View Full Version : Heavy Rain: "the audition"

04-Mar-2010, 06:41 AM
So heres an old video i thought was interesting to bring up for people who havent seen it. Back in 2005/6 Quantic Dream released there tech demo at an e3 if memory serves for Heavy Rain: the origami killer. Now instead of the usual tech demo style they whent a bit differently about it, but thats there MO. Instead of attempting to show gameplay or genre they show an "audition" for the demo.
This has nothing to do with the plot or any of the characters in the now released final game, just to show what they wanted to do, and for a video from back when some people had just swapped there ps2's, xbox's and gamecubes for 360's and maybe ps3's, if they were out then, this was pretty fucking impressive- and graphics aside, in terms of style and design this is still neat enough to be worth seeing almost half a decade on.


heres the latest trailer from the end of the demo to compare 'em. no embed allowed.


-On the topic of heavy rain, i grabbed the demo and loved it. got a few mates to play it and it actually sold them on a ps3, now thats a bloody rarity. Basically it has the superb art style of a crime thriller with a pinch of noir and a dash of sci-fi in it and some great design elements in it. Also, i restarted shenmue 2 earlier and sega bright and cheery art style aside you can tell they were looking at that as much as indigo prophecy when designing this game.
I'm grabbing the special edition with the soundtrack, moving ps3 theme and dlc later today and expect a full day of this but from the demo alone i can recommend this as the game that you need if you own a ps3.

-also, the special edition is HMV only in the uk, i swear, those guys are turning into a bloody monopoly on these things nowadays.

13-Mar-2010, 09:39 PM
It is an amazing game. Finished it in under a week factoring in PSN downtime a couple of days after it came out.

I've never been so emotionally invested in a game since Res Evil on the original Playstation.

I am looking forward to replaying it, making different decisions and doing tasks differently to see how it changes the outcome. I'm pretty sure there are a few stages I never got to play because of what I did or didn't do.

While I saw the twist coming, it was still a shock and I was hoping that I'd be proved wrong. I wasn't of course...:(

The ending I got wasn't the best possible outcome, but still a good all round outcome. It also set it self up for a sequel quite nicely.