View Full Version : Valve- "one l4d character won't survive the passing"

20-Mar-2010, 07:08 PM

So heres some interesting news, the left 4 dead 2 dlc the passing, has you working with louis, zoey francis and bill to escape the campaigns particular horrible situation.
Meanwhile, in the left 4 dead 1 dlc you play survivors assisting ellis, coach, nick and rochell escape.

The twist?

Someone on the original game is going to die.

in particular valve says "which player has the nobility to sacrifice themselves for the good of the other 7?"

Narrative wise? much as i like him im guessing its bill, the old soldier see the 7 people around him with there lives ahead of them and sacrifices himself to let them escape the cresendo event.

that or ellis, either the youngest or the oldest for the most tragic impact, but after the events of half life episode 2 im guessing bill.

21-Mar-2010, 10:45 AM
If it is Zoey or Francis I am probably not gonna do anything ever again.

21-Mar-2010, 10:25 PM
If it is Zoey or Francis I am probably not gonna do anything ever again.

indeed, truly everything will be ruined forever.

darth los
22-Mar-2010, 03:25 PM
Since the first team will be losing a member this opens up the door for other teams such as the midnight riders ! :hyper:

Sucks to lose one of them though. :(


24-Mar-2010, 08:22 AM
I started thinking about it being Bill and I thought...Nah, he is my favorite... Then I realized I really don't want it to be anyone from the original cast... Why not Coach or whats her name from the new game?.... That's how forgettable half the new cast is... Or is it just the original cast was that good?

27-Mar-2010, 10:18 PM

costs a reasonable 560 points for a new campaign, not out this month anymore, which sucks, but new weapons and a new special infected variant, the wedding dress witch.:D

28-Mar-2010, 02:03 AM
Whoa, what the motherfuck? Isn't it free on the PC?

Bioware rule! :D

actually valve hasnt said that for once.

They havent said they WILL charge but its got all the steam users in a tizzy about it.

but we all know valve arent charging on the 360 really, its the m$ tax, one free dlc and the rest they gotta charge for or host themselves. Which bioware did. they promptly told ms to shove it and for a preorder ten quid fo the game gives you access to the cerberus network, register on biowares website, and download via an in game client free dlc add ons.:cool:

still, roll on steam for mac next month.

29-Mar-2010, 05:03 AM

the current attorney generals are meeting up to consider allowing r18 rated games in australia, which will probably frig with the passings release for them.

29-Mar-2010, 05:09 AM
Meanwhile, in Australia...


darth los
29-Mar-2010, 01:55 PM

costs a reasonable 560 points for a new campaign, not out this month anymore, which sucks, but new weapons and a new special infected variant, the wedding dress witch.:D

Yes i know steam users get it free, but we are dealing with Ms here so...

All things considered, imo, 560 points is a steal. Crash course was a bare bones, bland, two chapter campaign and that was the same price.

Here we're getting a full campaign among other things.


17-Apr-2010, 12:10 AM


17-Apr-2010, 02:58 AM
You know. . .I have tried to play this game. . .finished a few campaigns on easy. . .and I just don't get it. Maybe it's the kind of game that you HAVE TO play with other people. First person shooters make me all nervous and jittery anyways. I'm thinking about trading it in. . . .meh. . . . .anyone care to talk me down from this ledge? :D

17-Apr-2010, 03:11 AM
You know. . .I have tried to play this game. . .finished a few campaigns on easy. . .and I just don't get it. Maybe it's the kind of game that you HAVE TO play with other people. First person shooters make me all nervous and jittery anyways. I'm thinking about trading it in. . . .meh. . . . .anyone care to talk me down from this ledge? :D

maybe its a nerves thing, i know a guy who couldnt cope with frenetic gameplay like left 4 dead or mario kart or mr driller because the almost total lack of control brought out this really bad case of nerves he had, and mario party brought out the worst in him.
Not saying you a pussy or something but theres plenty of people who dislike games like these for the lack of control and hypertension just like people who cant stand rythm games for the lack of creative freedom.
Everybody has there thang' if it isnt fun why bother?

I love it because its one of the rare true co-operative gameplay experiences. by that i dont mean crap like "i can only climb over this wall when player two is in the correct position" but "you get my back, i got yours, who knows when something could get us from any direction" its always randomised and always fun.

Case in point a while back it was me, andy, mo' and cap' and it was a hoot, not because of some bullshit "HOO-RAH" wannabe green beret bollocks but because we were starting off running and gunning and swearing up a storm, more so when a hunter or smoker grabbed one of us, but the teamwork was to have fun, not just to survive. We played it for hours, gettin' achievements and killing a few thousand zombies. why? because it was much more fun than any co-op shooter bollocks nowadays that preceded it or came after.

No checkpoints. no cover. no enemies with guns at all.

just a suburb in a flood, or a swamp in the south, or a dead and cleared out n'walins town being given the old "operation hammerfall" by the military.

know why its not tense? because i have friends watching my guys back, simple as that.

17-Apr-2010, 03:32 AM
Yeah, lt might be better to play with other people. . .I dunno. I really only get that kinda nervous on FPS games or sometimes in PVP like say in WOW. I used to get a little nervous on platform games, but that was an exciting happy times kind of nervous. Meh. . . .who knows?

17-Apr-2010, 12:11 PM
it is settled. Me, hellsing, and cap or Andy are going to break your L4D fun virginity Clangers.

17-Apr-2010, 01:33 PM
Yeah, lt might be better to play with other people. . .I dunno. I really only get that kinda nervous on FPS games or sometimes in PVP like say in WOW. I used to get a little nervous on platform games, but that was an exciting happy times kind of nervous. Meh. . . .who knows?

s'all about finding what you like. In wow i hate stuff like laterac valley and eye of storm and that deathmatch and capture the flag bollox. but lake wintergrasp is a hoot, protectign a fortress in cannon turrets or attacking it with steamtanks in a raid is great fun wether you win or not. You get a lot of honour anyway win or lose so theres no pressure i just dont play the othe rbattlegrounds because honestly pvp aint my forte and i just have fun going buck ass wild death grippan an plaguan.

If you aint played left 4 dead online its really not the same game, especially the first one, the seconds more accessible alone but the first is worthless without multiplayer.

19-Apr-2010, 03:08 AM
Geez clangy, get yer butt on and we'll tackle some zeds. It's a totally different experience playing with buds. I'm not sure if I want your L4D virginity, but my group would take you in as a sloppy seconds sorta thing.

19-Apr-2010, 03:24 PM
Let my friend request languish in 360 limbo no longer, Clang! Let us terminate the walking dead with extreme prejudice!

darth los
19-Apr-2010, 03:31 PM
Let my friend request languish in 360 limbo no longer, Clang! Let us terminate the walking dead with extreme prejudice!

Yeah, i think he really needs to play with some buds.

It's like the night we played dark carnival with your buds. It was only on easy and i didn't even know them but it was a blast.

Win or lose, It's really more about the comrodery than anything.


19-Apr-2010, 03:44 PM
Oh, quick question...does anyone know if the DLC for the original Left 4 Dead should also apply towards certain types of (not specific to scenario) achievements?

I'm still trying to finish off 'Zombie Genocidest'.

darth los
19-Apr-2010, 03:59 PM
Oh, quick question...does anyone know if the DLC for the original Left 4 Dead should also apply towards certain types of (not specific to scenario) achievements?

I'm still trying to finish off 'Zombie Genocidest'.

Yes i believe every zed you kill in crash course counts toward the magic number as well. It also has it's own mini genocide achievement called "The littlest genocide".

Now that is exclusive to the crash course campaign, so zeds you kill in No mercy for example don't count toward that.


19-Apr-2010, 07:30 PM
Awww. . . geeze guys. . .I'm a little choked up here. . . .now the big question. . .which of you is still up after 1 am est? :lol:

darth los
19-Apr-2010, 07:35 PM
Awww. . . geeze guys. . .I'm a little choked up here. . . .now the big question. . .which of you is still up after 1 am est? :lol:

As aces can attest to, I'm on that game virtually everyday. Friday and saturday nights are a go for me, just send me a friend request and it's on like donkey kong !!


20-Apr-2010, 02:11 AM

Torch Bearer - Survive the passing campaign.
Port of Scavenge - play 5 full games of scavenge on the port level.
Fore! - knock off the heads of 18 infected with the golf club.
Till It Goes Click - using the M60, kill 25 infected in one clip without letting go of the trigger (big lebowski the jesus reference FTW!)
Killing Them Swiftly To This Song - turn on the jukebox to play the new midnight riders song.
Wedding Crasher - as the charger, grab a survivor and carry them through 8 chairs at the wedding.
Cache Grab - open 5 foot lockers.
Kite Like a Man - kill a tank using only assist damage from the original survivors.
Grave Robber - collect ten items dropped by fallen survivors.
Mutant Overload - play 6 mutations. (??? no idea what this is, rumor has it, and never trust rumors, that theres is a rare chance that more than just a bride witch in a dress but specials like a multi tongue smoker might make an appearance and be an alternative random spawn to play as like the tank)

-also, been hearing that bills voice actor got the sack. DUN DUN DUNNN!

20-Apr-2010, 02:01 PM
Awww. . . geeze guys. . .I'm a little choked up here. . . .now the big question. . .which of you is still up after 1 am est? :lol:Heck, that's only midnight in the boring states. I'm on virtually every night at that time.

20-Apr-2010, 02:27 PM

Torch Bearer - Survive the passing campaign.
Port of Scavenge - play 5 full games of scavenge on the port level.
Fore! - knock off the heads of 18 infected with the golf club.
Till It Goes Click - using the M60, kill 25 infected in one clip without letting go of the trigger (big lebowski the jesus reference FTW!)
Killing Them Swiftly To This Song - turn on the jukebox to play the new midnight riders song.
Wedding Crasher - as the charger, grab a survivor and carry them through 8 chairs at the wedding.
Cache Grab - open 5 foot lockers.
Kite Like a Man - kill a tank using only assist damage from the original survivors.
Grave Robber - collect ten items dropped by fallen survivors.
Mutant Overload - play 6 mutations. (??? no idea what this is, rumor has it, and never trust rumors, that theres is a rare chance that more than just a bride witch in a dress but specials like a multi tongue smoker might make an appearance and be an alternative random spawn to play as like the tank)

-also, been hearing that bills voice actor got the sack. DUN DUN DUNNN!

Thank you for the prompt delivery of the gaming news, Hellsing (I'm being serious, here)! Looking forward to even more of a reason to get my sad sack squad of what used to be usual L4D suspects motivated. :)

20-Apr-2010, 09:33 PM
Kotaku on mutations:

" "Mutations," are a series of new game types that Valve will be cycling in and out of the game on a weekly basis. There are more than 20 different "Mutations" planned, including the aforementioned "Chainsaw Massacre," which arms players with chainsaws and an unlimited supply of gasoline."


20-Apr-2010, 10:51 PM
I got a stiffy. :o


21-Apr-2010, 01:03 AM
Cant wait I will be dl'ing when it hits are 2:30am pst on thursday morning.... Anyone who is playing send me a xbl friend or play request.

darth los
21-Apr-2010, 03:17 PM
Cant wait I will be dl'ing when it hits are 2:30am pst on thursday morning.... Anyone who is playing send me a xbl friend or play request.

Count on it buddy. You know I'll be on. ;)


darth los
21-Apr-2010, 04:47 PM
Killing the black guy is too obvious. Bill's gonna get it.

It's ok. He was old anyway.


21-Apr-2010, 04:58 PM
Killing the black guy is too obvious. Bill's gonna get it.

It's ok. He was old anyway.


its pretty much a given its bill now, valve apparently fired the voice actor due to a "difference of opinion" or some other legal doublespeak and honestly the old soldier is the only one who strikes me as being able to voluntarily sacrifice himself for the younger people. Its not like the college slacker, the office clerk or the douchebag biker is exactly the type to do that.

Which is a shame i really liked bill but i guess in terms of all 8 survivors coach sort of fills the same niche as him, but as a younger guy would appear to last longer, plus we know valve loves to kill off the older characters first.

darth los
21-Apr-2010, 05:27 PM
its pretty much a given its bill now, valve apparently fired the voice actor due to a "difference of opinion" or some other legal doublespeak and honestly the old soldier is the only one who strikes me as being able to voluntarily sacrifice himself for the younger people. Its not like the college slacker, the office clerk or the douchebag biker is exactly the type to do that.

Which is a shame i really liked bill but i guess in terms of all 8 survivors coach sort of fills the same niche as him, but as a younger guy would appear to last longer, plus we know valve loves to kill off the older characters first.

But the thing that gets me is why kill any of them off at all?

Unless it's that they want to stop support for the first game. Imo, that virtually garantees a left for dead 3. Wadda ya think hells?


21-Apr-2010, 05:29 PM
They should just kill off all the new survivors (except Ellis) and let you continue playing left 4 dead 2 as them. except it'll be left 5 dead, and everyone will be busy kicking the shit out of Ellis, and sending him to startle witches because he is the outcast.

seriously though, just kill rochelle off and replace her with one of those Japanese love pillows and the game will be better.

21-Apr-2010, 05:32 PM
But the thing that gets me is why kill any of them off at all?

Unless it's that they want to stop support for the first game. Imo, that virtually garantees a left for dead 3. Wadda ya think hells?


to be honest they have gone form 4 separate films towards a straight horror narrative and you can't NOT have a death on the team. My guess is left 4 dead 3 gets announced at the end of the year and its a mix of the characters and probably 3 more for more variation.

I still predict the 3rd will have gears style split up points where team a has to go and activate a crane or something and destroy a blockade whilst team b has to go find gas to fill up the escape vehicle.
Thats a poor example but i know there going to and something to shake it up next time.

I still want a campaign set in a snowstorm.:cool:

darth los
21-Apr-2010, 06:04 PM
to be honest they have gone form 4 separate films towards a straight horror narrative and you can't NOT have a death on the team. My guess is left 4 dead 3 gets announced at the end of the year and its a mix of the characters and probably 3 more for more variation.

I still predict the 3rd will have gears style split up points where team a has to go and activate a crane or something and destroy a blockade whilst team b has to go find gas to fill up the escape vehicle.
Thats a poor example but i know there going to and something to shake it up next time.

I still want a campaign set in a snowstorm.:cool:

Oh, the weather effects of hard rain are pretty much the highlight of the game, so imo, something weathery is a must.

Also, I don't think that's a poor example at all. Perhaps having it in every campaign would be a bit much but a couple should definitely have them.

I fully expect for the 3rd installment to shake things up and be very different from the original. I remember thinking melee was cool but adrenaline? I was like why would they put this crap in there? Now I won't go without it. As soon as that 75% marker flashes on that screen i take it and it takes me to the saferoom wth time to spare. It's a big reason i don't play

So what they come up with might seem "off" at first but I'm sure it'll get to the point where we can't picture the franchise whithout it.


darth los
21-Apr-2010, 07:42 PM
Better not be. :mad:

I love Uncle Phil (sorry, Coach) but Louis is seriously worthless. Hey, I even enjoy playing the Lauren Hill look-a-like in L4D2 with the Depeche Mode shirt, whatever her name is, even if she would rather her baby die than me playing her. :D

At least we get a new Midnight Riders track.

"I'm a blood hound, getting straight down, looking for some women and whiskey!" <rock>

Ok you got me. I gotta ask. Why is louis so worthless, IYO?


21-Apr-2010, 07:48 PM
Ok you got me. I gotta ask. Why is louis so worthless, IYO?


I'm gonna leave this meme explanation for Mo'


darth los
22-Apr-2010, 12:23 AM
Really wierd stuff happening. A few buds and i are trying to get a game of versus but can't. It's saying there are no games found. Anyone having the same problem?


22-Apr-2010, 01:35 AM
There is one option no one seems to be talking... No specific character... In other words it could be different every time you play.

22-Apr-2010, 02:21 AM
There is one option no one seems to be talking... No specific character... In other words it could be different every time you play.

Thats because valve announced a canon comic book that bridges the two games that cements who dies.

---------- Post added at 03:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 AM ----------

Don't ask Mo, otherwise a ban will be in order for the poor chap.







"GRABBIN' PEELZ!" The Louis centric Left 4 Dead meme.

22-Apr-2010, 02:29 AM
Thats because valve announced a canon comic book that bridges the two games that cements who dies.

Not that im doubting you read that somewhere but everything I have read states the comic simply bridges the gap between dlc's and adds some depth. Do you have a link?

22-Apr-2010, 02:34 AM
Nope, i dont archive my many webvisits, though interestingly i forgot to mention its not a actual paper and ink comic but something we will be getting off xbox live.

Maybe its the start of something to compete against the psn which already has downloadable comics or maybe its just a valve thing. But according to valve there is a concrete death that is canon. However for gameplays sake in the left 4 dead counterpart to left 4 dead 2 players have to choose which of there own kills themselves and stays behind to let the others go.

-the one whos already got the completion achievement, obviously.:lol:

22-Apr-2010, 03:05 AM
Nope, i dont archive my many webvisits, though interestingly i forgot to mention its not a actual paper and ink comic but something we will be getting off xbox live.

Maybe its the start of something to compete against the psn which already has downloadable comics or maybe its just a valve thing. But according to valve there is a concrete death that is canon. However for gameplays sake in the left 4 dead counterpart to left 4 dead 2 players have to choose which of there own kills themselves and stays behind to let the others go.

-the one whos already got the completion achievement, obviously.:lol:

Canon shmanon... What happens in the game is canon. And the more I think about it the more im leaning towards random.

22-Apr-2010, 09:38 AM
It's out now... Anyone up hit me on xbl.

darth los
22-Apr-2010, 03:10 PM
It's out now... Anyone up hit me on xbl.

Unfortunately i couldn't join you this morning but we were definitely up waiting for it. :lol:

But since we're on each others friends list feel free to join me anytime.


22-Apr-2010, 03:59 PM
Sods law says this is the day that my modem stops allowing my 360 to connect to the internet.


22-Apr-2010, 04:03 PM
Sods law says this is the day that my modem stops allowing my 360 to connect to the internet.



darth los
22-Apr-2010, 04:14 PM
Sods law says this is the day that my modem stops allowing my 360 to connect to the internet.


You've gotta be kidding me. Is it ethernet or wi-fi?

Did it happen before or after you downloaded the passing? Or did you even get to?


22-Apr-2010, 04:27 PM
I have it remotely queued, so I just have to flip on the 360 when I walk in the door and hope for a smooth connection/download!

Good luck on resolving the situation, Hells. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU, indeed.

darth los
22-Apr-2010, 05:50 PM
I have it remotely queued, so I just have to flip on the 360 when I walk in the door and hope for a smooth connection/download!

Good luck on resolving the situation, Hells. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU, indeed.

Is that because you purchased it on x box live?

I've always been way of the "pay now get later thing". Any problems with it in the past?


22-Apr-2010, 11:46 PM
Im kind of disappointed. It does not live up to the hype or potential.

22-Apr-2010, 11:52 PM
Im kind of disappointed. It does not live up to the hype or potential.

...of what?

I've yet to play it but its just an extra campaign as long as dead center right? what else where you expecting?

23-Apr-2010, 01:42 AM
It is by far the shortest campaign... It's over before you know it. And the meeting is



23-Apr-2010, 01:49 PM
Anyway, gonna nip down the offy and have another go when I get back. I'm interested in checking out the mutations so if anyone wants a round, 'gis a shout. :)

just back from putting monies in the bank good sir, downlaodin' it now. This crackas fat ass is ready for some zombie redeadening!

darth los
23-Apr-2010, 03:31 PM
It is by far the shortest campaign... It's over before you know it. And the meeting is



Agreed. And there's no bigger left 4 dead booster than me but honestly there was nothing there that knocked my socks off.

It's a new campaign so it's a change for the norm but just like crash course no one will be playing it in a couple of months.


darth los
24-Apr-2010, 07:34 AM
Dunno about that, me and Hells just rocked an eight hour sesh and had a blast getting all the achievements. Can't wait for the next mutation! :thumbsup:



On your next playthrough, check on the second level in the same building with the suitcase full of pistols and money. if you read the graffitti in one of the rooms it says:


gone to the mall


Of course no one i was playing with got the reference but it was super cool to see that.


24-Apr-2010, 04:51 PM
It feels half and half, almost all of it is in some way recycled. be it world assets from the original left 4 dead and half life 2 to the new uncommon which would appear to be the same a.i as the removed screamer without its boomer allotted function. I understand the function of forcing you to give chase, risking separation of the group in exchange for useful bonus items but when its function is the same as something already talked about by valve 2 or 3 years ago it feels lazy, not supremely lazy, i just feel that they may be putting more effort into the left 4 dead dlc and the left 4 dead 2 dlc is just a teaser of things to come.

Now i enjoyed it, it is most definitely a higher quality campaign than crash course and very well made for versus and the final scavenge run is a hoot compared to stuff like the easy ending to swamp fever or dull ending to the parish which rendered the main focus of the game moot in favor of a zerg rush.

Cap' and i played it for a fair few hours and got it down to about an average of 30 minutes a run, but its got some variance we rarely saw so i can only imagine some of the replay value. Heres just some bullet point pro's i noticed.

Unique weather, including stormy weather different to hard rain, including swirling clouds of brown dead leaves obscuring your vision. also fog and mist can make the game a clear night time affair or a early morning misty run where you barely see a crouched shadow before a hunter gets you.

A.i assistance that isnt part of the player group - Having francis and zoey watch your back at a higher angle for the finale, shooting z's whilst you fill the generator if your separated from the group added an element of "someones got your back" that was lost in the transition from the first to second game in the series. It sort of reinforces my idea that in left 4 dead 3 we will have groups splitting up with some providing support, like maybe two on turrets whilst two collect batteries to power a makeshift winch to raise a closed steel sheet door.

As i said before, the game, in particular the first chapter the waterfront is MADE for versus, the middle, the sewers, not so much but the first and third chapters are gonna be majorly fun in an 8 player l4d party game.

Some things i noticed that irked me: Reusing a lot of dialogue soundbytes from l4d for zoey, no variants, so no smokers in a lakers jersey, or female boomers just the original models, bar the witch bride, and thats it. The middle portion is hard, but not fun, running in the dark from an alarm should be fun and action packed, but when theres only a straight line to follow and nothing but zombies b-lining it for you it turns into a crappy gauntlet flashback instead, honestly the sewers in no mercy did sewers better than this.

Honestly its 500pts, about £4 thats half a cinema ticket and 2/3rds of a magazine so for the constant updates we will be getting in the new mutation gamemode, the now inclusive community blog and general ingame fixes its well worth it.

Still stings to know valve wants to give us this for free, but hey, last i checked there was only one console i could play it on and it aint my ps3.

oh well, steam for Mac this month, bring it on:lol:

26-Apr-2010, 02:29 PM
Honestly its 500pts, about £4 thats half a cinema ticket and 2/3rds of a magazine so for the constant updates we will be getting in the new mutation gamemode, the now inclusive community blog and general ingame fixes its well worth it.

I agree with this. For such a small price it all seems worthwhile to add yet another scenario to run through with my friends. I would have liked to have seen Valve pull out more stops and deliver something I felt as though I had never realized I was missing, but the end product is still solid in my opinion.

darth los
26-Apr-2010, 03:27 PM
Overall i was pleased with it but you can tell it was a new map by how easily everyone kept dying. I must have ran through that versus about 20 times and made it to the saferoom on the first level maybe twice.

I haven't been with a team other than my regular mates who have made it to the saferoom on the second chapter or to the escape vehicle on the 3rd. Although, I fully expect people to start folmulating strategies and exploiting glitches in no time.


30-Apr-2010, 03:19 AM
Mutation number two tomorrow. Anyone up for a round in the afternoon?

of course.

30-Apr-2010, 11:56 AM
Mutation number two tomorrow. Anyone up for a round in the afternoon?
So you have to choose "Mutations" from the game modes (eg: Versus/Campaign/Mutations)?

And then what sort of game actually is it?

30-Apr-2010, 12:16 PM
So you have to choose "Mutations" from the game modes (eg: Versus/Campaign/Mutations)?

And then what sort of game actually is it?

no, after the update the menu has a mutations section next to versus and campaign. Underneath it says the weeks mutation like "realism versus: you cant see them but they can see you..." and this option just changes week to week.:)

30-Apr-2010, 12:23 PM
no, after the update the menu has a mutations section next to versus and campaign. Underneath it says the weeks mutation like "realism versus: you cant see them but they can see you..." and this option just changes week to week.:)

Oh! So the mutation can be to any game mode, so one week it could be to Versus, and the following week to Campaign?

You have to play through the "Mutation" option I assume? ie: If the mutation for a week is to Campaign, if I choose the Campaign option I assume I won't get the mutation? But if I go through the mutation option I would play Campaign with it?

30-Apr-2010, 12:24 PM
Oh! So the mutation can to be any (other) game mode, so one week it could be to Versus, and the following week to Campaign?

yep, least ive heard no different, for example ones rumored to be campaign with infinite chainsaws, i cant imagine thats versus mode or that would throw the balance off way too much, its just a fun way to play campaign.

30-Apr-2010, 02:06 PM
Right, heading over to Live in about ten minutes. Interesting to see what this new mutation 'Bleed Out' is all about.

fiver says you all start in the red and bleeding out and its just based on how far you get.

darth los
30-Apr-2010, 03:39 PM
Got it !!

A new Mutation mode, releasing this Thursday 4/29.

Pills now act as your one and only health, along with adrenaline shots. you can go from being black and white to color by using the shot/pills. And your health slowly decays over time.



30-Apr-2010, 03:54 PM
Got it !!

A new Mutation mode, releasing this Thursday 4/29.

Pills now act as your one and only health, along with adrenaline shots. you can go from being black and white to color by using the shot/pills. And your health slowly decays over time.



But in what game mode does that apply? Campaign? Do these all apply to just campaigns?

30-Apr-2010, 04:41 PM
But in what game mode does that apply? Campaign? Do these all apply to just campaigns?

any you want, you just select mutation and its a separate lobby than versus campaign and single player.

darth los
30-Apr-2010, 04:53 PM
There are also previews on what the next few mutations are gonna be.

Last man standing and Four Swordsmen look like a hoot.


30-Apr-2010, 09:00 PM
Wasn't given access to 'Bleed Out'. GRRR!

Maybe it wasnt quit the right time...


of the month


01-May-2010, 08:32 AM
New mutation JUST came out like 5 seconds ago, no update, i was on the main menu idle and suddenly the blog posts biohazard logo glows orange i open it up and has a new blog, also next weeks is called "follow the liter" my guess? all we have is an infinite molotov each and nothing else:elol:

Tried it, basically its the same but you can die much easier, but also that just makes the game go faster, i did a random game online just to get the count for the achievement and stuck with it anyway and we did the whole thing in about 12 minutes, if you die you spawn at the safe room in the next chapter so its not impossible, your just always in the red bleeding out which makes people more careful and its pretty dern fun.

-also, playing 6 games of mutation unlocks a gnome chompsky avatar award!

03-May-2010, 02:00 PM
Man, Bleed-Out is a bitch when you have lollygaggers in the party.

03-May-2010, 02:56 PM
New mutation JUST came out like 5 seconds ago, no update, i was on the main menu idle and suddenly the blog posts biohazard logo glows orange i open it up and has a new blog, also next weeks is called "follow the liter" my guess? all we have is an infinite molotov each and nothing else:elol:

Tried it, basically its the same but you can die much easier, but also that just makes the game go faster, i did a random game online just to get the count for the achievement and stuck with it anyway and we did the whole thing in about 12 minutes, if you die you spawn at the safe room in the next chapter so its not impossible, your just always in the red bleeding out which makes people more careful and its pretty dern fun.

-also, playing 6 games of mutation unlocks a gnome chompsky avatar award!
And again, these are all Campaign gameplay changes?

darth los
03-May-2010, 03:17 PM
Man, Bleed-Out is a bitch when you have lollygaggers in the party.

It's definitely not geared toward the slower sort of sightseeing gameplay.

However, there are basic fundamentals that everyone should be doing that will allow them to be successful even if they have never played together before.

It's apparent if the team you get in a public game knows what they are doing within a couple of minutes.


03-May-2010, 03:24 PM
And again, these are all Campaign gameplay changes?

its a new gameplay MODE. you have versus. you have campaign. you have scavenge. you have survival. you have mutation. Just as you can play a map on survival or versus you can play a game based in mutation but it changes weekly and can be a variant on campaign or pvp game types. As ive said multiple times before it just means theres a new fresh way to play left 4 dead each week. I dont know how i can make it clearer.

heres a picture:


this is the menu after buying the passing, thats where it is, i dont know how i can explain it further than that other than just saying try it and have fun dude.

---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 PM ----------

It's definitely not geared toward the slower sort of sightseeing gameplay.


Thats what single player and easy settings for.:D

darth los
03-May-2010, 03:56 PM
Particularly on campaign. It's a totally different animal on versus.

Imo, expert difficulty on campaign doesn't hold a candle to versus. On campaign there's a set pattern and intervals of when you'll be attacked that's not so in versus.


03-May-2010, 04:02 PM
Particularly on campaign. It's a totally different animal on versus.

Imo, expert difficulty on campaign doesn't hold a candle to versus. On campaign there's a set pattern and intervals of when you'll be attacked that's not so in versus.


and the passing was totally MADE for versus, just as crash course was campaign focussed i was heading through chapter 1 of this campaign near the apartments leading to the park thinking "man theres so many possible ambush spots for specials its unreal":D

darth los
03-May-2010, 04:13 PM
and the passing was totally MADE for versus, just as crash course was campaign focussed i was heading through chapter 1 of this campaign near the apartments leading to the park thinking "man theres so many possible ambush spots for specials its unreal":D

The wedding is normally where most teams die, even though the safe room is right there.

You would think it's a "walk in the park" ( i got a million of em' ) :lol:

Although, I fully expect that with time teams will formulate interesting stategies on how to get through it.

Popping adrenaline and hauling ass is a tried and true method. :lol:


03-May-2010, 04:18 PM
The wedding is normally where most teams die, even though the safe room is right there.

You would think it's a "walk in the park" ( i got a million of em' ) :lol:

Although, I fully expect that with time teams will formulate interesting stategies on how to get through it.

Popping adrenaline and hauling ass is a tried and true method. :lol:


im more the type to use a molotov to make a barrier and sort of cordon an area off. Like in chapter 2 before you head into the sewer when im in the top of the studio apartment block i go out the window and instantly back in the window on the floor below and use the commonly occuring cache of molotovs to make a clean corridor between two walls of flame that we all run through.

Its interesting how different people play, like cap seems to favour a lot of mellee and andy seems to favour guns and i tend to use the environment with the items. like boomer bile in a fire or off a tall building or outside the 'level'.

06-May-2010, 11:40 PM


07-May-2010, 10:31 PM
Chainsaws for me tomorrow, I hope! :D

nope. its scavenge but only one fuel can exists at a time.

08-May-2010, 10:18 AM
Next weeks mutation "LAST GNOME ON EARTH"


08-May-2010, 03:03 PM
nope. its scavenge but only one fuel can exists at a time.

That could actually make life easier, as the team can't get confused and split up!

08-May-2010, 03:23 PM
That could actually make life easier, as the team can't get confused and split up!

but conversely, the player special infected will ALWAYS know where your headed.

08-May-2010, 08:30 PM
gah damn embed thing. I haven't actually played left 4 dead that much. Just seems like it would pull a dead rising and start to get repetitive after awhile

darth los
10-May-2010, 03:17 PM
gah damn embed thing. I haven't actually played left 4 dead that much. Just seems like it would pull a dead rising and start to get repetitive after awhile

The strength of the game is that it never playes the same way twice. Ever.

There are times where I'll run through it and something so crazy will happen that is sure to never happen again and nobody else saw. :lol:


10-May-2010, 10:05 PM
Hey I just bought this puppy for PC, add me on steam for some good killing

steam name is tonymontana69 (Yeah yeah my cousin made it)

darth los
11-May-2010, 03:19 PM
Hey I just bought this puppy for PC, add me on steam for some good killing

steam name is tonymontana69 (Yeah yeah my cousin made it)

Unfortunately I have it for the x box. I'm not sure how many of our brothers here have it on P.C. but the steam forum is chock full of them.


11-May-2010, 04:54 PM
Hey I just bought this puppy for PC, add me on steam for some good killing

steam name is tonymontana69 (Yeah yeah my cousin made it)

