View Full Version : Recording a DVD commentary

30-Mar-2010, 09:05 PM
So, the puppet crew is trying to get a performance DVD ready for Contamination. One of the special features is the original 2007 NOTLD puppet show.

Tonight a couple of us are getting together, grabbing a couple beers, and recording a commentary track.

Any suggestions to keep it from sucking?

30-Mar-2010, 09:18 PM
Stay on point from Conception to where you are currently, do some FAQ's, trying to keep it informative and entertaining.

30-Mar-2010, 09:28 PM
Thanks, Deej.
We're mostly going to be apologizing for the raw state of the first year's show. :lol:

30-Mar-2010, 09:30 PM
DJ's got some good points, but don't make it too serious. I can't stand commentaries that take themselves TOO seriously. Have some fun with it and it makes the viewer have some fun too.

31-Mar-2010, 11:28 AM
Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself, I know I cracked a few jokes during the Deadlands 1 & 2 commentary, so don't be afraid to crack a joke or two.

31-Mar-2010, 01:59 PM
Well, we got it recorded last night. It took a couple takes, but there should be something salvagable in one of them. :D

We mostly just goofed on the 2007 show, and made fun of each other.

So, yah, we had some fun with it.

('specially since the only people who're gonna watch it are folks who know us already)