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View Full Version : Deadlands 2 Seeks New Distributor

01-Apr-2010, 09:58 PM
WETNWILDRADIO Films has announced today that Gary Ugarek's Deadlands 2: Trapped will once again be seeking DVD distribution for the USA and CANADA. Gary and Athem Pictures, the films distributor have opted to ammicably end the agreement, allowing Gary to find another distributor for the film.

"While it is a hard thing to note and report, it is what was best for myself and the film." Says Ugarek. "I didn't feel Anthem was representing the film to the best of their ability, and the Deadlands 2 HD DVD project only added more fuel to the fire. The SD-DVD release was of the poorest quality possible, from a mastering stand point to the finished released product, that included artwork that listed features that didn't exist and a pressed disc with a list of issues from artifacting to out of sync audio. Also, the overall handling of the HD DVD project and the fan backlash over the constant delays and lack of communication by Anthem forced me to have a war of words over the handling of the film and the customer service surrounding the SD & HD DVD Project. When you are on the phone with your distributor 2-3 times per week, or sending daily emails that is when you have to re-assess the situation and take a step back and ask yourself, Is this working out?"

Those who ordered HD DVD's won't have to worry as Anthem is now shipping the HD DVD to those who stayed in for the long run, and will fulfill those orders, however, the standard DVD release will be discontinued and no further orders for the HD DVD version will be taken.

WNWR Films will be actively persuing another distributor for the film. "We hope to get it into the hands of another distributor ASAP, that will give the film a proper release, like TEMPE did for Deadlands: The Rising. So on top of early pre-production for Deadlands 3, we will be on the lookout for a new home for Deadlands 2" Says Ugarek

Gary has asked fans to stay up to date by following the films official website, and a facebook group created for the films. You can join the facebook group here: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/group.php?gid=94410237097 or follow the film via the official website, www.playingwithdeadthings.com

Gary has also promised to keep people updated on the status of Deadlands2 via his WETNWILDRADIO Podcast and the films IMDB Page.

"Hopefully a new proper version will be back out in the fold by fall 2010" Gary Ugarek