View Full Version : Survival Red Band Trailer

04-Mar-2010, 05:07 PM

Not bad. I'm still excited Romero is back to a more cinematic approach.

05-Mar-2010, 10:14 AM
Why has no one replied to this yet? I don't understand why everyone is slagging this off on the Bloody Disgusting comments, I think it looks like a blast. Sure, it looks like a light-hearted action horror, but every one of Romero's films has a completely different tone to the others, and this looks as different from Land and Diary, as it does to Night, Dawn and Day.

Ask anyone what the best scenes in Diary were, and nine out of ten will tell you it was the stuff with the tragicomic Samuel, bumbling around, blowing up and scything zombies. Well here it looks like they've taken that vibe and ran with it.

Also, we know from the other trailers that Survival has ten times the gut munching Diary had. And Diary took a lot of flak for being dry in that department.

What's more: no more subjective camera, and back to a more cinematic approach to visuals. Just like everyone wanted when Diary came out.

Now, I'm not a blind follower who thinks the sun shines out of Romero's ass, but it seems to me that he has actually delivered about 95% of what the fanboys were asking for (apart from the absurd calls to quit). And yet still, they bitch and moan and they haven't even seen it yet.

It's like they've all got their perfect Romero movies brewed up in their heads, and as soon as they hear a snippet of plot info or a taste of the film's tone, and it's not EXACTLY what they imagined, they attack it.

Why can't we all just go into films with cautious optimism, instead of carrying glib, pre-formed opinions with us? Remember how badly false expectations harmed Day's reputation for decades? I've got this pre-ordered now. I'm gonna go in tabula raza, with no specific opinions or expectations, and certainly no plot or tone comparisons to other Romero dead films, and I hope to enjoy it.

Ghost Of War
05-Mar-2010, 10:27 AM
Well said, sir.

I can't watch the trailer in work, but I read the comments on BD, and I really think some people need to get their heads out of their arses, with the "Diary sucked, so this will suck too" crap. Diary wasn't that bad, in fact I quite liked it even the first time I saw it, and I'd rather watch it than Land, if I'm honest. (Not that I dislike Land, I just thought Diary was a cool way to restart the series).

The only preconception about Survival that I have is basically "cool, another GAR zombie film, and I can't wait to see it."

05-Mar-2010, 12:55 PM
Looks like fun to me. Nice to see a proper trailer for it, rather than rough cuts ... even though this trailer isn't especially well put together ... but point being, it should be fun.

I'm obviously not expecting it to be Pittsburgh GAR level of zombie quality - but I should hope that it'll be good quality Toronto GAR level zombie action.

As bassman said, it's good to see a return to the cinematic look, and what's more - it's in 2.35:1. :thumbsup:

Ghost Of War
05-Mar-2010, 02:48 PM
Just watched the trailer. Looks like it's going to be a blast.

05-Mar-2010, 03:09 PM
It's like they've all got their perfect Romero movies brewed up in their heads, and as soon as they hear a snippet of plot info or a taste of the film's tone, and it's not EXACTLY what they imagined, they attack it.


The biggest problem is that people want to see the film that's in their head and don't even try to accept the film that the filmmaker is giving us. This happens with every popular franchise or director that later tries to make a new film. Godfather 3, Indiana Jones 4, Land/Diary, etc, etc.

I'm not saying those don't have their problems(they did), but they're also not absolutely horrible. People just act as if they're the perfect example of horrible because it's not the film they had boiling in their brain all those years.

And then those of us that try to give the films an open chance get labeled as "fanboys".:rolleyes: There are plenty of films I don't like, but i'm not going to sit here and call them the worst ever made. Poorly rated films often have good features. It's just bad that most people don't care to see those features and then call the film one of the worst ever made.

This happens a lot with Land. I understand if you don't like it or it's not your thing....but worst zombie film ever? Pa-lease. Reality check, folks...

05-Mar-2010, 06:37 PM
This will be fun. I remember waiting from late 1985 until 2005 to see another zombie movie from the GAR. Let's not take this shit for granted...he won't be making movies forever.

05-Mar-2010, 09:02 PM
Upon what are people basing their comments exactly? That trailer features only a handful of scenes and maybe 2-3 lines of dialog. Is it "red band" simply due to the fork in the forehead shot?

Comments such as "Zack Snyder hit the nail on the head!" and "the zombie genre is over" are funny considering that Romero doesn't really make movies about zombies.

06-Mar-2010, 03:37 AM
Upon what are people basing their comments exactly? That trailer features only a handful of scenes and maybe 2-3 lines of dialog. Is it "red band" simply due to the fork in the forehead shot?

Comments such as "Zack Snyder hit the nail on the head!" and "the zombie genre is over" are funny considering that Romero doesn't really make movies about zombies.

I agree with you to a point... But Land really broke with that tradition... I often defend Land and Diarrhea but I have to say the reviews and even more so the trailers for this film have me very worried.

Ghost Of War
06-Mar-2010, 08:44 AM
I agree with you to a point... But Land really broke with that tradition... I often defend Land and Diarrhea but I have to say the reviews and even more so the trailers for this film have me very worried.

See, that's what I don't get, why are you "very worried" if you're going to like a film or not? Is it the end of the world if GAR makes a film that somebody doesn't like? Sorry if I come across wrong here, but it's not like he's deliberately trying to upset people by making a crap film on purpose is it? Also, why refer to Diary as Diarrhea if you've often defended it?

06-Mar-2010, 10:53 AM
Yeah. . .looks pretty good. . . I've waited so long to see this damn film tho that the thrill is somewhat gone. . . .but still. . . .