View Full Version : Government to help those under-water in mortgages

25-Mar-2010, 11:39 PM

25-Mar-2010, 11:46 PM
Oh gooodeee, another vaguely politics-related thread on Homepage of the Dead! I wonder what sort of scintillating debate this will lead to...



26-Mar-2010, 12:11 AM
Man I love these threads!

op posts link relating to idea his favorite party subscribes too, article is validated by 'experts' on that parties side.

"hue hue hue, see that (left or right) tards, mah party is better than yours, ohhhhh lawd, hue hue hue"

People on opposite end of political spectrum read link, get offended

"The hell is that shit? You (left or right) tards are completely fucking BONKERS! See, look at this *link that comes to different conclusion than ops link, article validated by experts on the parties side* You guys are fucking idiots, look at this shit! How can you not believe it? Fucking sheeple that is why. You just go ahead and try and keep your head up your ass, I am sure it is better than having to bring it into the air of TRUTH AND FREEDOM YOU FASCIST"

Op response is more or less the same as previous. Ruler now comes up, and everyone starts slapping it against their erections, trying to prove whose is the longest.

Op- Hue hue hue, 3 inches, that means I am correct, you goddamn freak!
not op- Yea well 3 isn't so big really, I mea-
Op- How big is yours? Why are you dancing around the issue so bad?

26-Mar-2010, 09:14 AM
Things like that just encourage people to keep living beyond their means because they know the state will bail them out, the UK has been like that since the mid 90's & is constantly getting worse. People like myself who work full time for a living but on a relatively low salary struggle to afford the basics with no help, while people who either get themselves into huge debt or dont even work at all get it for free from my taxes :mad: seems to me your president obama is spawned from the same political pot as our Tony Blair!

26-Mar-2010, 12:43 PM
Oh gooodeee, another vaguely politics-related thread on Homepage of the Dead! I wonder what sort of scintillating debate this will lead to...

That's a fantastic picture Kraken :thumbsup:

26-Mar-2010, 12:55 PM
Things like that just encourage people to keep living beyond their means because they know the state will bail them out, the UK has been like that since the mid 90's & is constantly getting worse. People like myself who work full time for a living but on a relatively low salary struggle to afford the basics with no help, while people who either get themselves into huge debt or dont even work at all get it for free from my taxes :mad: seems to me your president obama is spawned from the same political pot as our Tony Blair!

Agreed. It reminds me of someone who gets in trouble only to have their dad bail them out everytime. How will they ever learn? Don't buy what you can't afford.

I will be earning a 2nd degree in the near future and landing a nice job or starting a successful business. I do not care if the job is a 6 figure one. The last thing I am going to do during my first year is start purchasing new cars and buying a half a million dollar house. I will be saving in case I get laid off. I will also make sure if I do purchase anything such as a home entertainment center it will be bought with cash and not credit. It will be paid off. And I will not live beyond my needs.

I know some people were dealt a bad hand, so I am not refering to them. I am talking about those who are irrespondsible with money. The type who win the lottery and are broke within a few years.

26-Mar-2010, 01:04 PM
Another brilliant move by our genius president. :rolleyes:

26-Mar-2010, 02:18 PM
The black dog is named Lebowski. Awesome.:cool: