View Full Version : Defectors: Church of Scientology hides abuse

darth los
09-Mar-2010, 04:48 PM
This "religion" has always had the creepy factor going for it, imo.

It's amazing to me how they can brainwash people with millions of dollars ( Unless it falls in their laps through an inheritance or something, dumb people and people who are easily manipulated rarely ever see that kind of money ) to fall for this crap.

And what's that 50 dollars a week crap about? It took them 13 years to get fed up with that?




09-Mar-2010, 05:45 PM
50 dollars a week?


darth los
09-Mar-2010, 06:19 PM
50 dollars a week?



That gif is classic dude.

But that's what I'm saying. That's like prison porter pay dude.

And to boot, they had to pay for all the "expenses" they incurred while under this indentured servitude. Bad publicity indeed.


09-Mar-2010, 06:22 PM
This is why, as far as goofy UFO cults started as a bar bet, Ill stick with the Church of the Subgenius, thankyouverymuch.

(hail bob)

darth los
09-Mar-2010, 07:10 PM
This is why, as far as goofy UFO cults started as a bar bet, Ill stick with the Church of the Subgenius, thankyouverymuch.

(hail bob)

For my money, you just can't beat Black sneakers and kool aid bro. :p


10-Mar-2010, 05:55 AM
Ah, the Church of $cientology. The name alone conjures images of 4chan hacktivists in Guy Fawkes masks and Afro wigs, standing outside $cientology sites around the world, asking if they had Battletoads and to embrace the power of Long Cat.

Chic Freak
10-Mar-2010, 03:10 PM
When I was in NYC, my hotel was next door to a church of Scientology and I got given a flyer inviting me to go to an introductory lecture about 90 times. It is one of the biggest regrets of my life that I never thought to respond by saying "LONG CAT IS LOOOOOONG". Sigh.

10-Mar-2010, 04:00 PM
When I was in NYC, my hotel was next door to a church of Scientology and I got given a flyer inviting me to go to an introductory lecture about 90 times. It is one of the biggest regrets of my life that I never thought to respond by saying "LONG CAT IS LOOOOOONG". Sigh.

Theres just not enough ladies in the world willing to reply to prospective indoctrination with a 4chan reference, i tip my mudkip to you.

darth los
10-Mar-2010, 04:04 PM
Theres just not enough ladies in the world willing to reply to prospective indoctrination with a 4chan reference, i tip my mudkip to you.

Well, buddy most just aren't that sharp. Sorry to say, it's just fact. I too tip my cap.

Good show miss. :thumbsup:


Chic Freak
11-Mar-2010, 09:18 PM
Click (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_McPherson) for an interesting read.

"Introspection rundown" sounds like torture, enough to make anyone go crazy :stunned:

Well, buddy most just aren't that sharp.

I'm not either, it took me nearly a year after the opportunity had passed to come up with it, LOL. Might be going back there this spring tho :)

11-Mar-2010, 10:19 PM
When I was in NYC, my hotel was next door to a church of Scientology and I got given a flyer inviting me to go to an introductory lecture about 90 times. It is one of the biggest regrets of my life that I never thought to respond by saying "LONG CAT IS LOOOOOONG". Sigh.


Psychology is to Scientologists what "the power of Christ compels you!" is to possessed little girls. :lol:

12-Mar-2010, 12:04 AM
I love me a good psychology! But seriously... some worship Frog-God, but everyone knows that the Lizard-Jesus is the one true deity.
If anyone gets that reference, they have my sincere respect.

12-Mar-2010, 05:21 PM
Bassman, I think YOU have won the pic of the year with that one. :lol:

I have never understood how people get sucked into bullshit like Scientology. Then again, I've never understood why people would send all their money to a televangelist, either.

and on that note... HAIL XENU! :lol: :lol:

12-Mar-2010, 05:49 PM
I love me a good psychology! But seriously... some worship Frog-God, but everyone knows that the Lizard-Jesus is the one true deity.
If anyone gets that reference, they have my sincere respect.

Raptor jesus dude, gets you some specificz:


darth los
12-Mar-2010, 06:21 PM
Bassman, I think YOU have won the pic of the year with that one. :lol:

I have never understood how people get sucked into bullshit like Scientology. Then again, I've never understood why people would send all their money to a televangelist, either.

and on that note... HAIL XENU! :lol: :lol:

The delusion of religion never made sense to me either. Swallowing a bunch of tall tales without a shred of proof is not my thing. I'm funny that way.


12-Mar-2010, 11:00 PM
Erm... no, it's a lizard-Jesus, Foxy (that was a hint, by the wayside).
Oh come on, nobody wants to play?

21-Mar-2010, 09:15 AM
I love me a good psychology! But seriously... some worship Frog-God, but everyone knows that the Lizard-Jesus is the one true deity.
If anyone gets that reference, they have my sincere respect.

Drawn Together. Now what do I win?

21-Mar-2010, 10:47 AM
Nothing because Drawn together is a horrible show.

major jay
21-Mar-2010, 11:28 AM


21-Mar-2010, 12:21 PM
What? Mista... I'm disappointed in you. Horrible? Really? Obviously you haven't seen American Dad or Aqua Teen Hunger Force. What a thing to say, especially since the movie is coming out so soon! Okay, I'll only agree that it's terrible if you can find me a better show that has A) a similar amount of adult content and themes; B) A meshing together of roughly six or seven styles of drawn animation; and C) an excellent and well-rounded voice cast. Calling DT a horrible show... it's like saying the same about... Robot Chicken. Sure both animating styles are rather unique for this day and age, but at the end of the day they're just pop culture references, violent scenes, and fart jokes. But maybe... just maybe... that is the brilliance. Oh, and as far as Pikachu parodies go, Kappa Mikey and South Park got nothing on Ling Ling!
Kung Powatay!
Wooley wins a lifetime supply of oxygen.

21-Mar-2010, 08:10 PM
The delusion of religion never made sense to me either. Swallowing a bunch of tall tales without a shred of proof is not my thing. I'm funny that way.


I whole-heartedly agree Los, the delusion of childish notions and childish arguments against the childish notions of religion are nothing but delusions and tall tales. Unfortunately, far too many people ascribe to these 5-year old understandings of religion (who ascribe to it without truly understanding or bothering to be educated) and most of the attacks against religion are based upon these 5-year old notions of said religion. It's really sad. Unfortunately, when you rule out people like Bertrand Russell, Richard Dawkins, that idiot Bill Maher, and others who argue against religion on a 5-year old's understanding of it there just doesn't seem to be but a handful of educated Atheists who attempt to associate with any intelligent adult-like attacks on religion. It goes both ways as well. Unfortunately, too many in religious circles attempt to fight against these Atheists with their own 5-year old attacks instead of meeting them with adult arguments, persuasions, which someone like Karl Rahner could muster.

I don't think it's funny at all to not want to swallow 5-year old notions of religion -- just as you. I think it's rather healthy to not want to swallow childish notions of religion, and as an intelligent, educated, and devout Roman Catholic, I agree with you that we stop arguing on this elementary and uneducated level on both sides of the fence (religious and Atheists).


darth los
22-Mar-2010, 04:53 PM
Just as you stated, I think education on the subject of religion is key as well. And not only in the canon of a particular religion but the psychology of why and how the whole idea of worshipping dieties developed and persist even in this advanced scientific era.

Because religion is all well and good. I for example have rad the entire bible from cover to cover (which is more than i can say for people who actually practice their religion) and truthfully there are good life lessons in there that can help anybody.

Now, to take the leap from that to believing in talking snakes and dudes walking on water and coming back from the dead, that's where i get off the train. :rolleyes:


Rancid Carcass
22-Mar-2010, 10:24 PM
Now, to take the leap from that to believing in talking snakes and dudes walking on water and coming back from the dead, that's where i get off the train.

Woah! Surely it can't be that hard to believe - this is a website devoted to the zombie apocalypse, people come back from the dead all the time... :D

darth los
24-Mar-2010, 04:24 PM
Woah! Surely it can't be that hard to believe - this is a website devoted to the zombie apocalypse, people come back from the dead all the time... :D

Dedicated yes, However we have not started to worship Gar and turn this into a religion.

(Pay no attention to Philly and DB)

And for the record, who the hell on these boards believes in the zombie apocolypse? If there is, p.m. me and I'll give them the number to an affordable therapist.
