View Full Version : the geniuses of the month award goes to...

23-Mar-2010, 02:04 PM
these two morons, who boasted on tv that they made over $3,000 a week by selling shoplifted toys online.

moral of this story: don't brag about criminal activity until the statue of limitations has run out.


23-Mar-2010, 02:29 PM
The pair were arrested last September - nearly a year after an appearance on the Dr Phil television show.


The fact that they talked about it on Dr Phil somehow makes it even better...

darth los
23-Mar-2010, 03:53 PM

The fact that they talked about it on Dr Phil somehow makes it even better...

Doctor/patient confidentiality doesn't apply if the entire country is tuning in ya damn yo-yo's !


23-Mar-2010, 04:16 PM
ya damn yo-yo's !

haha....that's been one of my favorite "insults" ever since I first saw Night90.

"Ya bunch a yo-yos!"


darth los
23-Mar-2010, 05:58 PM
haha....that's been one of my favorite "insults" ever since I first saw Night90.

"Ya bunch a yo-yos!"


Yes, Dr. Phil is a testament to the power of the Oprah endorsement. So's the guy we have in the white house. :D

I But yeah, it always struck me funny that such a vanilla family line would be in a series in which the curse-a-thon that is Day of the dead is also a part.
