just another thoughtless summer flick, I guess...

I read that Snyder doesn't want to do it, so hopefully they'll get someone alittle more....well, better to do it.:p

02-Jun-2006, 02:35 PM
Better than Snyder? For this kind of film, how can you find someone better than Snyder?

Dawn 04 wasn't about characters or plot. It was about action and zombies. This one will be too! And Snyder, while definetly not a master director, made a sleak and catchy adventure film out of a completly horrible script.

I'm looking forward to this film, and I'll know what to expect this time: Pure non-stop zombie action with little to no analysing.

02-Jun-2006, 02:39 PM
I hope Snyder does it. I really think he can make another great entertaining flick out of it. Hell I could think of tons of possible plots and even reference the original Day script.

02-Jun-2006, 02:42 PM
:lol: That's a good one. More possible names:

"Dawn 2: Cruise Control"
"Dawn 2: Electric Boogaloo"
"Dawn 2: Full Throttle"
"Dawn 2: The Island of Lost Speed"
"Dawn 2: The Curse of the Black Track Atheletes"
"Dawn 2: The Rise of the Speed Demons"
"Dawn 2: The Search For Speed"
Man, you owe me three pairs of jeans,....I p*ssed them all reading this. :D

you forgot one: Dawn 2: Keanu and Sandra, Reaching for Glory

02-Jun-2006, 02:49 PM
I'm looking forward to this film, and I'll know what to expect this time: Pure non-stop zombie action with little to no analysing.

To me, that's what sucks about the first....

Like I said, though.....I'll be there opening weekend, I'm sure.

02-Jun-2006, 03:12 PM
This is great news if it is true. More possible titles.

Dawn of the Dead 2: Final Sprint
Dawn of the Dead 2: Full Stride

Bring on Zach Snyder, Ving and the fellas and lets rock once again. Seriously, I want to have a good time at the theatre again!

02-Jun-2006, 03:14 PM
This is great news if it is true. More possible titles.

Dawn of the Dead 2: Final Sprint
Dawn of the Dead 2: Full Stride

Bring on Zach Snyder, Ving and the fellas and lets rock once again. Seriously, I want to have a good time at the theatre again!
Oh my...
Hack Snyder and Ving Hasbeen....

Bald of the Talentless Dead

02-Jun-2006, 03:43 PM
Hey hey Hey Hey hey... Hold on. Ving is not a has been. He really is categorized as a Never was. :p All kidding aside Ving is a great actor, he just chooses the wrong roles.

As far as Zack, He is not a hack. a hack by movie definition would be John Russo.


are far worse than DAWN 2004

02-Jun-2006, 04:00 PM
Hey hey Hey Hey hey... Hold on. Ving is not a has been. He really is categorized as a Never was. :p All kidding aside Ving is a great actor, he just chooses the wrong roles.

As far as Zack, He is not a hack. a hack by movie definition would be John Russo.


are far worse than DAWN 2004
Have you seen Animal??? AWFULL!!!!!

and yes, Hack Snyder IS a "hack". IMHO

02-Jun-2006, 04:09 PM
You guys need to lay off of Rhames....

You don't want to end up like Tony Rockahara, do ya?

"I'm the foot f*cking masta"

general tbag
02-Jun-2006, 04:11 PM
dawn had it good things and bad things, it gonna be interesting with another director/vision. also the part about the new day already being in production, any other news you guys have about that.....

02-Jun-2006, 04:13 PM
You guys need to lay off of Rhames....

You don't want to end up like Tony Rockahara, do ya?

"I'm the foot f*cking masta"
You have to admit, Animal was AWFUL!!!!!

02-Jun-2006, 04:22 PM
You guys need to lay off of Rhames....

You don't want to end up like Tony Rockahara, do ya?

"I'm the foot f*cking masta"

Hahahaha. "Would you ever give a man a foot massage?"

02-Jun-2006, 04:22 PM
You have to admit, Animal was AWFUL!!!!!

I don't believe I've seen that one.

He has had some decent roles, though.

I thought his character, "Shad" on "Striptease" was hilarious. His supporting role in the "Mission Impossible" films was handled well. "Dave" , "Out of Sight" were some other good ones.

After all....He's Marsellus F*cking Wallace, man!:D

02-Jun-2006, 04:32 PM
*groans and sighs for about eight years*

I hope this is just bullsh*t, there's no need for another one of those flicks. The script for Yawn04 was just hideous and had no meaning to it, and it was yet - another - beginning - of - the - plague - movie.

Another reason I loved "Land", it was a long way down the track of the plague itself, none of that crap with yet more idiots discovering you have to shoot them in the head and running away saying "what are they?" and "she's not dead, she's my mother!" or similar.

However, Shaun of the Dead did it properly, it wasn't even a plague though, it was "Z-Day", which is different, and it was done in a completely differen way.

I'll shut up now, Dj, calm it. :p

02-Jun-2006, 05:06 PM
If it turns out to be real info, then I am kind of happy about it.

Guru ofthe Dead
02-Jun-2006, 06:18 PM
Ok I know what the plot of the sequel is. The remaining characters from the first movie kill the dead on the island and start to explore. They find two helicopters. The next thing they find is a young man in is late twenties. This cat takes them to a spot on the island where a small compound has been erected. Next you find that the remaining characters from the original Dawn and Day are their. The ending is where Peter from the original Dawn kill the new arrivals and tells them don't you dare re-make my movie or produce a sequel to it BIATCH!!!!!!!!:cool: :D

general tbag
02-Jun-2006, 06:42 PM
Ok I know what the plot of the sequel is. The remaining characters from the first movie kill the dead on the island and start to explore. They find two helicopters. The next thing they find is a young man in is late twenties. This cat takes them to a spot on the island where a small compound has been erected. Next you find that the remaining characters from the original Dawn and Day are their. The ending is where Peter from the original Dawn kill the new arrivals and tells them don't you dare re-make my movie or produce a sequel to it BIATCH!!!!!!!!:cool: :D

u forgot roger tbags them all to

02-Jun-2006, 06:42 PM
Ok I know what the plot of the sequel is. The remaining characters from the first movie kill the dead on the island and start to explore. They find two helicopters. The next thing they find is a young man in is late twenties. This cat takes them to a spot on the island where a small compound has been erected. Next you find that the remaining characters from the original Dawn and Day are their. The ending is where Peter from the original Dawn kill the new arrivals and tells them don't you dare re-make my movie or produce a sequel to it BIATCH!!!!!!!!:cool: :D

:lol: I'll definitely like the film if that's the conclusion.

02-Jun-2006, 06:57 PM
I'm all for a sequel as I thought the first one was an excellent film. But has this really and truly been announced? I can't find news of it ANYWHERE except that link above... I do hope it's true though.

I also hope they film it here in Vancouver so I can be a zombie. Hell, every other Hollywood film is filmed here so why do they only film zombie movies in Toronto?

02-Jun-2006, 07:50 PM
I hope they call it "Dawn of the Dead 2" ... then we can laugh at it for having such a stupid title name :lol:

general tbag
02-Jun-2006, 08:29 PM
I hope they call it "Dawn of the Dead 2" ... then we can laugh at it for having such a stupid title name :lol:

in the mtv age u have to have a number for the sequel. mtv fried alot of peoples brains. wont suprise me if it did have a 2 in it.

02-Jun-2006, 09:06 PM
I'm all for a sequel as I thought the first one was an excellent film. But has this really and truly been announced? I can't find news of it ANYWHERE except that link above... I do hope it's true though.

I also hope they film it here in Vancouver so I can be a zombie. Hell, every other Hollywood film is filmed here so why do they only film zombie movies in Toronto?
HLS??? is that you?

03-Jun-2006, 12:12 AM
I, for one, would like to see what happened after they got to the island.

"Dawn of the Dead 2: Marina of the Dead"

03-Jun-2006, 12:18 AM
I, for one, would like to see what happened after they got to the island.

"Dawn of the Dead 2: Marina of the Dead"
How about Never to Have Been Remade by Hack Snyder In The First Place of the Dead?
I like that idea!

03-Jun-2006, 03:50 AM
How about Never to Have Been Remade by Hack Snyder In The First Place of the Dead?
I like that idea!

I dunno... but I think it's too early in his career to call him a hack. 300 looks to be a good film. I wouldn't call him a hack yet. Paul WS Anderson, Uwe Boll, yes, they're hacks. Zack.... I think he may be the real deal.

03-Jun-2006, 06:20 AM
Don't pay him no mind. he only calls him a hack because his first film was a remake. If it would have been any thing other than LOTD they would have no argument.

The man can't be too much of a hack though... DAWN 2004 grossed $100 million World wide. :D

03-Jun-2006, 03:44 PM
The man can't be too much of a hack though... DAWN 2004 grossed $100 million World wide. :D

Amen to that! :D

03-Jun-2006, 07:03 PM
A stack of money doesn't mean quality though, it just means a bunch of horny teenagers and young adults took their girlfriends to see it so they could neck in the backrow. Titanic did almost one billion, but was voted as "worst film of all time" a couple of years ago here in the UK.

If you marketted two hours of staring at a flacid cock just right you could rake in enough cash. Doesn't make it a fantastic flick. :D

03-Jun-2006, 07:09 PM
A stack of money doesn't mean quality though, it just means a bunch of horny teenagers and young adults took their girlfriends to see it so they could neck in the backrow. Titanic did almost one billion, but was voted as "worst film of all time" a couple of years ago here in the UK.

If you marketted two hours of staring at a flacid cock just right you could rake in enough cash. Doesn't make it a fantastic flick. :D

Thank you Minion Zombie. god damn i thought that someone would never come out and say it. i dont care if DOTD2K4 sucked much balls, im still gonna see it. ill c any zombie movie, except for NOTLD 3D because they replaced Ben with a white dude. thats bullsh*t. you never know how bad a movie is until you see it.

ooh, i took my gf to LOTD to neck in the backrow, lol

03-Jun-2006, 07:29 PM
I think a good title would be:

Dawn of the Dead 2: Twice as Good as Land of the Dead, and Even More Successful.

03-Jun-2006, 07:34 PM
I think a good title would be:

Dawn of the Dead 2: Twice as Good as Land of the Dead, and Even More Successful.

wow, ummm... wow...
how about

Dawn of the Dead 2: Still Not As Good As The Original And Never Will Be

04-Jun-2006, 04:33 PM
Im shocked this wasnt posted before. I found this on http://horrorchannel.co.uk/news.php

"A sequel to the triumphant 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead has been announced. Details are sketchy and plot details a closely guarded secret but one thing is for sure, this will follow from Dawn and will not be a remake of Day of the Dead, as there is one in production already"

Dont know if its true or not, but theres the news. Didnt we just hear there wasnt going to be another one? lol

*loads pistol, presses it towards the side of my head, and squeezes the trigger*

04-Jun-2006, 05:19 PM
It's not like you guys are forced to see it. I mean yeah, it will be dumb, but I know that I'll probably get some enjoyment out of watching it (for the first time, at least).

04-Jun-2006, 06:03 PM
It's not like you guys are forced to see it. I mean yeah, it will be dumb, but I know that I'll probably get some enjoyment out of watching it (for the first time, at least).

Tell the following people that:

*The people are complained about Contagium just after a promotional 30-second teaser (which had nothing to do with the film) came out.
*The people who moaned and groaned up and down about LAND being in a major studio, just because he was outside of his little Pennsylvania club.
*The people who ****ed and moaned about Diamond Dead, and we still haven't seen a single thing from what little production they did go through.

Dawn of the Dead's remake was horrible in comparison to the original (Don't anybody say you can't compare them, this **** platter stole the name and plot). It wasn't a bad film in its own realm. That's right, I just paid it a complement. lol But the way the movie ended, how are you going to do a decent sequel?

(Oh, and I'm not singling you out either. This ones to everybody.)

04-Jun-2006, 08:04 PM
....That's right, I just paid it a complement. lol But the way the movie ended, how are you going to do a decent sequel?

I would think differently of Yawn'o4 had Hack Snyder not ripped the name and road coat-tails....As a zombie movie it is fairly decent. But, it was a stolen idea. (but, what's not stolen in some way or another these days?)
As far as a "decent sequel"?? - As long as I get to see more of Sarah Polley besides ONE FOOT (my favorite scene - foot steps from tub) and they give it an original plot instead of hinting at Day of the Dead (GAR), then I wont be so disgusted and hateful toward it.

Pistolero Films
05-Jun-2006, 08:35 PM
Yup, there has been a crew out doing this for about a month now. Some of the production crew that worked on Silent Hill were doing it.

As soon as they saw how much money a dead flick could make, the sequel was in the bag.

I liked DOTD 2004 - it woke up a lot of zombies and turned them on to the genre.

05-Jun-2006, 08:57 PM
I dunno... but I think it's too early in his career to call him a hack. 300 looks to be a good film. I wouldn't call him a hack yet. Paul WS Anderson, Uwe Boll, yes, they're hacks. Zack.... I think he may be the real deal.

I would say that Paul ::shudders:: Anderson gets a bit more respect because of "Event Horizon". The rest...yeah, they sucked.

05-Jun-2006, 09:52 PM
How about:

Yawn07: MTV ADHD Bonerthon


05-Jun-2006, 10:30 PM
I would think differently of Yawn'o4 had Hack Snyder not ripped the name and road coat-tails....As a zombie movie it is fairly decent. But, it was a stolen idea.

You are aware it was a remake right? Since it was, the notion of saying it was a 'stolen idea' is pretty silly.

05-Jun-2006, 11:05 PM
You are aware it was a remake right? Since it was, the notion of saying it was a 'stolen idea' is pretty silly.

07-Jun-2006, 12:38 AM
You are aware it was a remake right? Since it was, the notion of saying it was a 'stolen idea' is pretty silly.

He was probably saying stolen idea, because half of the Dawn 04 fanboys say this movie is completely different from the original and should not be compared (despite the fact of the stolen name, concept, and plot). If he were to simply rant, than people would pounce upon him saying that the movies shouldn't be compared because they're completely different. So he pointed out the fact that James Gunn, the one with Scooby-Doo on his resume (:bored:), STOLE a great idea and turned it into an MTV crap fest. Zack Snyder isn't too bad of a director. But James Gunn should take courses on character development.

07-Jun-2006, 08:53 AM
Yup, there has been a crew out doing this for about a month now. Some of the production crew that worked on Silent Hill were doing it.

As soon as they saw how much money a dead flick could make, the sequel was in the bag.

I liked DOTD 2004 - it woke up a lot of zombies and turned them on to the genre.

So wait Pistolero are you saying the movie is already filming? :rockbrow:

07-Jun-2006, 09:32 AM
Agreed, James Gunn's script was the WORST thing about Yawn04. If a flick doesn't have a good script, then it's just going to be a terrible movie, and that's my main and biggest argument against Yawn04 - the p*ss-awful script. It makes no sense, there's self-referential humour chucked in to wink at the MTV ADHD audience members, the characters are completely flat and one dimensional, others are chucked in to simply fill the "boob slot" and the "we haven't killed anyone for 20 minutes so we need someone killed off slot".

And then there's that stupid bitch who goes after the f*cking dog! *AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!*

07-Jun-2006, 12:10 PM
And then there's that stupid bitch who goes after the f*cking dog! *AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!*

That was one of the most ignorant things I have ever seen in a movie. Who the hell would do that? :rolleyes:

07-Jun-2006, 12:18 PM
I, for one, would like to see what happened after they got to the island.

"Dawn of the Dead 2: Marina of the Dead"

Well the island was overun with the zeds, the survivors had no fuel or supplies left in the boat/yacht ... so the logical conclusion is that they pushed off from the deck at double speed, no doubt the zeds in this stinkfest can also swim, so they probably had to kick some heads in while backpaddling for the first hundred metres or so ... and then they would drift on the current for a while before dying of dehydration.

07-Jun-2006, 03:39 PM
You are aware it was a remake right? Since it was, the notion of saying it was a 'stolen idea' is pretty silly.

They both had zombies and took place in a mall...

that is about it simularity-wise..

PS, I am one of the few that liked both...but I will say Dawn '04 is more of a popcorn movie that really has not much to do with the masterpiece of GAR's work.


07-Jun-2006, 03:48 PM
Well, if this is true then Snyder will most likely not be the one directing it. He's just past halfway in his production of 300 and with the Sin City-style of CG-backgrounds to be added in post-production, I can't see Snyder getting any time off to do another film after principal photography is done with 300.

Zack Snyder isn't too bad of a director. But James Gunn should take courses on character development.

I do believe he has if what I saw in Slither was any indication. Very underrated and most misunderstood film this year after Wayne Kramer's Running Scared.

07-Jun-2006, 05:28 PM
or they could pull a spaceballs.

Dawn of the Dead 3: The search for DAWN of the DEAD 2

I know most of you hate it, but I am so looking forward to this being made. I simply cannot wait. I hope you guys have some faith. I just hope they bring back Ving and Sarah and not the kid and the girl. I hope they got eaten alive when they were slammed by the zombies. :D

Perhaps the island de la muerte they landed their boat on is the same one found by the trio from Day of the Dead. Wouldn't that be a sweet reunion?

07-Jun-2006, 05:29 PM
Perhaps the island de la muerte they landed their boat on is the same one found by the trio from Day of the Dead. Wouldn't that be a sweet reunion?

Would be abit weird since in the remake they were in Lake Michigan while the three from Day were way down south in the Gulf. :)

07-Jun-2006, 05:34 PM
Would be abit weird since in the remake they were in Lake Michigan while the three from Day were way down south in the Gulf. :)

Yeah, but anything is possible. Maybe they travelled along a deep inlet all the way south, didja ever think of that?

Well, didja??!?


I was at a local comic shop today picking up the new series ZoMBIES and the guy behind the counter said, "Man, everywhere you turn you're running into something about zombies" pointing out the plethora of zombie laden covers.

I said, "Well, beats running into a real zombie..." :skull:

07-Jun-2006, 05:44 PM
Yeah, but anything is possible. Maybe they travelled along a deep inlet all the way south, didja ever think of that?

Well, didja??!?


Well, that's gotta be a magic inlet that's never been surveyed. :lol:

07-Jun-2006, 06:03 PM
Dawn of the dead 04 was a good film...at least I enjoyed it. Not really a thinker but more of a movie you can sit down at when you don't want to think to much and just want bloody action.

07-Jun-2006, 06:51 PM
sheesh this is exciting