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View Full Version : So I told my job to go...

05-Mar-2010, 10:12 PM
Fuck themselves today. After 6 years of BS and things I can't totally discuss at the moment I was finally fed up and opted to take the buy out, however, before I did I made sure to alert them to all the under handed shit that has been going on for the last two years.

One thing you should never do is piss off the guy whose job it is to investigate the companies dirt. It will always come back to bite you in the ass. :D

I do however feel more relaxed and non-stressed since I walked out the door at 2:15pm this afternoon, and the best part is I already got something lined up for Monday.

06-Mar-2010, 05:07 AM
We don't have those kind of luxuries in America, especially right now. Most of my friends thoughts i was fucking nuts for walking out the door considering we are in a recession, but like you Capn I can only take so much shit after so long and then BOOOOOOOM, I explode like a nuclear warhead... To quote Jules... "I'm a mushroom cloud laying mutherfucker, mutherfucker."

10-Mar-2010, 06:05 AM
So, do you have a new job lined up? Or should we be expecting a thread from you asking of any Homepagers have a couch you can sleep on? Either way, cool on you though. Too many people just go in every day and take shit from fools for a paycheck.

So how much stuff did you swipe on the way out?:sneaky:

10-Mar-2010, 10:25 AM
I had an interview on Monday with a company for a Quality Engineer Position paying $120K a year. I think it went pretty well. I am hoping to hear back soon.

I don't think I will be asking for couch space anytime soon, even though I quit I did get a severance package.

10-Mar-2010, 10:40 AM
Hope the interview works out for you, Deej!

10-Mar-2010, 02:02 PM
Sometimes quitting a job is the better decision in life. I did the same thing with 2 jobs, before I went back to school. Best decision I made. Now I am 6 classes away from graduating with a general business degree. Which includes the 4 classes I am taking this semester. Things do work out for the better. A 6 figure job does sound nice. Good luck.