View Full Version : What happened to the drunkards on the night it happened?

10-Mar-2010, 07:32 PM
You know, the crazed Irish drunkards down the pub who were probably sitting in their own vomit when the ghouls took over... what the hell happened to them? If bitten, and if they weren't mauled so much that they couldn't resurrect, then would the way the zombie acts be any different to a normal zombie due to the brains recent intoxication?

I visualize a large group of zombies drinking shots of grinded flesh around a table, giggling at the poor zombie sod doing the karaoke and then declaring in their own groaning language, "Let's go get a kebab! I feel like a Caucasian today!"

What about other mind-altering substances?

10-Mar-2010, 07:38 PM
Ha....interesting idea. They remember and try to repeat things from their past lives, so I guess an alcoholic would be trying to drink.

As if it wasn't already hard enough for Romero zombies to walk....

10-Mar-2010, 07:40 PM
I'm pretty sure if Flyboy was a drunkard his zombified self would have the worst time... where's the science in this? Do Logan's theories suggest that the zombies could be manipulated by foreign substances?

10-Mar-2010, 08:57 PM
You know, the crazed Irish drunkards down the pub who were probably sitting in their own vomit when the ghouls took over... what the hell happened to them? If bitten, and if they weren't mauled so much that they couldn't resurrect, then would the way the zombie acts be any different to a normal zombie due to the brains recent intoxication?

I visualize a large group of zombies drinking shots of grinded flesh around a table, giggling at the poor zombie sod doing the karaoke and then declaring in their own groaning language, "Let's go get a kebab! I feel like a Caucasian today!"

What about other mind-altering substances?

this last statement got me thinking, wat do you think would happen to a crack or heroin addict if he became a zed, would his addiction carry on after he came back, and if so would this craving outwiegh the craving for human flesh..... any thoughts guys

10-Mar-2010, 09:08 PM
this last statement got me thinking, wat do you think would happen to a crack or heroin addict if he became a zed, would his addiction carry on after he came back, and if so would this craving outwiegh the craving for human flesh..... any thoughts guys

I suppose it wouldn't really matter. Like any aches, pains and other ailments of the living, the Living Dead wouldn't feel any of that, Eh?

Unless it's a running zombie, because A) a drunk, lurching, stumbling zed attempting to run then falling on their face would be really funny; and B) Running zombies suck and deserve to suffer. :p

11-Mar-2010, 12:15 AM
Well, as being one of those Irish drunkards you discuss in your post it would go something like this...

We'd be at our pub getting shit-faced drunk when the news comes on about the ghouls rising and eating people. Seamus, who is running the bar, would immediately find comfort in the fact that no kids/idiots of disputable ruffian ancestry (Brits, Protestant Americans, etc.) would be coming by to bother us for the evening. He'd then go lock the door and we would proceed with our evening's partaking of Mother's Milk (Guinness for the unwashed) and the next morning we'd take appraisal of the situation to have Fr. O'Connell bless us before we took to our own brutal destruction of the ghouls before meeting at the pub later in the evening again to completely over-dramatize our killings/victories in the day thus completed.

In other words, things wouldn't change too much.

Beside, God protects fools and drunks (so the idiots and we Irish Americans would be safe).



11-Mar-2010, 12:27 AM
JD...I think the question was more about what the drunks would be like AFTER turning into zombies...

11-Mar-2010, 12:34 AM
JD...I think the question was more about what the drunks would be like AFTER turning into zombies...

Well, hell, that's just not as much fun. It would be an interesting story to note whether or not being highly intoxicated when bitten could have any type of impact on the infection. Could high alcohol content neutralize the spread of an infection possibly?

Funny, and true, story though, the last man off the Titanic, a chef, spent the last few hours getting shit-faced drunk and ended up holding onto the railing of the ship as it went under water. The chef had become so intoxicated by alcohol that he ended up surviving the freezing water as the alcohol in his system kept him from succumbing to hypothermia to a degree that would kill him. Just goes to show that sometimes alcohol is the answer. :cool:

"I'm going to try... not to come back." :lol:


11-Mar-2010, 02:04 AM
this last statement got me thinking, wat do you think would happen to a crack or heroin addict if he became a zed, would his addiction carry on after he came back, and if so would this craving outwiegh the craving for human flesh..... any thoughts guys

There's a zombie in the Night 90 remake that looks like he ODd on something as the needle is still in his arm. Seemed the only interest he had was getting into the house for some chow like the other zeds.

11-Mar-2010, 03:56 AM
I don't think there would be any kind of effect; they'd just turn into regular zombies. If being dead doesn't have much effect, I'm sure alcohol and drugs wouldn't, either.

14-Mar-2010, 12:53 PM
JDFP, you sound like every Yank I've ever met who claims to be Irish/have Irish descent. Totally OTT in telling everybody about it! :p:moon:

And I don't imagine outside substances would have an affect on ghouls... afterall you need blood (and a working heart) to pump toxins around the body and I'll assume that zeds don't bleed (they "ain't got time to bleed")

14-Mar-2010, 03:22 PM
JDFP, you sound like every Yank I've ever met who claims to be Irish/have Irish descent. Totally OTT in telling everybody about it! :p:moon:

I have no idea what OTT means (Are you down with OTT? Yeah, you know me...) probably because I'm old, but if you call me a Yankee again, Paul, I'll put on my ass-kickin' boots. :)


18-Mar-2010, 05:28 PM
Racism against Irish people here on the homepageofthedead forums? What the hell is this? Ban this loser now please!

19-Mar-2010, 04:10 AM
OTT? Ocarina of Time? -Me
That's "OOT, or OT" - 2D
"OTT" means "over the top", you sods! Even I know that! -Murdoc
Well you don't have to be so rude about it. - Me