View Full Version : Autumn-avoid like the plague

03-Apr-2010, 02:02 PM
Taking a chance, I decided to rent this movie just to see if it could be moderately enjoyable. It wasn't in the slightest. The acting was terrible, the camera work was jumpy and at times painful to sit through. The lighting wasn't that great either, in some shots the light was blinding and you could barely even see what was happening. The plot was only interesting in the first ten minutes as everyone died, other than that you spend roughly the next hour and twenty minutes watching everyone mope around while trying to not make noise so they don't upset the walking dead. The only really 'scary' part lasts about five minutes at the end.

Had I been watching this on my own instead of with friends, I would have easily fastforward through most of the thing and been done with it in twenty min. or less. As it was, Autumn was one of the few movies where I was litterally looking at the clock and wondering when in the hell this thing was going to end, and I've seen quite a few bad b-movies.

The only thing that was even remotely done well in this whole cinematic nightmare was the zombie makeup, but that doesn't come close to making up for everything else.

Avoid this movie and save close to two hours of your life for something more constructive.

03-Apr-2010, 09:20 PM
the novel its based on is superb, the movie however, is a piece of proper shit.

04-Apr-2010, 06:22 AM
Book. . . ok. . . not great. . . .but mostly readable

Movie. . . . .oh man. . . . . just terrible.

29-Apr-2010, 01:38 AM
Autumn was disappointing. Not the worst zombie movie I have ever seen, but hard to follow, jumps around - no where near as good as the Autumn book series. :(