View Full Version : Xbox 360 USB Hard Drive Support Confirmed

darth los
26-Mar-2010, 04:38 PM
Good news considering that MS charges way too much for their storage units. I'm sure this will help drive the price down but what's the point when you could just use another external storage unit that has way more space and is cheaper to boot.



26-Mar-2010, 04:49 PM
Dammit, you got me all excited about this until I read:

"Users can then set how much space they want to use on the drive, but only up to 16GB each. "

16gb only? Jesus, I have USB thumb drives bigger than 16gb. :rolleyes:

Why the hell can't I attach a 1TB HDD and use the entire space?

I guess there's one good thing to come of all this: you can now back up all your stuff saved on your M$ HDD. I know you could do it before, there were ways, but it was always a major pain in the ass.

darth los
26-Mar-2010, 04:59 PM
Dammit, you got me all excited about this until I read:

"Users can then set how much space they want to use on the drive, but only up to 16GB each. "

16gb only? Jesus, I have USB thumb drives bigger than 16gb. :rolleyes:

Why the hell can't I attach a 1TB HDD and use the entire space?

I guess there's one good thing to come of all this: you can now back up all your stuff saved on your M$ HDD. I know you could do it before, there were ways, but it was always a major pain in the ass.

It wouldn't suprise me one bit if they continued their nickle and diming ways and said that theywill allow us to use more space... for a nominal fee of course. :rolleyes:

Cue Bassman!!

Aw, the hell with it, I'll do it for him.

Fuck Microsoft. :mad:



26-Mar-2010, 05:06 PM
It wouldn't suprise me one bit if they continued their nickle and diming ways and said that theywill allow us to use more space... for a nominal fee of course. :rolleyes:

Now that sounds exactly like M$'s way of doing things.

Fuck Microsoft. :mad:


:lol: :D

26-Mar-2010, 05:20 PM
can't put games on it, and if i could could only fit arcade games and one or two original xbox ones, two limited in.

yeaaah, this is pointless. this is for all the people who bitched, and rightly so, when microsoft patched in the ability for the 360 to only recognized licensed microsoft memory cards.

Honestly this is hands down the thing i love most about my ps3 over my 360. i can put a variety of media storage devices in and trade damn near anything on them between the ps3, the computer and the psp.
All i can assume, being the dvd drive of the two, is its a ton of things to get around piracy. still sucks for people who only have a 360 though, even my wii can have an unlimited number used at any time.