View Full Version : Caprica

11-Apr-2010, 03:27 PM
Is it worth my time?
I loved BSG.

11-Apr-2010, 03:55 PM
bsg was easily one of my favorite series in years and from what i hear capricas nothing like it. ive had it described as "like hereoes but half set in a virtual gta world" No thanks.

11-Apr-2010, 05:02 PM
I watched the first two episodes and the gist of it is this. Virtual worlds where folks explore all of their widlest fantasies, where folks have orgies do drugs, and become addicted to simply existing in the environment. Eric Stoltz is a high level scientist whose daugter dies in an explosion, but here virtual self still exists. Stoltz manages to capture his daughter's virtual self and implant it into a new cylon he has created. He brings in a young Adama who is going through the same thing as Stoltz, the loss of his daugher.

I made the executive decision to wipe my DVR of it and quit watching. I started watching the third episode and said "why bother any longer". Interesting idea but it didn't hold me.

11-Apr-2010, 05:46 PM
I watched the first two episodes and the gist of it is this. Virtual worlds where folks explore all of their widlest fantasies, where folks have orgies do drugs, and become addicted to simply existing in the environment. Eric Stoltz is a high level scientist whose daugter dies in an explosion, but here virtual self still exists. Stoltz manages to capture his daughter's virtual self and implant it into a new cylon he has created. He brings in a young Adama who is going through the same thing as Stoltz, the loss of his daugher.

I made the executive decision to wipe my DVR of it and quit watching. I started watching the third episode and said "why bother any longer". Interesting idea but it didn't hold me.

Thanks. I'll think I'll leave it then.

11-Apr-2010, 10:29 PM
Hmm, I'm a massive BSG fan, but I don't really want to see this...BSG is about the "rag tag fleet", nothing more, nothing less...and it's not like they come from an interesting "Universe" (like Star Wars or Farscape), it's just America in space.

So no. BSG starts with the "Mini Series" and ends with "Daybreak" as far as I am concerned.

12-Apr-2010, 07:17 AM
We call it Craprica here at work....figure that one for yourself :)