View Full Version : Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Xbox 360 Trailer - Live-Action Trailer

darth los
29-Mar-2010, 02:55 PM
I haven't seen this posted here or even talked about. Is there no one excited about this because this really looks and sounds bad ass.



29-Mar-2010, 03:11 PM
That was awesome, definitely looking forward to it. There were some really cool idea's with the cloaking, drones, and mini rocket backpacks.

I miss the days of C&C Red Alert style cutscenes with real actors :lol:

darth los
29-Mar-2010, 03:37 PM
That was awesome, definitely looking forward to it. There were some really cool idea's with the cloaking, drones, and mini rocket backpacks.

I miss the days of C&C Red Alert style cutscenes with real actors :lol:

I always said that anything you see in realistic games like this or in film, the pentagon thought up 20+ years ago.

Yeah, it'll be interestingl to see how one would actually use these gadgets in terms of gameplay.


29-Mar-2010, 03:54 PM
They really dropped the ball on the last iteration of the series, as far as I'm concerned. The later Ghost Recon installments for the Xbox (prior to the 360's release) were very open-ended, with sprawling maps, mobile, highly challenging battles and stealth could actually help you, all these things seemed to have been left out in the last release of the game.

Will this be rectified, or will we get a generic, hamster-maze, shooter?

29-Mar-2010, 04:09 PM
My friend and I loved the games on 360, but that's possibly because we never played the older ones.

Love the FMV stuff, C&C was great for using it. Wing commander was (MARK HAMMIL!) Solar eclipse. I think it helps concrete a sense of realism where there might not be any.

Looks awesome too. I remember the FMV thing they did for Halo ODST and I thought that was damn good as well.

darth los
29-Mar-2010, 04:13 PM
They really dropped the ball on the last iteration of the series, as far as I'm concerned. The later Ghost Recon installments for the Xbox (prior to the 360's release) were very open-ended, with sprawling maps, mobile, highly challenging battles and stealth could actually help you, all these things seemed to have been left out in the last release of the game.

Will this be rectified, or will we get a generic, hamster-maze, shooter?

I don't see it being generic, personally. These people have to compete with the likes of CODMW2. Any subpar effort would be death, imo.


29-Mar-2010, 04:16 PM
That was a interesting ....but I've got one question. Wouldn't it be wise to show the actual game in their trailer?:confused:

darth los
29-Mar-2010, 04:31 PM
That was a interesting ....but I've got one question. Wouldn't it be wise to show the actual game in their trailer?:confused:

The game probably isn't even ready yet. We all know that there's normally months if not years of hype before a game is finally released. So who knows.


darth los
09-Apr-2010, 08:29 PM

