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View Full Version : Shutter island

14-Mar-2010, 08:51 PM
Has anyone else been to see this yet? me & the girlfriend went to watch it last night & i really enjoyed it, its very sinister, doesnt give much away till almost the end, & is well shot & well acted on all parts I thought! I dont want to give any spoilers away so I wont say anymore, but its worth a viewing. I didnt used to like Dicaprio when he was the teen heart throb with the mop haircut, but I actually quite like him as an actor now in films like this one & blood diamond etc

14-Mar-2010, 08:53 PM
Hmm... your apparent approval changes my mind about seeing this film. Think I'll give it a go now, thanks.

14-Mar-2010, 09:06 PM
Hated it. Long, boring and pretentious.

general tbag
15-Mar-2010, 07:53 AM
Martin Scorsese best work in a long time . It a definate 2x watching to really enjoy the movie

15-Mar-2010, 09:06 AM
I liked it quite a BIT. i HAVE TO ADMIT TO GETTING KINDA BORED LIKE 3/4THS of the way in, but the ending really saved it for me

15-Mar-2010, 12:34 PM
I liked it quite a BIT. i HAVE TO ADMIT TO GETTING KINDA BORED LIKE 3/4THS of the way in, but the ending really saved it for me

What a twist that was, I didnt see that one coming at all! Thats what I liked about the film, it kept you guessing right up to the last 10 minutes! I really liked the atmosphere it created with the island too, such a creepy place