View Full Version : Battlefield Bad Company 2 Recruitment Thread

05-Apr-2010, 07:39 PM
Well, I figured there must be some other people playing on various platforms who are looking for squadmates. Maybe I missed a previous post.

Anyone playing multiplayer and looking for some other people to squad up with sound off here and include your platform.

Kithnaryn1 on Xbox live.

05-Apr-2010, 09:07 PM
Add me, I play a bit now and then

Exatreide box live

06-Apr-2010, 02:27 AM
I'm alternating between this and Just Cause 2, so if you see me on, invite me!

GT: CoinReturn

06-Apr-2010, 06:40 AM
I'm too socially inept to start inviting people myself so add me, send me an invite and I'll join :)



06-Apr-2010, 02:17 PM
Will add you folks. Thanks :)

08-Apr-2010, 02:43 AM
i plan on buying this game very soon. getting my poor dog neutered this month, so funds aren't available till may...also have a TON of schoolwork coming at me between now and the semester.

totally burnt out on MW2 and all the bullshit that accompanies an evening of playing it (spam messages offering 10th prestige for 20 bucks, potty-mouthed brats, getting dropped from games, parties split up, and all the fucking glitches).

but i will get BC2 soon and hopefully you guys will still be kicking ass and have room for another trooper.:cool:

10-Apr-2010, 11:51 AM
update: okay, after rage-quitting a few mw2 matches after having to mute half the lobby every game i played in, i realized how much i am beginning to hate mw2...so i went ahead and picked up BC2 on sale.

totally different feel for the multiplayer, but it is way more gratifying to have a great match on bc2. (personal best is 16 kills on 6 deaths in deathmatch, with 7 sniper rifle headshots)

anyone wants to kick some ass on XBL sometime, send me a friend request: jrodbygod

10-Apr-2010, 02:28 PM
Don't forget to use the 'back' button to spot enemies and place an orange triangle above their heads, letting you and your teammates know where they are. I don't know why DICE doesn't explain this in a tutorial or something, half the players I come across don't even realize it's a feature.

10-Apr-2010, 04:08 PM
I'm purchasing this for my 360 soon, feel free to add me if you want.


Be forewarned- expect lots of swearing and "OH MY GOD, I WAS BEHIND COVER, HOW DID HE SEE MEEEEEEEEEE?!?!?!"


13-Apr-2010, 05:08 AM
had a great time doing battle with ya, doug. anyone else on here who wants to team up, let me and doug know, we kinda kicked some ass this evening.:D

13-Apr-2010, 04:46 PM
had a great time doing battle with ya, doug. anyone else on here who wants to team up, let me and doug know, we kinda kicked some ass this evening.:D

Yeah, man...that was frikkin' great! Thanks for taking the initiative and sending the invite!

I still need to add Mo and Exatreides (who I somehow missed before), so I'll do that today.

20-Apr-2010, 08:53 PM
so, i should be able to get it today. Vendors arrive at wallies world, so the shelf should be completely stocked with all sorts of battlefield 2 goodness.

Anyone up for a game later today?

20-Apr-2010, 08:56 PM
I should (hopefully) be on if all goes well. Shoot me an invite if you see me and have the game, Mo.

20-Apr-2010, 09:01 PM
got a lot of homework (that i should be working on more diligently at the moment) today, but look for me online later in the week, mo. we can get an hpod squad together with aces and maybe coinreturn...could be epic.

20-Apr-2010, 09:19 PM
will do. You may need to teach me a little bit though..i haven't played it in awhile, and last time i did, it was on pc.

21-Apr-2010, 08:35 AM
Send me a friend invite and I'll play with you guys. Recluse189 is my gamertag. My friends and I play this a couple nights a week and pretty much just like most people are fed up with the general garbage that MW2 has become.

25-Apr-2010, 10:21 AM
for those of you who want the free class upgrade dlc's but don't feel like paying 2 bucks apiece or buying dr. pepper, check out this link:


a friend of mine sent it to me, he claimed it was legit, i checked into in, got all kits for free. directions are included in the link.

25-Apr-2010, 02:48 PM
Thanks for the link!

25-Apr-2010, 03:27 PM
So, anyone have any really awesome stories about this game?

One of my favorite moments was playing Rush on the neilson bay map. I was on the American team, and the Russians had pushed us back to our very last base camp, and in the process, getting more reinforcement tickets. Our team hunkered up in all the surrounding buildings, and prepared for the assault. I was crouched in a doorway with another recon, and we spent about 20 minutes spotting, calling down mortar strikes, and sniping literally dozens of enemies. I myself got 17 kills (with only sniper rifle), and numerous assists.we wore them down from about 95 tickets to a paltry 17, but they were finally able to break through, and destroy our last m-com station. I didn't care, as I had a blast (and a ridiculous K/D ratio), and it was easily the most exciting match I have played yet.

Another match, I was playing a shotgun recon, and ran around blowing up tanks with C-4, and shotgunning everything to death.

Why is this game so damn fun?

J-Roc, get online soon, we need to play again soon! Same with you Aces, you're always playing borderlands, and I don't want to interrupt your gaming so I never send an invite (rejection hurts mang).

I think that we could get a decent squad going on, and it would be a blast.

25-Apr-2010, 05:43 PM
I feel like playing some today. Send me an invite, exatreides.

Whats a good story...

was playing Panama canal as a Medic. I really suck with machine guns so I was using a Shotgun with slug rounds and magnum ammo. These guys were assaulting alpha base from bravo in a Bradly. Someone hit it with an RPG, they all jumped out. The engineer was fixing it, killed him with a long range shotty shot. Jumped in the now half fixed thing and proceeded to shoot all the bastards who jumped out in the back.

25-Apr-2010, 05:48 PM
J-Roc, get online soon, we need to play again soon! Same with you Aces, you're always playing borderlands, and I don't want to interrupt your gaming so I never send an invite (rejection hurts mang).

Ok, I'll be on this afternoon/evening. We'll do it up and kick a little ass.

25-Apr-2010, 06:53 PM
I'm on now. Lets kill shall we?

25-Apr-2010, 07:41 PM
J-Roc, get online soon, we need to play again soon!

this week i may be on for a bit, but i've got two end-of-the-semester presentations to give on friday of this week , so i've really got to focus on that for the next several days (fucking school:annoyed:).

however, i may be on here and there, shoot me an invite if you see me on. after friday, though, i will be more than willing to spend an entire evening sniping and calling in artillery barrages on some random douchebags with ya.

26-Apr-2010, 07:38 PM
Played with Mo for a few hours last night. it was quite a good time I must say. We had some notable adventures playing Rush and Conquest I do say. Managed to level up a couple times.

We were playing Rush on...pipeline I think. The one where you parachute in as an attacker. Grabbed a UV and was about ready to hit a tank with it, was about read to die from someone shooting my guy...So I rammed the tank (Which apparently was going to explode) Causing it to explode and get me a double kill...

My guy died in his valient UAV Kamikazi move.

26-Apr-2010, 09:42 PM
Yea, that was too fun. One of my favorite moments was when you and I were in that tank on port valdez i think, and that recon guy ran up to us, underneath the range of our guns. We freaked out, jumped out of the tank, and ran away, only to find that the recon guy was now in the tank and killing the shit out of our team mates.

Or on that one map that takes place in the desert town, with the construction site off to the right of the russian deployment. Found 4 Russians trying to take back their flag at the one closest to their spawn point, so I blew two up with the grenade launcher, shot one to death, then lept over the balcony, and knifed the other in the spine.

I work all week now, so I doubt I'll be on as much, but if you see me shoot me an invite if you wish.

Also, sorry if you can barely understand me, I've been sick with a cold all week, and my nose is filled with some greenish brown snot.