View Full Version : And so it begins! MLB!

05-Apr-2010, 12:21 PM
Last night's game was a great way to kick off the season. Hate both teams but, naturally, I was routing for the Sox. Beckett was blowing it but that was one hell of a game and they came back to win it. Super exciting way to start up the best part of the year (for me, at least)!

A lot of analysts are predicting a Sox/Phils WS. Let's hope they're right!

Phils season opener is today at 1. Gonna be having some [unemployed] friends over and we'll be getting loaded at the bar in our basement. Anyone got plans for their teams?

05-Apr-2010, 01:32 PM
I just can't wrap my head around the fact that it's that time of year again. I may try and get tickets up at Fenway for my Dad, as I think he'd probably like to get up there one last time, but this Spring/Summer promises to be a tight one (lots of weddings and a few different major expenses).

06-Apr-2010, 04:38 AM
What a great day!
The White Sox won and the Cubs got hammered!

06-Apr-2010, 05:44 AM
oh yeah! cardinals win, 4 team homers with 2 by pujols. and yeah, any day the cubs lose is a good day.:D

06-Apr-2010, 06:05 AM
The Phils decimated the Nats, 11-1. Truly a great day.

06-Apr-2010, 09:52 AM
Anyone got plans for their teams?

For them to win! Go Dodgers!

darth los
06-Apr-2010, 04:10 PM
Last night's game was a great way to kick off the season. Hate both teams but, naturally, I was routing for the Sox. Beckett was blowing it but that was one hell of a game and they came back to win it. Super exciting way to start up the best part of the year (for me, at least)!

A lot of analysts are predicting a Sox/Phils WS. Let's hope they're right!

Phils season opener is today at 1. Gonna be having some [unemployed] friends over and we'll be getting loaded at the bar in our basement. Anyone got plans for their teams?

Well, as i did last season, (You can go back and check the posts) Let's give the champs the respect as I did with the phillies last year and call them the favorite until proven otherwise. If anything the yanks have gotten better since last season if for no other reason they now have championship experience, which is why i understand that the phils and sox are so dangerous because they have it as well.

But they are the champs and deserve that respect. Anything less just reeks of yankee haterism.

That is all.


06-Apr-2010, 06:31 PM
Darth, I wasn't disrespecting them by saying I was glad the Sox won. However, I don't feel I owe them any respect; I am a Yankee hater and I'm proud of it! :D

Seriously, though, I've always disliked the Yanks because of their ridiculous salary cap. But, I suppose it's got a lot to do with the jealousy-factor.

Also, I just don't ever see myself thinking a team did something incredible by winning their TWENTY SEVENTH title. Now if a team like the Padres, Astros, Rangers, Mariners, or Cubs [finally] won a title - I'd see reason to congratulate them plenty.

Sorry, I guess I'm just spiteful. :p

06-Apr-2010, 06:39 PM
I am a Yankee hater and I'm proud of it! :D

Hear, fucking hear, I say! :)

I hate me some Yankees :p

major jay
06-Apr-2010, 07:09 PM
I'm a Pirates fan so I think you know how I feel. All of you root for winning teams, the Pirates haven't had one for almost 20 YEARS! :annoyed:

darth los
06-Apr-2010, 07:20 PM
It's sad when hate fills a person's heart for something.

I used to feel the same hate for michael Jordan from 91-93'. As a knick fan he has ripped our hearts out many times. However, when he retired and left a gaping hole in the sport i realized that i had just seen the greatest player ever and i didn't even appreciate it because i was blinded by my hate for him.

So, when he came back in 96' i decided that yes i can be as die hard a knick fan as there is but even when he's doing to my team greatness is greatness and instead of missing something truly special just enjoy the ride becasue greatness is fleeting and you might never see it again.

27 titles is greatness. When those other teams win, it's a big deal to them and to the cities which they belong because they are not used to winning.

When the yanks win, you're right it's nothing out of the ordinary, it's just order being restored to the universe and things are back being the way they are supposed to be.

Also, i take great pride in ripping the title from the actual champs instead of the phils losing in their league and we had played some upstart. So legitimate champs we are. We beat the man so we be the man.

There is good news though, ( I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico :p) we're in the series often nough, so, there's a good chance if the mets or phils ever sniff a world series again they will most likely have a chance to rip it back.

Good luck with all that though.


---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ----------

I'm a Pirates fan so I think you know how I feel. All of you root for winning teams, the Pirates haven't had one for almost 20 YEARS! :annoyed:

Ahem, I am also a knick and Jet fan so there goes that frontrunner theory.


major jay
07-Apr-2010, 09:12 AM
Ahem, I am also a knick and Jet fan so there goes that frontrunner theory.


I don't think your front runners, it's just that the MLB needs a little more parody. I mean, we're nothing but a farm team. :annoyed:

darth los
07-Apr-2010, 03:54 PM
I don't think your front runners, it's just that the MLB needs a little more parody. I mean, we're nothing but a farm team. :annoyed:

Now that i can agree with. There are some teams that will never even sniff the playoffs, let alone the series and that's not good for any sport. Fans have to feel like their teams have a chance or else leaugewide interest goes down, especially in those markets.

However, the small market teams have to shoulder some blame for that as well. To the best of my knowledge, billionaires own all of these franchises. They're like their toys, pets, status symbols if you will.

If there there is a negligent owner who chooses to take their billions along with the shared revenue teams like the yankees give them as basically charity and not put it back into the team, whose fault is that? Certainly not the Yankees.


07-Apr-2010, 07:17 PM
I love this time of year. No more friggin' New England winter, Easter, earlier sunrises, Chiller, and baseball. Go Sox!

08-Apr-2010, 01:32 PM
Win twins!

darth los
08-Apr-2010, 03:56 PM
Just a thought.

One of the things I love about baseball is that nothing is a given, especially in a short series. Being the situational game of inches that it is the pirates could come into Yankee Stadium and Seewp the Yanks.

Would I be pissed? Oh hell yeah. Would I be suprised though? Oh, hell no.

Any team can get hot for a stretch. The difference is, with bad teams they aren't doing it on a consistent enough basis in order to accumulate the 90 or so wins it normally takes to qualify for the playoffs.

But there is plenty of regular season drama and personal stories to make things interesting, especially this year.

That's why despite the obvious greater popularity that the NFL and NBA enjoy over it in this country it will always be our National Pastime.

So good luck to all your teams, no matter how red their sox are. :p

Oh, and great win by the yakns over the sawx last night, huh?
