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02-Jun-2006, 08:51 PM
what is everybodys opinion on day of the dead? In my opinion it is the best of GAR's dead films. i just want some other opinions.

Nick McLaughlin

02-Jun-2006, 09:55 PM
Being a nihillist(sp?) I have always liked Day the best. It seems the most bleak and hopeless. Plus it makes me dream of what could have been if George would've had a good budget.

Anyway, Day is still my favorite...plus I even like the 80's syth score..


02-Jun-2006, 10:10 PM
Day was the first of the original trilogy that I saw (I watched them in reverse order actually), and I really enjoyed it and I still really enjoy it. It reminds me of when I first saw it at the age of 14. I'd never seen something so gory, and it was my first GAR flick. I reckon the movie rocks.

02-Jun-2006, 10:15 PM
It was the first zombie flick I saw back in Grade 4...lol, so therefore it is my favourite, I think it's definatley the most mature zombie film out there. It was kind of the movie I was hoping LOTD would be like

03-Jun-2006, 01:38 AM
Seems as if the first time I saw it I ranked it third of the original trilogy. Then after subsequent viewings, I grew to like it more and more. I then had it tied with Night, now I think maybe I even have it ranked above Night. Dawn is still the King, but Day is awesome. A great mood, very somber, great score by John Harrison, awesome effects. What more could a movie goer want?

03-Jun-2006, 03:14 AM
Not that big of a fan. Easily the least of the four in my opinion, the acting is an entire notch below the other films.

general tbag
03-Jun-2006, 03:17 AM
it was one of the full length zombie flicks i had scene. it was good prior to not seeing the other 2. after watching night, and dawn, my opinion changed. the other 2 were greats imho . i also found it hard to believe that for being military they were such dire straits. like come on one helicoptor .....

i wish the original script would of been done myself, it would of been a better movie overall.

i did google the remake of day and onloy came up with script ideas by the writer, and how 'bud' would be in there.... wtf kinda scarey he doesnt know it bub not bud

03-Jun-2006, 04:24 AM
It's my third favorite, but I love them all. Dawn is tops in my book...

03-Jun-2006, 04:28 AM
i thought it was good, but not better than the other 2

the opening still gives me chills, seeing how everything was gone but the zombies

03-Jun-2006, 05:18 AM
its easily the least favourite of the four in my view though i think thats becuase its so simple, i mean think about it, how else could they have ended the movie?, maybe they could be rescued by the army at the end but they didnt have the budget ,but meh.

the 80's synth rocked though:D

and ive heard talk about a mutch longer origional script, anyone know were i can read that online?, ive searched and all ive found is the longer land script with the zombie rats in.:shifty:

Guru ofthe Dead
03-Jun-2006, 05:28 AM
what is everybodys opinion on day of the dead? In my opinion it is the best of GAR's dead films. i just want some other opinions.

Nick McLaughlin
Ok I dig this kid. As young as you are and having an interest in these films is wonderful. The problem today is that younger viewers are amazed with all of the CG work in movies. You keep up watching and learning the ways of making great Dead films all with real effects. Also to answer the question I'm one of those who has let Day grow on me. At first I was'nt very happy with it, but over the past twenty years I've come to enjoy it more. I would still say that it is third on my list behind Night and Dawn.:)

03-Jun-2006, 05:32 AM
The problem today is that younger viewers are amazed with all of the CG work in movies.

you were close to setting me into an i hate cgi rant thar':D

Guru ofthe Dead
03-Jun-2006, 05:36 AM
you were close to setting me into an i hate cgi rant thar':D
Sorry it just seems that filmakers think they need to use it in every scene. Yeah it's probably easier and cheaper, but to me it kinda takes the fun out of the movie seeing the splatter of fake blood all over the place.:)

Moon Knight
03-Jun-2006, 07:12 AM
I love Day. The conversation between John and Sarah is classic and means so much. Scenes like that is what was missing from Land Of the Dead.
The Gore effects, the music, Capt Rhodes, and overall mood make this a great film. Also, the opening with Dr Tongue....priceless.

03-Jun-2006, 08:00 AM
Sorry it just seems that filmakers think they need to use it in every scene. Yeah it's probably easier and cheaper, but to me it kinda takes the fun out of the movie seeing the splatter of fake blood all over the place.:)

not wanting to sound immature but, damn straight byatch!:D

03-Jun-2006, 01:08 PM
I never liked it, I still don't like it.

One of the few redeeming qualities is the relationship between Bub and Logan. That particular angle of the film was really well done.

03-Jun-2006, 02:14 PM
I believe that the original Day script is available right here on this site.

03-Jun-2006, 03:50 PM
It is my favorite in the series. Even with the over the top acting, which worked wonderfully.

And the music was good too. As much as I adore a full orchestra soundtrack a la John Williams, God, I wish they choose him for the TF live action movie.

03-Jun-2006, 04:04 PM
I was only bothered by the bad acting in one scene, and that's when Logan starts rambling and is acting crazy, when talking to Rhodes.

03-Jun-2006, 07:00 PM
people people people, please, we all know that Dawn is undisputabley the best in the series. we all know that Day has nothing on Dawn, so lets just end the argument here

however... there was Bub

04-Jun-2006, 08:53 AM
i agree i hate CG it needs to be mechanical and make up like it was in the first 3

Doc Foster
04-Jun-2006, 11:37 AM
The conversation between John and Sarah is classic and means so much. Scenes like that is what was missing from Land Of the Dead.

Spot-on comments, Moon Knight! I also like "Day" a lot, although it's not my favourite film from the original trilogy. Two factors that have always marred it though, IMO, is the partial overacting (in particular Lori Cardille and Joe Pilato) as well as some of the zombie make-ups, where Tom Savini - quite literally - laid on a touch too thick for my own taste.

05-Jun-2006, 12:54 AM
I was only bothered by the bad acting in one scene, and that's when Logan starts rambling and is acting crazy, when talking to Rhodes.

if your on about the scene when he goes :

"without reward captain theres no use for it, just no use for it at all"

then wt-frigg!, that was one of logans best scenes!

and if your a spaced fan in the first half of series one daisy yells at tim saying he wants "petty revenge on woman kind" and he replies just like logan with the twitchy head and all.

....then jumps out of a 2nd storey window:lol:

people people people, please, we all know that Dawn is undisputabley the best in the series. we all know that Day has nothing on Dawn, so lets just end the argument here

however... there was Bub

i cant agree with this enough, yeah bub rocked though and he looks like simon pegg too. creepy:cool: .

05-Jun-2006, 10:26 AM
Day is actually my favorite of Romero's films. Dawn is a close second followed by Night. Land sucks so bad I just ignore it.

07-Jun-2006, 04:14 AM
I have problems ranking the dead films...to me, they all have something the other's don't which makes them all truly unique. GAR is the best in terms of making movies that compliment and add on to one another: they all add something to the series and don't really compete in my books.

I love Day. However, I think it suffered from the same problems I personally find in Dawn '04 and Land. Just too many frickin' characters! The characters were limited in Night and Dawn, so a personality developed with each one so that you could really feel for them. I felt bad for Roger and Ben when they kicked the bucket, and I could feel for Peter when he had to off his buddy. In Day, I think the soldier roles of Rickles, Torrez, Miller, and Johnson (and maybe even Miguel) could all be condensed to one character. Keep a few characters and develop their storylines: don't just add characters for the sake of gory deaths.

08-Jun-2006, 12:10 AM
from my rant about what ew said about it, i think most folks know how i feel about day. it is easily my favorite of the 4. i think it really has a claustrophobic, end of the world feel to it and there is a real sense of desperation there as well.

30-May-2007, 04:28 AM
I didn't really like it I liked Dawn the most, then Night, Day, Land...

I enjoyed how it showed people turning on each other, some people could've cared less about everyone, the lengths people would go to to save someone, and people at their wits end. It was great to see the inevitable mind set of some people but I felt the movie lacked enough zombie feeding action.

30-May-2007, 03:34 PM
from my rant about what ew said about it, i think most folks know how i feel about day. it is easily my favorite of the 4. i think it really has a claustrophobic, end of the world feel to it and there is a real sense of desperation there as well.

These are the exact things that make it my favorite also. I was so affected & afraid when I watched Day at a young age, after watching Dawn I was hoping for the world to end so I could have as much fun as they did. Day is easily the most disturbing & frightening of all of them.

31-May-2007, 01:42 AM
This used to be my favorite of the three, but now, I see Dawn/Day more as equals.

31-May-2007, 02:01 AM
its ok kick ass begining

darth los
31-May-2007, 03:20 AM
Day was the first of the original trilogy that I saw (I watched them in reverse order actually), and I really enjoyed it and I still really enjoy it. It reminds me of when I first saw it at the age of 14. I'd never seen something so gory, and it was my first GAR flick. I reckon the movie rocks.

I'ts funny that you say that. I've never put much thought into it but now that you mention it , i watched them in reverse as well. How did that affect the way you view the series?

31-May-2007, 08:00 PM
To tell you the truth, Im not a huge fan of Day. I like it for what it is, but as a stand alone movie not that much. compared to dawn and night, both the 90's remake and original, I just dont think its that good. Of course Day can always have the solace that compared to the remake of day(at least what I can see from the previews) its friggin Braveheart.

darth los
31-May-2007, 08:18 PM
Sorry it just seems that filmakers think they need to use it in every scene. Yeah it's probably easier and cheaper, but to me it kinda takes the fun out of the movie seeing the splatter of fake blood all over the place.:)

I think you're right. I've compared the special efects in land to the ones from day and imo day's are superior. At this point cgi technology still looks too "fake" to be believably scary. It does have some uses though, like when they busted out of the mall in Dawn 04' and were surrounded by thousands of zombies. That was awesome and gave a sense of the hopelessness of the situation. Logan spoke about it, how they were outnumbered 400,000 to 1 but those are just numbers. Whenyou actually see it it's like :eek:

31-May-2007, 11:22 PM
Good ol fashion make up and pig organs are always the thing to use

darth los
31-May-2007, 11:29 PM
There's definitely something visceral and gritty about it. If these neo-special effects artists had to do a flick without computers they'd be screwed. There's no substitute for the skills that Masters like Savini and Nicotero bring. Also, more than that they had to be really creative with their effects. These guys were geniuses. How many times did they make up something right on set?:confused:

05-Jun-2007, 06:20 AM
Dawn, Night, Day, Land - that's how I have 'em ranked.

05-Jun-2007, 06:27 AM
i used to agree cap but of late im warming to day more than night, purley becuase i think ive seen it too much. there all good though i for one love land, sure it aint as typcially "romero" and more hollywood but its not a bad zombie movie.

and yes i liked big daddy ,ill admit it.

05-Jun-2007, 07:14 AM
and yes i liked big daddy ,ill admit it.
Fair do's mate. I know you got a healthy love of comics and Big Daddy is a comicbook-type hero, nootch. :sneaky:

I didn't mind Big Daddy's character really, I just thought he was overplayed, that's all.

05-Jun-2007, 10:43 AM
Fair do's mate. I know you got a healthy love of comics and Big Daddy is a comicbook-type hero, nootch. :sneaky:

I didn't mind Big Daddy's character really, I just thought he was overplayed, that's all.
Wooooo, Big Daddy! :):cool:

05-Jun-2007, 02:28 PM
Day is my favourite film. I remember seeing the trailer when me and a friend rented Re-Animator on VHS and being big fans of Dawn i got so excited. I managed to buy a (pirated) VHS copy when it hit the cinemas in the US (Copy came complete with drop-outs and flickers). I can remember watching it with my brother who asked 'What's this sh*t?'. Ah... happy memories. Still, the remake should be along soon and that looks GREAT! :dead:

Sorry, did i say looks great? i meant to say looks like a turd sandwich. My bad. :clown:

"If possible, sir. Only if possible"

05-Jun-2007, 02:35 PM
I liked day alot..The bleakness and just the perfect intreptation of hopelessness and desperation. In the other films there was a hint of escape, some sort of freedom and an attempt at a happy ending. I loved the setting and the charecters.

Those of you who say this is the least great out of the romero films..what? Wut? wut? Land was okay, a no brainer but fine at its best. It was like a baby monkey wiping its ass on the floor that was romero work. Rant over. Dawn is my favourite with Night then Day then Land.

Lol Ah For the days of Corn Syrup and Pig Organs

05-Jun-2007, 02:38 PM
"If possible, sir. Only if possible"

Ha! The nightmare begins...

05-Jun-2007, 05:27 PM
Ha! The nightmare begins...

GRIFF - You must know that film as well as i do (to my eternal shame, lol)

26-Jun-2007, 12:53 AM
At first, I didn't like Day of the dead. I just thought it was a little too bleak for me, but that is what makes it great, right:evil:

After veiwing a few times over the past year, since I bought the DVD, just to complete my Dead trilogy, I have learned to like it more and more. I guess I've come to appreciate it. It is a great movie, the fx are awesome, it surpasses Land. I was very disappointed with Land, it just didn't have the same feel to it as the other three did. After one veiwing, I said, well that's it. I don't wanna see that one again:bored: :barf:

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 01:02 AM
It is a great movie, the fx are awesome, it surpasses Land. I was very disappointed with Land, it just didn't have the same feel to it as the other three did. After one veiwing, I said, well that's it. I don't wanna see that one again:bored: :barf:

I feel the same way. i have found a use for my land dvd. it makes a great coaster. :D