View Full Version : Got a "replacement" Xbox360 console today...

22-Mar-2010, 11:30 AM
Doesn't have a HDMI port like the Arcade model does, says "12v 16.5A;5V 1A" on it (so it's not a Jasper, which is 12.1A or whatever), but says "Service Date - 2009-08-18".

So what the fuck have I got?

I'm assuming a Zephyr still, which is cheeky as fuck, as I read about here:


Sneaky Microsoft: Still Shipping Zephyrs

In my Jasper hunting I came across a strange beast, I found an Xbox 360 Pro with lot number 0843X. I figured it was new enough that it could be a Jasper, but looking at the 12V current rating I found that it was a 16.5A unit. I thought perhaps it was mislabeled and I'd heard about some newer systems having a 16.5A 12V rating, so I thought I'd buy it and take a closer look.

Once I got it home I confirmed: the machine was a Zephyr, that's the original Xbox 360 hardware with HDMI support, meaning a 90nm CPU, 90nm GPU and 90nm eDRAM - the very configuration most likely to Red Ring. I'm guessing it's a reworked Xbox 360 that never made it out of the factory in the first place due to an instant failure; something Microsoft fixed and sent out at a much later date.

Even if you don't care about getting a Jasper, it may be worth looking into what it is you are getting to make sure that you're not stuck with a box that's more likely to fail.

Obviously it has to be one that'll work with my current power supply brick.

Also, a final question, my extended warranty runs out in May ... now, they say they've updated my info to include this console's serial number, but do I or don't I get another year after that being that this is - to me at least - a new console?

If this thing scratches my discs, or RRODs, or any such bullshit after my extended warranty is up, I'm gonna be pissed off.

22-Mar-2010, 12:16 PM
Also, a final question, my extended warranty runs out in May ... now, they say they've updated my info to include this console's serial number, but do I or don't I get another year after that being that this is - to me at least - a new console?

If this thing scratches my discs, or RRODs, or any such bullshit after my extended warranty is up, I'm gonna be pissed off.

I don't imagine you'll get another year's warranty. The warranty will cover you from date of purchase, and I don't think it resets every time you get a new one through that warranty, it's not like Pizza Hut and their unlimited drinks refills. :D

Pretty shitty that they palmed you off with a dodgey console just at the end of its warranty, though. I bet if it was near the start of the warranty they'd give you a later model so they didn't have to repair it again, but now you're not their responsibility soon, they don't care.

22-Mar-2010, 12:39 PM
actually I figured the opposite - that MZ would get a new warranty with his new hardware - simply because it's had official work done to it which would need guaranteeing of some kind, otherwise they could ship it back broken and say they've done the work or something? I dunno, I just figured that if they touch the xbox they have to certify that what they are sending you is working and protect you just in case it isn't....?

22-Mar-2010, 12:41 PM
Could you not just call and ask them?

22-Mar-2010, 01:37 PM
Could you not just call and ask them?
Ahhh geeeeez, do I have to? There's like a million options to go through and then some really quiet foreign guy answers the phone... :rolleyes:

The letter said:

Your registration information will be updated with the new console serial number. If you purchased a Microsoft Extended Service Contract this will also be updated to reflect the new console serial number.

Which isn't much help really. Why should I have to go to the trouble of finding out information, which surely many more people than just I, have asked to know? Not enough information in letters these days.

22-Mar-2010, 01:48 PM
Ahhh geeeeez, do I have to? There's like a million options to go through and then some really quiet foreign guy answers the phone... :rolleyes:


That is a very good point. Nobody wants to go through all of that....

Here's a quick link to the Xbox refurbished console warranty. I didn't read through it all, but maybe it can help.


22-Mar-2010, 02:16 PM
That's shitty. They gave you a console from a few years back that is noisier and heats up more.

22-Mar-2010, 03:02 PM
That's shitty. They gave you a console from a few years back that is noisier and heats up more.
Actually the console in general is no noisier than before, as my previous one (that just got replaced) was a Core Console "Zephyr" (I think that's the name of the chipset in the original ones), it dated back to some time in 2006.

The disc drive on the other hand - is better - it's quieter and it opens first time with no jamming.

Now, if memory serves, you get a 90 day guarantee/warranty after you've had your console repaired ... now I assume the same goes for a replacement too ... in which case I've essentially gotten a "free" month after my extended warranty conks out in late May.

22-Mar-2010, 05:46 PM
Actually the console in general is no noisier than before, as my previous one (that just got replaced) was a Core Console "Zephyr" (I think that's the name of the chipset in the original ones), it dated back to some time in 2006.

The disc drive on the other hand - is better - it's quieter and it opens first time with no jamming.

Now, if memory serves, you get a 90 day guarantee/warranty after you've had your console repaired ... now I assume the same goes for a replacement too ... in which case I've essentially gotten a "free" month after my extended warranty conks out in late May.

You probably get some sort of protection, they can't just ship you a broken one obviously, but I doubt it will be an additional year or anything like that. If it's still in warranty for a few months then it doesn't really matter, as it probably won't be any longer than that.

I wouldn't imagine so, anyway.

22-Mar-2010, 07:10 PM
Yeah I think it'll probably be 90 days, because if its 90 days after a repair, then it'll surely be 90 days after getting a replacement.

Anyway ... thinking of what game I want to get in the gap between now and RDR & Alan Wake ... ... I'm thinking either Assassin's Creed 2 or Batman: Arkham Asylum - any thoughts, good folks of HPOTD?

22-Mar-2010, 08:29 PM
. I'm thinking either Assassin's Creed 2 or Batman: Arkham Asylum - any thoughts, good folks of HPOTD?

Both are really really enjoyable games. You can't go wrong with either.

darth los
22-Mar-2010, 08:45 PM
Both are really really enjoyable games. You can't go wrong with either.

I agree with lang.

However, if you put a gun to my head I'd go with arkham.

Mz seems to like the gta style games so perhaps assassin's creed is right up his alley.


22-Mar-2010, 08:55 PM
Arkham Asylum is one of my all-time favorite games. I liked it that much. But I also don't play games every day...

22-Mar-2010, 10:03 PM
Anyway ... thinking of what game I want to get in the gap between now and RDR & Alan Wake ... ... I'm thinking either Assassin's Creed 2 or Batman: Arkham Asylum - any thoughts, good folks of HPOTD?

I have played and beaten both games. They play similar. I think the controls on Batman are a little better, but A.C. 2 seemed to have a longer game length. They are both great games to play and I advise getting or at least playing both before any sequels come out.

22-Mar-2010, 10:06 PM
Arkham Asylum is one of my all-time favorite games. I liked it that much. But I also don't play games every day...
Factoring in the following information...

1) That I've not played Assassin's Creed 1 (and can't be bothered to catch up)
2) I never really watched the Batman Animated Series, haven't read the comics, but rather dig the movies

Which would be the better choice? Both look like sexy choices, but which would provide me with punchier fun ... I don't want anything that would be too hard, or possibly annoying ... just want something that's good and fun to play before the hardcore gaming of RDR and Alan Wake comes up in May.

22-Mar-2010, 10:45 PM
I can't speak for AC2 as i've never played it or the original, but I seriously doubt that you will be let down by Batman. It's a blast to play and a good story. No original game to start with. Can be re-played multiple times. Yeah....I think you should go with Batman...

23-Mar-2010, 10:35 AM
I can't speak for AC2 as i've never played it or the original, but I seriously doubt that you will be let down by Batman. It's a blast to play and a good story. No original game to start with. Can be re-played multiple times. Yeah....I think you should go with Batman...
Duly noted, cheers bassman. :)

darth los
23-Mar-2010, 03:51 PM
I can't speak for AC2 as i've never played it or the original, but I seriously doubt that you will be let down by Batman. It's a blast to play and a good story. No original game to start with. Can be re-played multiple times. Yeah....I think you should go with Batman...

I agree. I think he'll be blown away and see what super hero/comic book games could and should be.

I've said it before, you could cast anyone as the protagonist in that game, not just Batman, and it would still kick ass.

The fact that it is batman just makes it even sweeter. :hyper:


23-Mar-2010, 04:20 PM
The bad thing about Batman? At a certain point it will make you shit bricks thinking that your system is frying out. Scared the hell out of me the first time.:lol:

23-Mar-2010, 04:46 PM
I can't speak for AC2 as i've never played it or the original, but I seriously doubt that you will be let down by Batman. It's a blast to play and a good story. No original game to start with. Can be re-played multiple times. Yeah....I think you should go with Batman...

i thought batman got very samey by the time its all titan bosses, but ac2 is worse for the same fault. at least in batman you have a variety of ways to deal with a problem even if the result is always the same, in assassins creed almost every little thing is like that old arcade killer instinct. put in your combo and step away from the controls to watch animations play out for like 9 seconds.

Honestly id rather recommend recent stuff like mass effect 2 or bayonetta or somethin' but if you need one of them definitely batman.

23-Mar-2010, 04:54 PM
The bad thing about Batman? At a certain point it will make you shit bricks thinking that your system is frying out. Scared the hell out of me the first time.:lol:
Eh? :rockbrow::eek:

I'm starting to lean towards AC2 ... just watching some footage on YouTube to figure which I'll go for.

23-Mar-2010, 05:09 PM
I'm starting to lean towards AC2 ... just watching some footage on YouTube to figure which I'll go for.

NOOOOO. Go with the bat! You guys even have a Game of the Year Edition coming out over there in just a few days!:p

23-Mar-2010, 05:27 PM
NOOOOO. Go with the bat! You guys even have a Game of the Year Edition coming out over there in just a few days!:p

i think ive seen that on a few shelves the day before yesterday actually. what does it actually add?

darth los
23-Mar-2010, 05:31 PM
Eh? :rockbrow::eek:

I'm starting to lean towards AC2 ... just watching some footage on YouTube to figure which I'll go for.

Also, you'll get way more play out of AC@. It's like GTA in the respect that there are tons of other side missions to embark on other than the main quest.


---------- Post added at 01:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------

The bad thing about Batman? At a certain point it will make you shit bricks thinking that your system is frying out. Scared the hell out of me the first time.:lol:

Nice going dude, you scared him off. We almost had him! :lol: :p


23-Mar-2010, 05:54 PM
i think ive seen that on a few shelves the day before yesterday actually. what does it actually add?

I'm not too sure, actually. From what i've heard I think it's got all the DLC, plus a few other goodies. It also comes with glasses and has the option for 3D, but I think we all know that is most likely a gimmick and would be a distraction...

I wish I had got the Collectors Edition with the batarang. That would've been sweet to have hanging on the wall.:(

Nice going dude, you scared him off. We almost had him!

Man....I had to warm him. Just look at the original topic of this thread! Poor MZ would've had a heart attack when that part kicks in. :lol:

23-Mar-2010, 06:40 PM
I figure there must be some bit where you hallucinate or something, and it resembles your Xbox breaking?



I'll probably go for AC2, but will sleep on it ... geez, what a fuss over a purchase, right? But I always like to make sound purchases, and I always like to get a good bargain or a sale ... my Scottish heritage shining through there, no doubt. :p

I really enjoyed all the free-running stuff in The Saboteur, so I figure why not play the game that really gets that aspect spot on, you know? And get my money's worth out of it too. :)

If I do get AC2, Batman will remain on my "to do" list, along with a few other titles such as the new Splinter Cell (which I'd get before Batman, because I loves me a bit of Sam Fisher snooping around with a silenced pistol ... but now with added boshty fightin' stuff).

23-Mar-2010, 06:42 PM
I figure there must be some bit where you hallucinate or something, and it resembles your Xbox breaking?



I'll probably go for AC2, but will sleep on it ... geez, what a fuss over a purchase, right? But I always like to make sound purchases, and I always like to get a good bargain or a sale ... my Scottish heritage shining through there, no doubt. :p

I really enjoyed all the free-running stuff in The Saboteur, so I figure why not play the game that really gets that aspect spot on, you know? And get my money's worth out of it too. :)

If I do get AC2, Batman will remain on my "to do" list, along with a few other titles such as the new Splinter Cell (which I'd get before Batman, because I loves me a bit of Sam Fisher snooping around with a silenced pistol ... but now with added boshty fightin' stuff).

if you want quality bargain sandbox gaming get just cause and crackdown for a grand 5 nicker from blockbuster video;)

23-Mar-2010, 06:57 PM
lol, I don't get stuff from Blockbuster ... their shit is usually broken or scratched to fuck, so I've found anyway. Didn't care for Just Cause from the demo, and I've already done Crackdown like 2.5 years ago (and it was fun as shit :cool:).

23-Mar-2010, 07:10 PM
lol, I don't get stuff from Blockbuster ... their shit is usually broken or scratched to fuck, so I've found anyway. Didn't care for Just Cause from the demo, and I've already done Crackdown like 2.5 years ago (and it was fun as shit :cool:).


Mirrors Edge: fps free running shooter/platformer that looks bitchin' in HD or SD, great music, gameplay and art direction, totally cool and in stores for £3-£5.

Jhon Woo's stranglehold: basically its max payne 3 gamewise, but also the sequel to the John woo flick hard boiled. this is going for 99p in gamestation.

Lost Planet: a failed colonized world now in an ice age where you pilot mechs and fight giant monsters, in certain versions you can play as frank west from dead rising, hes covered wars you know. goes for £6 in gamestation.

Oblivion game of the year edition: oblivion, plus a bunch of the expansion dlc's got it for £5. totally worth it.

not even half ac2 or arkham asylum's price and hours of entertainment. good as they are both the games your looking into get very samey by the end when you off finding a few dozen feathers or fighting the same henchman for the 100th time.

There not bad, but not really full price material unless you have a raging hard on for batman or the assassin guy.

and lets face it if so, batmans the straight choice.:lol:

23-Mar-2010, 07:39 PM
Both games were rents for me. Batman was so short I was able to finish it easily in the alloted time. AC2, not even close. . . .I enjoyed both games a lot. I'm a fan of history, so I found that aspect of AC2 rather interesting. I never played part 1, but I wasn't really confused by the plot in the second one really. I dunno. . . since I played it to story completetion, I think I might give the edge to Bats. . . just for the sheer fun. But AC2 is something I want to go back to sometime.

24-Mar-2010, 10:45 AM
I've decided to go with Assassin's Creed 2.

Just looking at gameplay footage on YouTube, I sided with AC2, even though I've not played AC1 (I wanted to, but when I heard about the annoying parts of it, I thought fuck that - now that AC2 took the criticism of the first seriously and solved people's woes with it, I'll play AC2). Got it on sale too ... plus I'll get most for my money out of it being a sandboxer.