View Full Version : Blackberry or I-Phone

12-Mar-2010, 04:30 PM
finally in a position to get a good phone and wondered wat your thoughts are on which to choose, its gonna be either an i-phone or a blackberry, both have plus points and i really cant decide, im not really into playing music or videos, normally its just for calls, texts and the occasional e-mail, any thoughts would be appreciated and if you have either phone some ideas on wat its like to use day to day would be good...

darth los
12-Mar-2010, 04:33 PM
Have you ever owned an i pod? I must say i used to just dismiss them as another mp3 player but once you own one you will never go back. I also happen to love blackberry's as well.

However, if i had the choice I'd go with the i phone all day. Only thing is thaT they do not provide insurance for i phoneS so if it gets lost, broken or stolEn then you're just shit out of luck dude.


12-Mar-2010, 04:43 PM
Out of the two i would say iphone, ive been using one for a year and i use it every few minutes. Theres the usual smart phone stuff, emails, web browsing, calling and texts but the app store is what makes it. it makes the device far more customizable. a friend and i got them the same day and aside from the core built in things they are very different devices. his is mostly videogames, which are surprisingly good, mine is more stuff like twitter, four square various free texting apps, skype for free calls, even crap like facebook which im not a fan of.
Basically its a smart phone that is what you make of it. its incredibly versitaile and replaced my mp3 player as well so i dont have multiple devices to charge and carry in my pocket all day. if it had a decent word processing program it would probably replace my macbook altogether.

-That said the windows phone 7 is coming out in the nearish future and from what i hear it blows blackberrys and andriods out the water and gives the iphone an equal run for its money but is very different in how it serves the owner and works as a basic media connective device.

So right now id say totally iphone, but you never know, the windows one might be right up your alley so id look into that too.

12-Mar-2010, 04:43 PM
I had a blackberry for about 2 weeks. It would break every few minutes, so I took it back. Just regular-ass cell phones, for me:cool:

12-Mar-2010, 04:51 PM
i was leaing toward the i-phone but it looks a bit fragile to me, that big glass screen looks way too delicate for everyday use...

darth los
12-Mar-2010, 04:54 PM
i was leaing toward the i-phone but it looks a bit fragile to me, that big glass screen looks way too delicate for everyday use...

Nothing with a big pretty screen is. (think psp) But that's what they make screen protectors and cases for. ;)

12-Mar-2010, 05:00 PM
i was leaing toward the i-phone but it looks a bit fragile to me, that big glass screen looks way too delicate for everyday use...

oh no sir, it aint fragile. ive dropped mine down sets of concrete stairs, other people have thrown theres out moving cars by accident and other shit like that. the over screen cover is nigh indestructible, the back portion which on mine is like white hard plastic is tougher than you find on handheld games devices. and ive beaten the shit out fo my iphone, been out filming and dropped it down a small ravine for example and sure its beaten, chipped and scratched but thats a year of hardy use. ive had other phones break the moment you drop them the first time by accident.

You wouldnt think it but there pretty hardy, apple by and large makes stuff that can take a beating.

12-Mar-2010, 05:03 PM
Blackberry, unless you wanna watch videos surf the net and do all the same stuff you do on your desktop or laptop.

12-Mar-2010, 05:14 PM
The iphone is good, but dont bother if you want a phone that can take good photos (I like a good camera on a phone because I always have it on me & dont want the extra bulk of a seperate camera)
Theres some really fun & useful apps on the iphone, but all my mates that have them are ridiculously smug & geeky about having one! A friend of mine & my girlfriends is a prime example of this, and she always says to him "there isnt an app to get yourself a girlfriend though is there you sad bastard" :lol:

12-Mar-2010, 05:14 PM
Have you ever owned an i pod? I must say i used to just dismiss them as another mp3 player but once you own one you will never go back. I also happen to love blackberry's as well.

However, if i had the choice I'd go with the i phone all day.


My mother in law bought me the 2G iPod Nano years ago, and up to that point I HATED the idea of getting an ipod, so I threw it in my desk drawer for 3 weeks. Then, I finally pulled it out and realized, "wow, this is a nice, slick piece of machinery" - although I loathe iTunes with a passion (big, bloated piece of shit), however, that didn't stop me from buying three 3G iPod nanos (one for wife, one for kid and one for me) then this past year, we all ended up with iPod Touch's, which are REALLY nice.

The only problem I have with the iPhone? It's on AT&T. The one and ONLY reason that I will not own one. When it hits Verizon, I'll be waiting in line. :D

12-Mar-2010, 05:21 PM

My mother in law bought me the 2G iPod Nano years ago, and up to that point I HATED the idea of getting an ipod, so I threw it in my desk drawer for 3 weeks. Then, I finally pulled it out and realized, "wow, this is a nice, slick piece of machinery" - although I loathe iTunes with a passion (big, bloated piece of shit), however, that didn't stop me from buying three 3G iPod nanos (one for wife, one for kid and one for me) then this past year, we all ended up with iPod Touch's, which are REALLY nice.

The only problem I have with the iPhone? It's on AT&T. The one and ONLY reason that I will not own one. When it hits Verizon, I'll be waiting in line. :D

1: ditto, for some reason i hated ipods before i got one, maybe the smug adverts or something, then i got a free ipod nano and whent all "join usssss" 'invasion of' style

2: good point, in the uk you can pretty much get the iphone on owt nowadays, i got a 3g one on o2, so you pay 10 a year for a new sim card and have free internet anywhere, in the states it might be very different.

12-Mar-2010, 05:24 PM
...then i got a free ipod nano and whent all "join usssss" 'invasion of' style

Ain't that the truth! Same happened to me - once I had one, all I wanted was more of them. :D

I swear, sometimes I think iPods are just used for mind control.... *puts on tinfoil hat*

12-Mar-2010, 05:27 PM
Ain't that the truth! Same happened to me - once I had one, all I wanted was more of them. :D

I swear, sometimes I think iPods are just used for mind control.... *puts on tinfoil hat*

i think its more likely that rebellious misanthropic voice in all of us saw a popular item and was all "look at those sheep, im fukkin taking a stand against the man!" internally. then you get one and go "oh , its just popular because its good" :lol:

12-Mar-2010, 09:02 PM
I'm a Sansa MP3 player freak. I have 4. I will not buy an Ipod, but I did win one at the company xmas party last year. Guess where it is? :D

12-Mar-2010, 09:17 PM
can never understand why people own mre than one mp3 player at a time. a guy i know has 3 zunes, three! and each with a different genre of music. my iphone has 16 gigs of whatever im into at the time, and thats always changing. i have one, i charge one, i carry one with hours of what i like on it, why have more than that?

12-Mar-2010, 09:25 PM
Nokia E71:

Smartphone with actual qwerty keyboard, perfect for text, email and using forums on the move - no gimmicky, easy-to-smash touch screen

Comparatively large screen for a smartphone

Runs the Symbian operating system - far wider range of apps than for Blackberry, almost as many as for the iPhone (Google maps, Skype, BBC iPlayer and various other internet TV/radio apps, games, etc, etc.)

Open source so there are lots of homebrew apps, emulators, etc out there (I play SNES, NES and Mega Drive games on mine, as well as running fully functional versions of Doom, Quake and SCUMMvm, which I use to play Curse of Monkey Island and Beneath a Steel Sky)

Fast processor that allows for very easy multi-tasking - ever try listening to music, while texting, while downloading on an iPhone? No, because it's a nightmare, if it can be done at all!

Removable/replaceable battery - a major, major advantage over the iPhone

Cool, reflective steel design

GPS compatible with Google Maps/Streetview

And all the other usual stuff you'd expect from a high end phone. For me, this phone crushes both the iPhone and the Blackberry mainly due to its incredible flexibility.

12-Mar-2010, 09:43 PM
iPhone. absolutly without a doubt.. i got a 3G for christmas a couple of years ago and ive loved it since. pictures are ok quality (who cares if their not the best? seriously?) but it has so many hundreds of good apps for it.

14-Mar-2010, 06:59 AM
I have a T mobile My touch, and I love it. I love the freedom of stuff I can put on it and how I can edit/alter it to my liking compared to the I phone (Which you have to basically jail break to do anything)

14-Mar-2010, 07:53 PM
I have a T mobile My touch, and I love it. I love the freedom of stuff I can put on it and how I can edit/alter it to my liking compared to the I phone (Which you have to basically jail break to do anything)

thats the 1 thing thats putting me off the i-phone, do i really want to get myself tied to the Apple mafia.

14-Mar-2010, 08:24 PM
Have you ever owned an i pod? I must say i used to just dismiss them as another mp3 player but once you own one you will never go back. I also happen to love blackberry's as well.

The iPods good and all, but they're far from the best MP3 players out there. The Creative series of MP3 players is superior in every way, really. I've had a Creative Zen for slightly more than two years now, and it's soooo much better than any iPod. The iPods battery deteriorates really quickly by comparison. With an iPod you can't slide in an extra memory card. And with a creative you DON'T need fucking iTunes!

14-Mar-2010, 08:27 PM
The iPods good and all, but they're far from the best MP3 players out there. The Creative series of MP3 players is superior in every way, really. I've had a Creative Zen for slightly more than two years now, and it's soooo much better than any iPod. The iPods battery deteriorates really quickly by comparison. With an iPod you can't slide in an extra memory card. And with a creative you DON'T need fucking iTunes!

honestly if my iphone didnt also double as a 16gig ipod id use a creative inc mp3 player, have for years, theres one like a small black stone for like £20 in hmv that holds 2 to 4 gigs of music. its no ipod but thats still enough when you can drag and drop a lot before you leave the house. the bigger ones dont look as nice though, but the little ones are the perfect budget player that can take a mean beating.

15-Mar-2010, 07:37 AM
My creative Zen has 8 gig built-in and I can pop in a 32 gig memory card as well. So, point Creative big time on that one.