View Full Version : Alan Wake

11-Mar-2010, 02:36 PM
Anyone else anticipating the release of this game (http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/splash/a/alanwake/)?

I'm a fan of the show x-play on the G4 channel here in the states, and they've been hyping this game for the past few months. It's a thriller game, but it's gameplay seems to be a bit unconventional. Instead of an arsenal of weapons, your flashlight seems to be the most useful tool in the game. You do have weapons, but not like your typical 1st or 3rd person shooter.

I also like the fact that they're structuring this sort of like an Alfred Hitchcock-type of tv series. That will make for some good DLC or "episodes" in the future.

From what I understand, a lot of this was based on Twin Peaks.

Probably one of the few games I'm anxiously awaiting it's release at this point. I would be anticipating the release of God of War III (which looks just flat-out stellar) but, I refuse to give Sony any more of my money, which includes buying a PS3 as much as I really do want one. :(

Some info from the website:

Intense psychological thriller: Alan Wake delivers a deeply psychological and finely crafted plot that raises the bar for storytelling in video games. The riveting story of Alan Wake is propelled by a movie-like atmosphere, compelling situations, memorable characters, and real-time pacing. Remedy has a record of creating and developing games with unique cinematic presentation and exceptionally high production values.

Light as a combat element: As Wake journeys deeper into the mystery of Bright Falls, the shadows close in around him. When darkness descends, light becomes his only ally as he fights his way to daybreak. This poses a severe problem for Alan Wake since his enemies seemingly gain strength from the shadows, and before long, light itself becomes his greatest ally. Players must skillfully combine their use of light with more conventional weapons to stand a chance.

Realistic, interactive environment: Set in the town of Bright Falls, the hyper-detailed environments of the Pacific Northwest play an important role, as even the change in daylight and weather will profoundly affect the characters and enemies in Alan Wake. The game's advanced rendering engine provides amazingly realistic environments that bring this world to detailed life—from the lush forest of evergreen trees to the quaint small-town buildings and streets. The world of Alan Wake is alive and real.

Episodic narrative: The mission-based structure of Alan Wake creates an episodic narrative similar to a deeply structured dramatic television series, such as Twin Peaks and X-Files. As the episodes progress, gameplay evolves to introduce new elements and characters, escalating the level of threat and action in the game.

11-Mar-2010, 03:06 PM
Anyone else anticipating the release of this game (http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/splash/a/alanwake/)?

You don't come here often, do you?:p

I really was anticipating this game. Back around 2006.:dead: Now it's a "wait till bargin bin" for me.

As for Xplay - I watch that show from time to time while waiting on Attack of the Show, but both the hosts get on my nerves. Balding "I wanna be cool" Sessler and "Man Shoulders" Webb just rub me the wrong way...

11-Mar-2010, 03:25 PM
Well with the track record of Max Payne 1 and 2 Remedy is at the top of my list... My only fear is that they have taken so long and they do not look to games for inspiration(they look to film and television) is that there may be a quasi retro feel to this game. I have been looking foreword to this game since 06... It was announced before this gen of consoles even started.

11-Mar-2010, 03:37 PM
You don't come here often, do you?:p

lol, I took a couple-year hiatus from HPotD, so you'll have to give me a pass on that one. :D

Why a "wait 'till bargain bin" status on the game now for you? This sucker looks like it's going to turn out to be a fantastic game. Oh, and I have to agree though - while I dislike the hosts (adam & morgan, but mostly adam 'cause he's just flat-out annoying) - I do like the previews and reviews of the games on X-Play. Hard to find that kinda coverage anywhere else unless someone has a suggestion...?

I had no idea this game was announced as far back as 2006! Geez, where the hell have I been? :lol: I've only seen the previews for it over the past few months, and from what I've seen it looks really cool and fun to play.

Capn - color me jealous of your friend. I want to play this sucker so bad I'm salivating. :D

11-Mar-2010, 03:37 PM
Anyone else anticipating the release of this game (http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/splash/a/alanwake/)?

i always think everyone knows about alan wake now and still every forum i visit has a new "has anyone else heard of alan wake?!?" thread every few months:D

Been following this since i first heard the guys behind max payne where starting on this way back in 2004. Since then ive attended and graduated college AND university, so yeah, ive been looking forward to this for a while :lol:

11-Mar-2010, 04:15 PM
Why a "wait 'till bargain bin" status on the game now for you?

I had no idea this game was announced as far back as 2006!

You answered the question for me. I'm just so tired of the build up and then set backs that I'm just not as excited as I used to be. Not as excited = not spending full price on it. So it's a bargin bin....

darth los
11-Mar-2010, 04:23 PM
You answered the question for me. I'm just so tired of the build up and then set backs that I'm just not as excited as I used to be. Not as excited = not spending full price on it. So it's a bargin bin....

Also, after that much buildup nothing could possibly meet your expectations.

The thing would have to remove tough carpet stains and scratches from my car in order for that long of a wait to be justified.


11-Mar-2010, 04:53 PM
Also, after that much buildup nothing could possibly meet your expectations.

i dunno, i was just as excited for heavy rain as alan wake and it finally got released this month and it is pretty fucking spectacular so im still hopefully for alan wake.

i mean they made max payne, that should be enough of a reason to remain excited. those games have aged terribly, but at the time they were fucking superb.

11-Mar-2010, 06:58 PM
i always think everyone knows about alan wake now and still every forum i visit has a new "has anyone else heard of alan wake?!?" thread every few months:D

Been following this since i first heard the guys behind max payne where starting on this way back in 2004. Since then ive attended and graduated college AND university, so yeah, ive been looking forward to this for a while :lol:

We will split the difference... I was looking at my post and something didn't seem right... Then I saw yours and realized what was wrong... It had to be announced in 05 because the 360 came out in November of 05 and I remember Alan Wake being announced abit before the 360 launched.

11-Mar-2010, 07:17 PM
We will split the difference... I was looking at my post and something didn't seem right... Then I saw yours and realized what was wrong... It had to be announced in 05 because the 360 came out in November of 05 and I remember Alan Wake being announced abit before the 360 launched.

i first heard about it in the official magazine for the original xbox, dont know how it is over in the us, but in the uk official magazines they will have these bars along the top of news pages with a small thumbnail image and about 5 lines for stuff like "okay this will probably never make it off the ground" (-though i suppose it doesnt help that most of these arent the big first party well funded titles.:rolleyes:) it was something like "remedy working on alan wake, a next gen survival horror game, what does this mean for max payne 3?" my first thought was "oh, great, abandoned a great series fro some stupid resi clone or something", then thought about it and whent "oh shit, actually a survival horror by those guys would be pretty rad".

11-Mar-2010, 07:49 PM
Spoke to a pal two days ago on a gaming forum and he has played Alan Wake (is a writer for Official 360 Magazine). He reckons it's gonna get 10/10 across the board. Game of the year stuff apparently.

Yeah, my pants are well and truly creamed.

Intriguing ... and it makes me get a bit hotter under the collar for the game now.

I've had it pre-ordered since 2007, and have been following it since at least 2006, most likely 2005. I heard "from the guys that brought you Max Payne", and I said "SOLD!" :cool:

Even though we've seen a fair bit of it now, it's still a case of "how will this game be like to actually play?" and what will it feel like to play? I mean, you know what you're gonna get with Red Dead Redemption of Mafia 2 (both of which I'm really looking forward to), but Alan Wake takes something familiar, and then spins it around under a web of secrecy and schedule setbacks, and it becomes as mysterious as I'm sure the actual plot will be.

11-Mar-2010, 07:50 PM
As for Xplay - I watch that show from time to time while waiting on Attack of the Show, .

Mmmmmmmmmmm. . . . . . . . . .Olivia Munn


11-Mar-2010, 07:59 PM
Mmmmmmmmmmm. . . . . . . . . .Olivia Munn


Even my wife thinks she's hot and lets me oogle over her. Any other girl and she gets irritated. I guess Munn's charm works on everyone.:p

darth los
11-Mar-2010, 08:10 PM
Olivia is just a cool ass chick period. She wouldn't even get offended that i called her a chick. Now THAT'S wifey material. :hyper:


11-Mar-2010, 08:29 PM

Even my wife thinks she's hot and lets me oogle over her. Any other girl and she gets irritated. I guess Munn's charm works on everyone.:p

Yeah, she's one of the 5 women that I am allowed to leave my wife for. Just a wonderful mix of beauty and goofiness. Le sigh.

11-Mar-2010, 08:33 PM

I love that you said "allowed to leave my wife".:p

I get what you're saying though. There are a handful of famous women that my wife says I'm allowed to cheat on her with. And famous men I "allow" her. Obviously none of that will ever happen, but it's a fun little game.

11-Mar-2010, 08:41 PM
i first heard about it in the official magazine for the original xbox, dont know how it is over in the us, but in the uk official magazines they will have these bars along the top of news pages with a small thumbnail image and about 5 lines for stuff like "okay this will probably never make it off the ground" (-though i suppose it doesnt help that most of these arent the big first party well funded titles.:rolleyes:) it was something like "remedy working on alan wake, a next gen survival horror game, what does this mean for max payne 3?" my first thought was "oh, great, abandoned a great series fro some stupid resi clone or something", then thought about it and whent "oh shit, actually a survival horror by those guys would be pretty rad".

Yep it was announced at e3'05... oxmUK would be that mag you are talking about.

12-Mar-2010, 03:19 PM
Well, color me stupid and out of the loop - I had no idea this game was announced so long ago. :o

Either way, what i've been seeing of it, it looks really cool. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before it's actually released (says the fool who didn't realize it was announced a half-a-decade ago :lol:)

12-Mar-2010, 03:21 PM
Well, color me stupid and out of the loop - I had no idea this game was announced so long ago. :o

we also recently got these swank ass new consoles called the wii the xbox 360 and the playstation 3.

-also, turns out online gaming WOULD take off.

now back into your time machine jhon titor, back to 2004 you go with your matrix films and lord of the rings trilogy.

12-Mar-2010, 03:23 PM
Well, color me stupid and out of the loop - I had no idea this game was announced so long ago. :o


It's okay, Lou. Someone around here has to have a normal life. You know....one that exists away from a tv screen or monitor. And conversations with actual people!

darth los
12-Mar-2010, 03:25 PM
Yeah, she's one of the 5 women that I am allowed to leave my wife for. Just a wonderful mix of beauty and goofiness. Le sigh.

Perfect example of a woman who knows she's hot but doesn't let it go to her head.

Who are the other 4 by the way? :D


12-Mar-2010, 03:26 PM

It's okay, Lou. Someone around here has to have a normal life. You know....one that exists away from a tv screen or monitor. And conversations with actual people!

That notion is lunacy to the point of bollocks.

darth los
12-Mar-2010, 03:59 PM
Technolgy is great but it has made us live a more solitary existence. And as it keeps advancing it's only going to get worse. One day no one is even going to leave the house.


12-Mar-2010, 04:13 PM
Technolgy is great but it has made us live a more solitary existence. And as it keeps advancing it's only going to get worse. One day no one is even going to leave the house.

At least until the EM Pulse wipes it all out.

It's coming, people!! :elol:

12-Mar-2010, 04:15 PM
no, technology, the intrawebz, television, and consumerism is only helping us evolve....


i bet there are some people out there (many, actually) who actually think this sort of existence would be awesome....just sitting around on your ass all damn day with your sexbox360, ps3, wii, laptop, satellite tv with dvr capabilty, fucking around on your ipod/iphone/ipad, getting fast food delivery, only getting up to use the bathroom every few hours....ugh.

on topic, though: alan wake does look pretty interesting, but i'm getting past the "getting dis game on day 1!!!!" point in my gaming hobby. red dead redemption and alan wake are both games i'm looking forward to this year, but will wait till the price is more reasonable, or just pick up a slightly used copy from the local trade-in joint.

dead rising 2, however, is another story.:o

12-Mar-2010, 04:31 PM
no, technology, the intrawebz, television, and consumerism is only helping us evolve....


i bet there are some people out there (many, actually) who actually think this sort of existence would be awesome....just sitting around on your ass all damn day with your sexbox360, ps3, wii, laptop, satellite tv with dvr capabilty, fucking around on your ipod/iphone/ipad, getting fast food delivery, only getting up to use the bathroom every few hours....ugh.

kevin smith spent a whole smodcast ranting about how he wanted to "live in wall-e world". now im a damn lazy guy at some times. but part of what i love about filmmaking is actually less the writing and more the going out and actually filming. and i feel way more happy after lugging all our equipment somewhere out of the way and having an exhaustive 11 hour filming day than sitting on my ass playing videogames all day.

darth los
12-Mar-2010, 04:35 PM
At least until the EM Pulse wipes it all out.

It's coming, people!! :elol:

Ah, so you read my post on that, huh? :lol:

It's coming just you watch.

Now where did i put my official Reynold's tinfoil headgear?


12-Mar-2010, 05:04 PM
It's okay, Lou. Someone around here has to have a normal life. You know....one that exists away from a tv screen or monitor. And conversations with actual people!

Sheeeeit, I am FAR from being "normal"! I won't even begin to tell you how many hours a week I spend on a computer - but, it's not all internet time, so I guess i'm "sort-of" normal. :lol:

All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy... All work and no play makes Lou a dull boy...

Ok, maybe not. :lol:

12-Mar-2010, 07:45 PM
Technolgy is great but it has made us live a more solitary existence. And as it keeps advancing it's only going to get worse. One day no one is even going to leave the house.


One day?

07-Apr-2010, 07:02 PM
New trailer, "Building the Thriller":


Looking fantastic! :hyper:

Edit: The game has gone gold, release dates are set in stone. May 14th in Europe, May 18th in North America and May 27th in Japan.

07-Apr-2010, 07:29 PM
New trailer, "Building the Thriller":


Looking fantastic! :hyper:

Edit: The game has gone gold, release dates are set in stone. May 14th in Europe, May 18th in North America and May 27th in Japan.
I can see this becoming a scary-as-all-get-out kinda game ... kinda intimidating in that way, if that makes sense. I think this game will do well to create a sense of horror and drama and so on ... the sort of atmosphere that is compelling but also scary-as-balls. :D

08-Apr-2010, 05:02 PM
...the sort of atmosphere that is compelling but also scary-as-balls. :D

I think that's what initially attracted me to the game (since I seem to have found out about it a few years after it was announced! :lol:) - it just has an atmosphere that seems very, very creepy. Something I haven't seen captured in a video game (properly) yet.

08-Apr-2010, 05:44 PM
I think that's what initially attracted me to the game (since I seem to have found out about it a few years after it was announced! :lol:) - it just has an atmosphere that seems very, very creepy. Something I haven't seen captured in a video game (properly) yet.
I recently got The Mist on 2-disc DVD, and you know what I've been thinking of the whole time? Alan Wake. It's that small-town horror movie vibe with a creepy "unknown" enemy sorta thing. Something about The Mist just makes me think "Alan Wake", and vice versa.

The creep-factor that Alan Wake emanates is actually kind of intimidating ... I duno, there's just something about certain videogames that you're intimidated by them as they're compelling, but you know they're going to creep you right the fuck out ... like wanting to know what's in the darkness (or the mist!) but being too scared to find out ... ... if that makes sense?

I'm glad it's coming a week early (but two years late, as a member on ActionTrip quipped :D) as it'll give me some clear time before Red Dead Redemption turns up. I'll want to get AW played and finished first, but I also don't wanna rush it unnecessarily, so I'm glad of that extra week. Indeed it's now only 5 weeks away.

Reminds me of when STALKER finally got released in 2007 - a game that I'd been waiting for for like 4 years at that time - and a game that exuded that same sense of intimidating creepiness and atmosphere.