View Full Version : GDC 10: PlayStation Move, The Wii Perspective

darth los
12-Mar-2010, 07:23 PM
So does anyone think nintendo has anything to worry about?

I do know one thing though. If sony is directly going after their market share with this it will force ninty to stp being so lazy and actually start making kick ass games again.

Say what you want about the gamecube but kickass games wasn't it's problem because it had most games that were available on the other consoles.



12-Mar-2010, 07:30 PM
it can do what the wii can but with ps3 graphics, i personally couldnt give two shits but yeah, i can see this impacting the wii's sales.

13-Mar-2010, 08:57 AM
Not a chance. It's way more expensive then even a Wiimote, nunchuk and motion plus combined, doesnt come as standard with the console like a Wiimote+nunchuk and Nintendo abandoned this technology for motion gaming because of the problems that plague it, see theres alot of drift when you point at the screen in games like Socom 4 and on rail shooters and there's alot of lag when making fast motions. these aren't down to them being early demos, it's a technical problem that cannot be overcome.

Nintendo aren't being lazy, IGNs hits have halved since 2008 and they are on the warpath bringing in the lowest denominator by posting whatever outragous crap they can get away with. Since Wii's been launched Nintendo have released more games for it then their last two consoles.

13-Mar-2010, 09:43 AM
Not a chance. It's way more expensive then even a Wiimote, nunchuk and motion plus combined, doesnt come as standard with the console like a Wiimote+nunchuk and Nintendo abandoned this technology for motion gaming because of the problems that plague it, see theres alot of drift when you point at the screen in games like Socom 4 and on rail shooters and there's alot of lag when making fast motions. these aren't down to them being early demos, it's a technical problem that cannot be overcome.

actually from a lot of the games journalists ive read and heard from whove seen it playstation motion is apparently way more responsive and reactive than the wiimote. Still dont give a shit myself, my ps3 is for sitting down with a long rpg or other single player game, not waving about like a retard.

thats what my wii is for.:lol:

13-Mar-2010, 09:46 AM
the Wii isn't even a console really.

darth los
15-Mar-2010, 03:21 PM
Nintendo aren't being lazy, IGNs hits have halved since 2008 and they are on the warpath bringing in the lowest denominator by posting whatever outragous crap they can get away with. Since Wii's been launched Nintendo have released more games for it then their last two consoles.

It's about quality not quantity. For the record i would like to see the wii do well, I wanna like it , i really do.

However, the bulk of it's titles are lacking imo. Gimmiky party games and ports with wii controls for the most part.


15-Mar-2010, 04:26 PM
It's about quality not quantity. For the record i would like to see the wii do well, I wanna like it , i really do.

However, the bulk of it's titles are lacking imo. Gimmiky party games and ports with wii controls for the most part.



ive got a wii right next to my ps3 and 360, if i want to play mario galaxy, metroid prime or silent hill shattered memories i'll play them, because there great games. but for every triple a title the wii has it has 2 dozen "carnival games" or "ninjabread man". the sheer size of the install base and multi generational saturation in the market allows for absolute shit to have a home on the wii and make money because people bought it after seeing stuff like wii fit and simply dont know any better and honestly if there not a long time games enthusiast how could they?

I love the wii, but like i said, for every video game on it, theres multiple bad mobile phone game ports lurking in there shadows, You can get a game for a dollar of the 360's indie games section that two guys made in there basement over a month thats superior to something on the wii that costs you forty times that and will be an uninspired derivative mess.

-look at the attempted 'Nights into dreams' remake, then look at segas similar panzer dragoon orta from the original xbox and tell me theres not some poorely masked budget gaming going on.

darth los
15-Mar-2010, 04:47 PM
Speaking of shattered memories buddy, how did you like it? I saw a ps2 version of it as well. I downloaded the original Sh from the PSN and it got me to wanting to play the remake.


15-Mar-2010, 05:15 PM
Speaking of shattered memories buddy, how did you like it? I saw a ps2 version of it as well. I downloaded the original Sh from the PSN and it got me to wanting to play the remake.


really good actually, scary, great soundtrack, great graphics on the wii and neat use of motion controls. plus depending on everything you do, what you look at, and how long, what you use, what tests you do in the psychiatrist flashback not only effects the world, but appearances. you colour in a drawing of a house, thats the drawing of your house ect. ive heard that if you make your harry mason spend ages looking at pervy stuff the raw shocks start to turn into nurses stuff. mine ended up as weird tiki things.

16-Mar-2010, 05:46 PM
Shattered Memories felt like a budget game Climax didn't have the time, money or resources to do what they fully wanted, it's not a bad game but not fully realised.

16-Mar-2010, 07:00 PM
Shattered Memories felt like a budget game Climax didn't have the time, money or resources to do what they fully wanted, it's not a bad game but not fully realised.

its so superior to the last one they did, silent hill origins, that is hands down the worst in the series. an hour of walking, kill a larger version of normal monsters. repeat 4 times. the end. i felt disgusted that it was allowed to be released as a "game".