View Full Version : 'Dead Rising' for the PC

25-Mar-2010, 11:31 AM
...Did it ever happen?

25-Mar-2010, 11:44 AM

25-Mar-2010, 11:49 AM
Probably a good thing because that game suuuucked.:sneaky::elol:

25-Mar-2010, 12:00 PM
^^^^ yeah!

25-Mar-2010, 07:04 PM
Quit bitching you scabby PC owners and shell out for a xbox will ya? :p

25-Mar-2010, 07:15 PM
Quit bitching you scabby PC owners and shell out for a xbox will ya? :p
*bitch slap*

PC and Consoles each have their own wins-over-the-other aspects, so let's not bother with that nonsense, shall we?

Apparently Dead Rising 2 is coming to the PC ... I'm tempted, gotta say ... you just know someone's gonna do a modification for it a la Dawn of the Dead. It might just be totally worth ditching my Xbox360 pre-order in favour of the PC ... ... providing there's none of that utterly bullshit DRM wank. Otherwise I'll stick with 360 for it.

25-Mar-2010, 08:31 PM


25-Mar-2010, 08:57 PM
*bitch slap*

If you get the first slap, then I get to kick him in the balls.

Good news on 'Dead Rising 2' though. :hyper:

25-Mar-2010, 09:03 PM
If you get the first slap, then I get to kick him in the balls.

Good news on 'Dead Rising 2' though. :hyper:

mmm, still on the fence with dead rising 2, and not my usual cynical-jadedness. certain things seem like the old "dangle the shoelace for the cat" trick. Like we've seen "multiplayer" but its competitive stuff like rolling around in hamster balls to see who can squish the most zombies but theyve been kinda skittish to say if you can actually just play with your friends in the imaginary vegas.
Though to be honest the original teaser STILL left a bad taste in my mouth. it was meant to be badly chopped i know, but when theres footage of frank west in his megaman outfit i call shenanigans.
What vie seen looks great. but again we havent seen as much as that as, hell, weve seen more on alan wake in the last year and that had a rediesign from a sandbox game to a linear chapter based game!

So im excited but yeah, warning bells set to mild.

26-Mar-2010, 12:45 PM
Apparently Dead Rising 2 is coming to the PC ... I'm tempted, gotta say ... you just know someone's gonna do a modification for it a la Dawn of the Dead.

They already did this - it's called DEAD RISING 1. :lol: :D

26-Mar-2010, 07:04 PM
They already did this - it's called DEAD RISING 1. :lol: :D

Jammy git. :D

I mean the actual Monroeville Mall, with '78 zombie skins and everything, and you being able to be any of the four protagonists. Now that'd be awesome.

And being able to drive a Scirocco through the mall running over zombies!!! :eek:


26-Mar-2010, 07:22 PM

Dude, I could not resist. :D

Well, lets see... DR1 had a mall (not Monroeville, but, it's a mall!), and it did have cars that you could drive over zombies, but not inside the mall.

Ok, so you got 50% of DotD in DR1 - they're not that far off already. ;)

Back to the topic - I'm still sore about them not releasing DR on the PC. For me, personally, would've made for a hell of a lot more fun gameplay-wise, not to mention, my computer rig would've been able to handle so much more than a 360 could - more zombies, better graphics, better gameplay (for me, I can't stand controllers, I need the accuracy of a mouse & kb).

Hopefully they don't screw up and not release DR2 to the PC. They "say" it will, but they also said that DR1 was eventually going to be released on the PC too, right? :(