View Full Version : .Gunman killed after shooting 2 Pentagon police

darth los
05-Mar-2010, 02:02 PM
I said it after that nut flew his plane into that IRS building in TExas. More things like this are going to happen if the gov. doesn't start handling the people's business like they are supposed to and adhering to the will of the people. Read on...



05-Mar-2010, 02:48 PM
More things like this are going to happen if the gov. doesn't start handling the people's business like they are supposed to and adhering to the will of the people.

But, Darth, how do you measure what truly is "The Will of the People"? Just look at the political debates on this board. There's some pretty extreme differences about which direction folks believe this country should go. And we're all cutting each other a lttle slack, based on shared fanhood.

And who are these "People" whose Will we're to adhere to? Terry Pratchett put it best in Night Watch:

"Vimes had spent his life on the streets and had met decent men and fools, and people who'd steal a penny from a blind beggar, and people who performed silent miracles or desperate crimes every day behind the grubby windows of little houses, but he'd never met The People.

People on the side of The People always ended up disappointed in any case. The found that The People tended not to be grateful or appreciative or forward-thinking or obedient. The People tended to be small-minded and conservative and not very clever and were even distrustful of cleverness. And so, the children of the revolution were faced with the age-old problem: it wasn't that you had the wrong kind of government, which was obvious, but that you had the wrong kind of people.

As soon as you saw people as things to be measured, they didn't measure up."

Sorry to go on about it, but this and the IRS building attack aren't politically motivated. They're motivated by ego. Selfish, cowardly, terrorist narcisists. If they really cared about "the People", they would have got involved in the real needs of the People in their community.

Instead, they get all butthurt because they can't grab more for themselves. They replay these "final stand" fantasies in their heads, and, egged on by their "side"'s propaganda (Shock Jocks who also don't care for the "People", just the Almighty Buck) go out in a Blaze of Stupid.

:rant: :annoyed:

darth los
05-Mar-2010, 03:14 PM
But, Darth, how do you measure what truly is "The Will of the People"? Just look at the political debates on this board. There's some pretty extreme differences about which direction folks believe this country should go. And we're all cutting each other a lttle slack, based on shared fanhood.

And who are these "People" whose Will we're to adhere to? Terry Pratchett put it best in Night Watch:

Sorry to go on about it, but this and the IRS building attack aren't politically motivated. They're motivated by ego. Selfish, cowardly, terrorist narcisists. If they really cared about "the People", they would have got involved in the real needs of the People in their community.

Instead, they get all butthurt because they can't grab more for themselves. They replay these "final stand" fantasies in their heads, and, egged on by their "side"'s propaganda (Shock Jocks who also don't care for the "People", just the Almighty Buck) go out in a Blaze of Stupid.

:rant: :annoyed:

I have to respectfully disagree with you on that one.

In this country we have something called elections. Through this mechanism a mandate is handed down by the people based on what a candidate ran on and what they promised they would do.

The people go " hey that sounds pretty good, let's elect this person so they can do all the things that they said."

So the people send them to Washington expecting them to do certain things but those things never get done. However, there's always all the time and money in the world to bail out the big monied interests. And that's what people are getting tired of.

I do believe these incidents are politically motivated. Don't believe me? Stay tuned and watch as more things like this keep happening.


05-Mar-2010, 03:32 PM
I agree that we're going to see more of this behavior, and perhaps these domestic terrorists believe their actions are politically motivated, but if that's the case how come the victims in these cases are security guards and office workers? Seems counter-productive when the real sources of this rage aren't affected at all, really.

Mind you, I'm not calling for the violent death of any politician, no matter how corrupt, incompitent or maverick they may be. But killing civilians instead of the real sources of their misery is still Terrorism.

darth los
05-Mar-2010, 03:52 PM
I agree that we're going to see more of this behavior, and perhaps these domestic terrorists believe their actions are politically motivated, but if that's the case how come the victims in these cases are security guards and office workers? Seems counter-productive when the real sources of this rage aren't affected at all, really.

Who knows brother? Why were they targeting census workers earlier this year?

It seems that anyone associated with the gov. (worker's in particular) is getting the rough end of this anger.


05-Mar-2010, 04:05 PM
Who knows brother? Why were they targeting census workers earlier this year?

It seems that anyone associated with the gov. (worker's in particular) is getting the rough end of this anger.


That's why I'm saying it's all ego driven. The only alternative explanation would be plain-old stupidity.

It's like: if I was angry with you, but instead of confronting you, took it out on the giraffes at the zoo. That would sure show you, eh?

06-Mar-2010, 12:49 AM
I have to respectfully disagree with you on that one.

In this country we have something called elections. Through this mechanism a mandate is handed down by the people based on what a candidate ran on and what they promised they would do.

The people go " hey that sounds pretty good, let's elect this person so they can do all the things that they said."

So the people send them to Washington expecting them to do certain things but those things never get done. However, there's always all the time and money in the world to bail out the big monied interests. And that's what people are getting tired of.

I do believe these incidents are politically motivated. Don't believe me? Stay tuned and watch as more things like this keep happening.


The last guy ranted about the government's failure to reform health care and hammer corporate fat cats. This guy was apparently a radical libertarian and pothead. So what's the lesson about which way the government should go?

06-Mar-2010, 01:06 AM
The last guy ranted about the government's failure to reform health care and hammer corporate fat cats. This guy was apparently a radical libertarian and pothead. So what's the lesson about which way the government should go?

there isn't one, basing a decision for the many on the deeds of the one is asinine in the extreme. i dont care what this guys views, beliefs or lifestyles are, if you do these kind of "last stand" "take them out with me" actions its just the work of a disturbed individual that should be noted, attempted to prevent in the future and given psychiatric help and then ,as with everyone who loses there shit in an epic way, ultimately they are forgotten.