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View Full Version : DEADLANDS 3 - LET'S GET IT MADE FACEBOOK GROUP. (link Inside)

31-Mar-2010, 12:36 PM
So, now that I am rested up and geared up and ready to I have started a campaign to get Deadlands 3 made, which I have noted too many would be my last zombie flick... (We all know that could probably change)

Anyway, so I created a facebook group and I am trying to gather people from around the world to help spread the world and raise awareness about this series and its final entry.

So if you support indie filmmaking and support the series, join the group:


I of course will continue updating things here on HPotD, and eventualy this forum thread title will be changed to Deadlands 3, but there is still a lot of promotion work for Deadlands 2 to finish up as well.

Anyway, here is where everything stands as of 03/31/2010:

Over the past weekend I gathered over 2500 emails from producers, stduio's executives, whatever I could find and sent them 4 items along with a brief introduction about myself, the film, the two previous films and details about getting a third one made. Out of those 2500 emails I received 107 replies back with parties interested in learning more which I turned over to my agent to flush out.

Out of the 107 emails, 2 major parties are once again interested, Lion's Gate and Warner Brothers. Lion's Gate was full out looking for a Rated R film that could go into a series, and likes the idea of the reboot Lonnie and I wrote back in 2008, so if they do jump on board, there could be a complete reboot, but there is also interest from them in doing a lower budget version, and just titling it Deadlands: The New World (dropping the 3)

Warner Brothers is looking for something as well that has sequel potential, but with a tone and vibe closer to PG-13, which of course is not my cup of tea and I ask my agent to keep it on the back burner, but if they really show tons of interest then will move towards it, but I would try and fight for an R-rating.

Smaller parties, mostly involved in low budget productions are showing interest as well, and this is going to most likely be the place Deadlands 3 ends up because it will allow us to make the balls out version without exec influence to the point it waters everything down. However, nothing is sealed until the checks are handed out.

I have been down the road with WB and LG before, and that didn't get us much of anywhere, but with Zombieland doing so well last year studios are once again looking for Zombie properties, which is great for the genre.

Either way, I have officially started pre-production, slowly, but I am putting the pieces in place to make sure the film starts shooting by April 2011, if something moves ahead quicker... great, but as for right now, with what I am gearing up to do... it will still get done.

So I ask all my fellow Dead Heads, and visitors to join the group, help spread the word and help me get Deadlands 3 made. You guys have been great support over the last 5 years and I wanna give you all a kick ass zombie film, something the zombie fans can be proud of like they are of their beloved original Romero trilogy.

Thanks again for everyone's support


p.s. Linky one more time:


31-Mar-2010, 06:13 PM
Sounds like there's some real potential in the ones that came back to your email fest, exciting stuff! :thumbsup:

R-Rated ... definitely. From the script I read of DL3 a while back there's no way you could do a decent PG-13 version of it ... in my view at least. Zombie flicks simply need to be balls out swinging in the summer breeze getting admired by females, no question. :)

31-Mar-2010, 07:02 PM
MZ you have seen my two flicks, while not overly gory, they are violent in terms of the zombie carnage and I don't want to tone that down.

I would fight for an R, but if we do get it made and the MPAA slapped it with an NC-17 I wouldn't appeal, to me that has more marketing potential among true horror fans.

31-Mar-2010, 07:22 PM
Have alerted the folks among the puppet crew.

We got a fan page too, but this thread ain't about us. :D

01-Apr-2010, 10:22 AM
Deej - damn straight - with a flick like Deadlands, an NC-17 would only help its cause. Heck, you could even make it an "issue" again online and see if discussion about the NC-17 rating could be opened up again.

This nonsense about certain papers or TV networks not running ads etc because of an NC-17 rating is just that - nonsense.

And yeah, while not an awful lot of blood, there is a ferocious approach to the violence that gives it a real wallop.

01-Apr-2010, 09:23 PM
NC-17 or R for a theatrical version is fine by me. When i get hit with an NC-17 on Deadlands 1 I said fuck that and gave it back, but for the scrips I have made for the next installment either rating would be suffice.

02-Apr-2010, 03:01 PM
R-Rated ... definitely. From the script I read of DL3 a while back there's no way you could do a decent PG-13 version of it ... in my view at least. Zombie flicks simply need to be balls out swinging in the summer breeze getting admired by females, no question. :)

This. :D

02-Apr-2010, 04:01 PM
I had a female admiring my balls just a few days ago. :D

She was very impressed that I had so many. :lol:

02-Apr-2010, 05:08 PM
Finally got to read the script.

Wow. This one is gonna be really good.

Really, REALLY good.

I sure hope you can get the budget you need.

And good actors.

(Seriously, the dialogue is that good. Very natural. I can believe these are real people in extraordinary circumstances. Please don't let crappy acting ruin it.)

Do you have locations scouted?

I wanna see this movie. NOW.

03-Apr-2010, 05:52 AM
Thanks Billy Ray, glad you liked it.

I think it will make a truly great film and I think it will be one of the better indie zombie films made.

I honestly can't wait to start shooting this puppy.

03-Apr-2010, 04:23 PM
Again, make sure you have GOOD actors.

Nothing will kill this movie faster than shitty acting.

If there are professional theatre companies by you (even semi-pro or talented amateur) start sending out feelers now.

There's a lot of professional working actors (especially the young 'uns in an acting intern program) that would brag about being in a horror film.

Don't hire just for pretty.

If you need a hand looking, I can help via interwebs. Just float me a private message.

(and I've been reminded by my crew that we were promised featued zombie roles. :skull:)

03-Apr-2010, 10:11 PM
again, make sure you have good actors.

Nothing will kill this movie faster than shitty acting.

If there are professional theatre companies by you (even semi-pro or talented amateur) start sending out feelers now.

There's a lot of professional working actors (especially the young 'uns in an acting intern program) that would brag about being in a horror film.

Don't hire just for pretty.

If you need a hand looking, i can help via interwebs. Just float me a private message.

(and i've been reminded by my crew that we were promised featued zombie roles. :skull:)

don"t worry... I keep my promises. You guys just have to come to the set.