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View Full Version : A re-cap of CINEMA WASTELAND

13-Apr-2010, 01:30 AM
Well let me go on record noting that CW is probably the best horror con I have ever attended. This is just the greatest 3-day party you can ever attend, and the horror fans are truly down to earth, ultimately cool and very social.

The weekend was just outstanding. Jim and I promoted Deadlands 2 every chance we had, and when Saturday nights screening popped up the audience loved it. The Q&A afterwards was a lot of fun although I was 25 sheets to the wind, somehow people could decipher my drunken dialect.

People seemed to just love the flick and agreed that JIM one evil SOB, something I am very proud of with the film. They also cheered at all the gore scenes and commented on how fast paced the movie was, while saying it ran the same time as the previous film, but it didn't feel like you sat there for 90 minutes, it felt like it was over and you don't miss a beat.

Comments like this make a director proud and happy and I know Jim was extremely happy about the comments he received as well.

Once of the comments we both laughed at was someone in the audience who said... "This is clearly better than the DAWN remake" I was a bit shocked at first, thanked him, but I dunno if I would go that far as to make a comment such as that, I mean it is hard to compare $6,000 to $25,000,000. However, if a fan feels that way far be it from me to change his mind.

All in all I would say it was a huge success and I am grateful to Ken Kish and CW, as well as the convention goers who took a chance on the film. It seems they are very excited about Deadlands 3 to which I was asked by quite a few... how do I become a zombie in Deadlands 3?

Truly a great weekend.

Oh, and I got a few pics from the cast of Fulci's Zombie... just waiting to upload them at the moment. Beatrice Ring from Zombie 3 was there and looked just a beautiful today as she did back when Zombie 3 was made.

13-Apr-2010, 09:46 AM
One of the comments we both laughed at was someone in the audience who said... "This is clearly better than the DAWN remake" I was a bit shocked at first, thanked him, but I dunno if I would go that far as to make a comment such as that, I mean it is hard to compare $6,000 to $25,000,000. However, if a fan feels that way far be it from me to change his mind.

Sounds like a dude with their head screwed on. :sneaky::)

Glad CW went well!

13-Apr-2010, 12:20 PM

Like I said that comment is a bit of a stretch, but I am not going to agree or disagree with him. I like the DAWN remake, and while my film has a DAWN feel to it, IMHO it is far from being better than the remake.