View Full Version : Steven Seagal

15-Apr-2010, 11:53 AM
I always thought the man was an absolute bellend, even when he's playing the good guy in films! This just confirms it
http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Showbiz-News/Steven-Seagal-Filming-On-Actors-Police-Reality-TV-Show-Halted-Following-Sex-Allegations/Article/201004315602762?lid=ARTICLE_15602762_StevenSeagal: FilmingOnActorsPoliceRealityTVShowHaltedFollowingS exAllegations&lpos=searchresults

15-Apr-2010, 02:04 PM
Steven Seagal is such a dick on so many levels. And considering a lot (I'm not saying all) male stars have serious problems with sexual harassment, and nothing is done about it, this wouldn't surprise me in the least. (If Christian Bale were to grope a script girl halfway through the filming of Terminator 4, they'd rather fire the script girl than fire Christian Bale. Or even press charges)

I love watching this show though, because it shows what an absurdly arrogant and self-centered loudmouth this guy is. In one of the first shows he instructed one of the cops in how to handle a gun. HOW TO HANDLE A GUN. Steven Seagal, you're an action hero. You're not a cop. Your work does not involve handling firearms in a professional fashion. His does. He's BETTER at it than you. SHUT UP.

That kind of stuff goes on all the time. And the show doesn't go three minutes with Steven Seagal dropping either expert advice on law enforcement (seeing as he's a movie star who's played a lot of cops!) or dropping some ancient buddhist or asian wisdom. Dude. Cut it out. You're annoying. (Not saying there's anything wrong with that, but Steven Seagal's high-and-mighty attitude just turns me off)

15-Apr-2010, 02:36 PM
Steven Seagal? Isn't that the guy who slapped his once-famous, ex-wife around? He acts too?


15-Apr-2010, 03:11 PM
It's hard for me to hear mention of Seagal without thinking of Kortick's signature of him murdering children.:lol:

A once on-top-of-the-world hollywood star that thinks of women as nothing more than play toys? Say it isn't so! No surprise, here.

15-Apr-2010, 03:16 PM
It's hard for me to hear mention of Seagal without thinking of Kortick's signature of him murdering children.:lol:

Ah, now that was a classic! I should hunt that down, as it was always good for a (disturbing) laugh.

15-Apr-2010, 04:01 PM


Kortick is the man. Gotta love his twisted sense of humor.

darth los
15-Apr-2010, 04:24 PM
Segal is an asshole with spray on hair. That is all.

Didn't he and Van Dam get into it once upon a dream?


15-Apr-2010, 04:28 PM
I think they were both approached to appear in Stallone's 80's action throwback film, The Expendables. They declined because they were more interested in "personal" projects. Which really means they didn't want to be in an ensemble cast and share the film. Good career move, guys.:skull:

darth los
15-Apr-2010, 04:40 PM
Good career move, guys.:skull:

Which is why all he can afford to eat now is this...:lol:



15-Apr-2010, 04:41 PM
Rubbish actor from rubbish films, turns put to be a rubbish person...

...who'd a thunk it...

darth los
15-Apr-2010, 04:49 PM
Rubbish actor from rubbish films, turns put to be a rubbish person...

...who'd a thunk it...

Does rubbish mean greasy eurotrash where your from? :lol:

If so we see eye to eye on that one.

i can honestly say that i never enjoyed even one of his films.


15-Apr-2010, 05:02 PM
i can honestly say that i never enjoyed even one of his films.

I was just looking through his credits on IMDB and yeah....I'm with you on that one.

One thing I noticed, though - He's in Machete?? Weird...

darth los
15-Apr-2010, 05:34 PM
I was just looking through his credits on IMDB and yeah....I'm with you on that one.

One thing I noticed, though - He's in Machete?? Weird...

Well that does seem to be a film for hasbeens and d listers, so ya...


15-Apr-2010, 05:40 PM
Does rubbish mean greasy eurotrash where your from? :lol:

If so we see eye to eye on that one.

i can honestly say that i never enjoyed even one of his films.


Rubbish is trash in the US, I suppose. Waste.

15-Apr-2010, 06:39 PM


Kortick is the man. Gotta love his twisted sense of humor.

what was that from then? seriously that's weird!!!

15-Apr-2010, 07:06 PM
And he's one of those people who thinks its cool to wear weird in a bad way clothes & have a mullet or ponytail, a bit like dog the bounty hunter, cringeworthy shit right there!

darth los
15-Apr-2010, 07:16 PM
what was that from then? seriously that's weird!!!

I believe it's from an Uwe Boll film: Postal.


15-Apr-2010, 07:42 PM
Doesn't he now use a Stunt double for any scenes that require him to walk in?

15-Apr-2010, 07:44 PM
Doesn't he now use a Stunt double for any scenes that require him to walk in?

He uses one for everything he does except the labored, late era Brandoesque breathing. That's all Seagal.

darth los
15-Apr-2010, 07:48 PM
He uses one for everything he does except the labored, late era Brandoesque breathing. That's all Seagal.

He looks all sweaty here. Perhaps he had to bend down and tie his shoes or something. Very reminiscent of Dom Deluise. :lol:



15-Apr-2010, 08:43 PM
I am willingy to bet that he ends up in sex rehab, and tries to broker a deal with the networks to allow a camera crew to follow him on his road to recovery.

You get the entire spectrum of Steven Seagal emotions:

Angry steven

Contemplative Steven

Sad Steven

Frightened Steven

15-Apr-2010, 09:32 PM
Didn't he once challenge one of his stunt men to a fight and get a pasting? :D

16-Apr-2010, 05:54 PM
He looks all sweaty here. Perhaps he had to bend down and tie his shoes or something. Very reminiscent of Dom Deluise. :lol:



Man alive, when did it become acceptable for men to wear friggin' Mumus? :stunned:

darth los
16-Apr-2010, 06:28 PM
Man alive, when did it become acceptable for men to wear friggin' Mumus? :stunned:

I believe it's acceptable the moment you graduate to a c-cup, but don't quote me on that. :lol:
