View Full Version : the island

11-Apr-2010, 08:27 PM
Do you think the island is where the fake cops from Dawn of the Dead end up?

I like to think so...

11-Apr-2010, 08:36 PM

Different Romero universe (one in which the isles of Ireland are not off the coast of Delaware I would presume).


12-Apr-2010, 12:12 AM
Night through Land is one series. Diary through Survival is a different beast.

12-Apr-2010, 03:48 PM
Different Romero universe (one in which the isles of Ireland are not off the coast of Delaware I would presume).

Is this the same universe that has Tropical Isles in the middle of the Great Lakes?

No wait, that's a different Snyder universe...

12-Apr-2010, 03:48 PM
Night through Land is one series. Diary through Survival is a different beast.

I thought Diary was supposed to be taking place on the same night as Night. Granted the seasons are off, but doesn't Diary uses some of the radio/TV broadcasts from Night as radio broadcasts?

12-Apr-2010, 03:51 PM
I thought Diary was supposed to be taking place on the same night as Night. Granted the seasons are off, but doesn't Diary uses some of the radio/TV broadcasts from Night as radio broadcasts?

I think this was used as more of the "Coolness" effect (just like having Stephen King be one of the broadcasters in the film). It was one of those moments when big fans like us would be like: "Hey! That's from NOTLD! Awesome, man!".


30-Apr-2010, 04:54 PM
My personal opinion is that the movies (yep, all of them) are in the same universe. And I don't particularly care about the timeline/technology issues or any reboot philosophy or different universe comments. I cannot enjoy the movies viewing them as ... ahem... islands.

Survival spoiler alert!!

I think it's possible the cops in Dawn could've ended up on Plum Island. It's a fun thought.

It seems like the timeline would've put them leaving the city via boat near the same time that Sarge and the group were doing the same. Which means either:

1) They ended up reaching the island prior to Sarge, and were visible floating in the pond (anyone want to look for dead bodies matching the cop's descriptions??). I think we can safely say they weren't there and blending in.

2) They ended up reaching the island after Sarge left, meaning they were on a largely deserted island with no leadership and a relatively contained zombie problem.

30-Apr-2010, 09:45 PM
My personal opinion is that the movies (yep, all of them) are in the same universe. And I don't particularly care about the timeline/technology issues or any reboot philosophy or different universe comments. I cannot enjoy the movies viewing them as ... ahem... islands.

Agree wholeheartedly. But for everyone it's different, I suppose.

I get more enjoyment from the movies by imagining them all happening in the same world; fashion and technology notwithstanding.

darth los
09-Aug-2010, 01:40 AM
Agree wholeheartedly. But for everyone it's different, I suppose.

I get more enjoyment from the movies by imagining them all happening in the same world; fashion and technology notwithstanding.

People who let that kind of stuff detract from a film, I'll never get.

Of course the're wearing bellbottoms and butterfly collars. It was made in the 70's.

That kind of stuff can't be helped.
