View Full Version : F.E.A.R. 3 Approaching

darth los
08-Apr-2010, 04:35 PM
I actually like these games. The paranormal apect of it always keeps me on my toes. It sorta has that old school RE feeling of dread around every corner.



08-Apr-2010, 05:54 PM
I meant to play FEAR on PC, but the rig I would have played it on couldn't handle it ... and I meant to play FEAR 2 on PC ... but I never got around to it, and I've heard it's got lame-ass DRM bullshit on it, so fuck that.

Played the demos of both though. FEAR 2 looks scary as balls.

darth los
08-Apr-2010, 06:43 PM
The games really have that survival horror atmosphere, Particularly in the sequel and definitely gets wierd in places but, imo, in a good way. I would definitely recomend atleast a playthrough of both.


08-Apr-2010, 07:00 PM
and I've heard it's got lame-ass DRM bullshit on it, so fuck that.

Sadly thats absolutely killing the PC gaming industry now, even when you buy the damn game off the shelf you still have to be online with an account before they let you even install it :mad:

09-Apr-2010, 09:28 AM
heres the live action trailer


Remember when alma was this tragic figure and not the bitch from the ring? dont get me wrong the first two games were fun, bit samey in terms of endless offices, but still fun spooky bullcrap y'know? but the plot just seems to be getting more confusing. So everything between F.E.A.R and project origin is non canon since the "second game" game out and now were returning to the point man and his crazy brother, no doubt to facilitate the co-op, but i thought both of them were dead?, and what about the guy alma basically raped at the end of project origin?is he dead? who WAS he? i dont even know I DONT EVEN KNOW?!

bleh, frigg it. im gonna buy it, im gonna enjoy it for the mindless jump scares but still, doom has a more cohesive plot than this mindfrigg.

09-Apr-2010, 11:23 AM
John Carpenter is supposed to be directing the cutscenes for this game.