View Full Version : Anybody knowledgeable about rabbits?

29-Mar-2010, 12:41 AM
So one of my brothers rabbits is looking bad, like its dying. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about them?

Its anywhere between 4 to 6 years old. in 6 months its gone from dark black and fat to a grey skeleton and its shedding and drinking water constantly. the vet says he's not sick and jut "in a rut" but this rabbits been very sickly its entire life. is it possible he's just a runt of the litter so to speak and he's just on his way out?

29-Mar-2010, 07:59 AM
rabbits are pretty tasty if prepared right. other than that, i'm not knowledgeable about them.

29-Mar-2010, 02:22 PM
Damn, Professor, Hellsing opens up his jaded, black little heart to ask about helping an aminal, it doesn't even seem to be a meme (I admit, I thought it might be at first) and you joke about how tasty said aminal is.

That's cold, Prof. :)

In all seriousness, best of luck with the Bunny, Hellsing.

darth los
29-Mar-2010, 02:37 PM
Try feeding it some trix dude.


31-Mar-2010, 10:16 PM
Me and my sister raised rabbits for several years. Without seeing the critter, I'd hazard the idea he might be getting a visit from the Reaper. 6 is a long time for a bunny. The weight loss and change in coloring makes me think it's certainly not due to rutting.