View Full Version : Would you want to resurrect after you die?

10-Mar-2010, 07:46 PM
Sorry for making so many threads, after lurking for so long I've built up quite a few questions!

No character in a zombie film that I've seen wants to become a zombie.
"If I die, make sure I don't come back as one of those..."
"Promise you won't let me be a monster, promise you'll take care of me"
etc. etc.

BUT WHY NOT?! How often do you have the oppurtunity to become a bloody zombie!? It's not every day a human gets this marvellous choice! In fact, out of the billions of humans who have ever existed, you'll be one of the only ones to DEFY SCIENCE AND NATURE in all truth! I'm all up for eating humans for the rest of my days! Has this ever been touched upon in any zombie film? I know it has in my script. ;)

10-Mar-2010, 07:50 PM
Cholo in Land of the Dead.

(after being bitten)"I've always wanted to see how the other half lives"

darth los
10-Mar-2010, 08:13 PM
i think being a zombie is viewed more as a curse or abomination by those in the films.

It seems like something going against not only God but everything we've ever believed in, scientific or otherwise.

Plus those things stink like hell. Just see how many numbers you're going to get once your nose won't stay on, ala Michael Jackson. :p


11-Mar-2010, 10:37 AM
As a Christian, I'm planning on it. But, um, not quite in the same way that you're talking about. :P

11-Mar-2010, 11:31 AM
I'd defo be interested, I mean if I was gonna die anyway....as long as my gf didn't have to see me walking around looking for my xbox controller in some bizarre Romero-esque commentary on the socially inept....

11-Mar-2010, 01:12 PM
I couldn't imagine eating raw flesh and enjoying it.

11-Mar-2010, 02:14 PM
No thank you!

I've always been afraid of suffering any sort of mentally impairing injury (stroke, brain trauma, aneurysm etc.) and the condition of a shambling corpse seems too close, especially since I'm not convinced that there is such a thing as a soul, I'd just rather the spark go out of my form entirely when I die. If there is a soul, an animus that persists after we die, there's a chance that being a zombie might trap it inside the body in some way...so either way it just seems wrong, unnatural and hellish to me.

And, most importantly, why would I want my animate body wandering around causing problems for fellow people, putting them in danger and possibly eating them? I'm not that much of an asshole...who here, in all reality, is?

11-Mar-2010, 02:23 PM
*raises hand*
Nah, just foolin'. Being undead sure would suck... definitely worse than Purgatory. I mean, no emotions? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose? And... eating flesh... no thanks, not for me.
"I'm gonna try not to come back." - Roger

11-Mar-2010, 02:49 PM
It's a tough decision. On the one hand, you could eat as much as you want and never get fat. But the relative scarcity of food might pose a problem. I hate being hungry all the time.

From a scuba diving perspective it would have some pretty strong advantages. No more regulator, bcd. No more time or depth limits. And obviously being a zombie means having perfect undersea dexterity and navigation.

And while this might not apply to all of you, I'm pretty sure that I'd end up smarter than now.

11-Mar-2010, 02:52 PM
From a scuba diving perspective it would have some pretty strong advantages. No more regulator, bcd. No more time or depth limits. And obviously being a zombie means having perfect undersea dexterity and navigation.

The shark fights alone might be worth it! ;)

11-Mar-2010, 02:54 PM
Cholo in Land of the Dead.

(after being bitten)"I've always wanted to see how the other half lives"

I would have to agree. Cholo knew he was gonna die and come back and I think his mind was on revenge at that point. He was ready to come back as a zombie and kill Kaufman.

11-Mar-2010, 02:59 PM
I would have to agree. Cholo knew he was gonna die and come back and I think his mind was on revenge at that point. He was ready to come back as a zombie and kill Kaufman.
Seriously? I always assumed he was just a coward and not ready to eat a bullet like the kid at the beginning.

I think if his mind were on revenge he would've pushed hard with his last few hours of mortality to finish Kaufman. As opposed to sitting there bs'ing with Foxy. He didn't even seem particularly mad. He was kinda like, "I lost. Oh well."

11-Mar-2010, 03:20 PM
I think if his mind were on revenge he would've pushed hard with his last few hours of mortality to finish Kaufman. As opposed to sitting there bs'ing with Foxy. He didn't even seem particularly mad. He was kinda like, "I lost. Oh well."

Maybe I'm just confused, but Cholo parted ways with Foxy shortly after being bitten so he could get to Kaufman. And it's been debated numerous times, but imo he's still alive when he enters the garage to kill Kaufman. So I don't think he just sat around waiting...

11-Mar-2010, 05:43 PM
Maybe I'm just confused, but Cholo parted ways with Foxy shortly after being bitten so he could get to Kaufman. And it's been debated numerous times, but imo he's still alive when he enters the garage to kill Kaufman. So I don't think he just sat around waiting...
Yeah, I've always thought he's dead prior to entering the garage. I have difficulty believing that he was looking that bad while still alive. Especially considering the amount of hiking he would've had to do to get back to the garage. On the flip side, if you assume he drove back to the motor pool then that lends weight to him having to be alive at least that long.

Do we actually know what either he or Foxy planned to do based on their conversation after Cholo was bitten? Do we know which of them took the car, or where Foxy went? I don't recall.

I may go watch it again just to take a fresh look. It might be interesting to have a thread devoted to a more focused debate on the topic.

darth los
11-Mar-2010, 06:16 PM
I couldn't imagine eating raw flesh and enjoying it.

So i guess your not big on sushi, huh? :p


11-Mar-2010, 06:25 PM
Do we actually know what either he or Foxy planned to do based on their conversation after Cholo was bitten? Do we know which of them took the car, or where Foxy went? I don't recall.

It's been a while for me as well, but I believe Foxy drops Cholo off at the gates and then takes off with the car.

11-Mar-2010, 06:44 PM
Becoming a zombie saddles you with all the downsides of Undeath and none of the cool perks. No thanks, I'll take Vampirism for 1000$ Alex. Soul imprisoned in a rotting meatbag, at the mercy of instincts that drive you to commit unspeakable atrocities (I mean c'mon, what OTHER monster will scoop an unborn fetus out of a pregnant woman its eating and bite into it like its an apple with little arms and legs?)....

Plus, if the advocates of zombie intelligence have it right, there's the even more horrifying prospect that you might be *just* smart enough to realize you're rotting and driven to eat people.

I find it difficult to imagine many fates more horrible. The slowed decay and other factors that seem to allow zombies in the movies to exist/continue for years/decades means that your suffering could go on indefinitely.

And no, not enough of an asshole to want to be shambling around putting others at risk. Lethal cocktail of opiates + barbituates to end my life, followed by a bullet to the head at the first sign of my reanimation in the event of being bitten please.

11-Mar-2010, 09:09 PM
So i guess your not big on sushi, huh? :p


LOL...I should have said HUMAN flesh...I love sushi!

11-Mar-2010, 09:15 PM
The shark fights alone might be worth it! ;)


But still, fuck no...I just don't like the idea of lumbering around until my feet wear away or some biker/road gang start hitting me with pies and generally taking the piss...

11-Mar-2010, 09:25 PM
It's been a while for me as well, but I believe Foxy drops Cholo off at the gates and then takes off with the car.
Dang, I do need a re-watch cause I don't recall that. We should grab some popcorn and a big screen and watch it over and over until we agree. :)

12-Mar-2010, 12:01 AM
Yeah, Foxy drops him off... then rides off never to be heard from again (just watched it). Cholo probably was dead the entire car park scene. I mean, you don't just turn in five seconds after sitting against a column, do you? Yeah... the revenge was cool, but it's... still not the best explosion ever, unfortunately.

12-Mar-2010, 02:03 PM
Dang, I do need a re-watch cause I don't recall that. We should grab some popcorn and a big screen and watch it over and over until we agree. :)

Just about Cholo, or ever'thing in the film?

Cuz we'd all be watching it over and over and over forever...:D

12-Mar-2010, 02:10 PM
I mean, you don't just turn in five seconds after sitting against a column, do you?

The way I see it, Cholo was slowly dying the whole way to the green. Much like Roger when clearing out the mall and being drugged in bed. Cholo was on the verge of death as he entered the green and then Kaufman shot him. After being shot he finally kicks the bucket and turns within a few minutes. Much like Roger turning quickly after finally dying in bed.

12-Mar-2010, 04:20 PM
yeah, i think it'd be interesting to be a ghoul. fuck it, you only live once, right? maybe not, if a certain probe from venus comes back with unusual levels of radiation.;)

12-Mar-2010, 04:22 PM

But still, fuck no...I just don't like the idea of lumbering around until my feet wear away or some biker/road gang start hitting me with pies and generally taking the piss...

Yeah, that's actually what puts me off too. Or having some crazed scientist removing your feckin' face and then moving your arms with electric pulses! :D