View Full Version : On the spot with kim jong-il

14-Mar-2010, 09:16 PM

Some rare photographs from a journalist in north Korea from 2008. All make for unusual viewing material. Ive always found the situation in north korea bizarre, like a land time almost forgot and its lagging behind, like its the 1950's there and the 21st century everywhere else. I remember on bam margeras radio show, when i still listened to it, they mentioned they stopped there during the gumball rally and the people had no idea what he was doing on some bizarre contraption. but it wasnt a lamborgini, it was a skateboard. I posted those pictures a while back of a north korea arcade and they were truly bizarre in comparison to how we have it over here.
I learnt a lot when i studied the north and south korean film differences during a coursework at university and this situation always seemed like a bizarre what if? like what if england and scotland didnt cease hostilities and became truly separate instead of part of a united kingdom? or the north and the south in the american civil war?

-One thing that sticks in them photos, if kim jong-il cant see the person, they aint smilin'

Rancid Carcass
15-Mar-2010, 02:57 AM
One thing that sticks in them photos, if kim jong-il cant see the person, they aint smilin'

He just needs a friend that's all... :(


15-Mar-2010, 04:26 PM
Man, a lot of stiff, nervous smiles in those pics...not that I blame those people for their fear.

15-Mar-2010, 04:55 PM
Ive always been fascinated by north korea, like you said its like looking back in time.

Also whats with the coats? Kim jong-il is wearing the same coat in most of those pictures and one has 5 other men all wearing identical coats! That just really strikes me as odd.


15-Mar-2010, 05:24 PM
I guess those are just standard issue coats there. Or maybe it's a fashion thing.

15-Mar-2010, 06:19 PM
The only thing that bugs me about those pictures is how stupid the produce displays look. Seriously, if you are going to fill the goddamn shelf, try and be consistent! you have the top and bottom row the same, but they have the middle line up staggered over one another? The hell is up with that? Fix it, it throws the presentation of the section off.

I also fail to see a price sticker on those saran wrapped apples, and I doubt that there is a UPC code on the ass end of the things.

Dammit man, I hate that picture, it just bugs me.