View Full Version : Tectonic plates? Nah!

20-Apr-2010, 01:28 PM

20-Apr-2010, 01:37 PM
I've heard of people being delusional, but wow.... just wow...

20-Apr-2010, 01:38 PM
....and Iran is one of the more developed middle eastern countries, deary me!

20-Apr-2010, 01:47 PM
....and Iran is one of the more developed middle eastern countries, deary me!

And yet it reminds me of someone, somewhere claiming AIDs was a punishment from God. I wonder where that happened...I wonder who said that...


20-Apr-2010, 01:49 PM
Tell you what! I'm heading over to Iceland on the first flight I can get! I don't know what on earth are those Icelandic women up to, but I want to be involved with it!

20-Apr-2010, 02:45 PM
I do believe that the single most humor inducing element of this entire extravaganza is how the Earthquake struck- of all places on this planet- a city named "Bam".

20-Apr-2010, 03:33 PM
And yet it reminds me of someone, somewhere claiming AIDs was a punishment from God. I wonder where that happened...I wonder who said that...

Is that Bill Pullman?

20-Apr-2010, 03:57 PM
Wow, all reasona and logic yet again abandoned in favour of religion.
y'know there was almost hope for a while - maybe in the mid 90s - when it seemed a lot of people walked away from religion and tales of mysticism and imagination - or at least, we didn't hear about it so much...

but over the last decade we've seen the rise of fundamentalist religions like evangelism and fanatical islam, and these voices have become so loud over the last 10 years it's almost impossible to avoid hearing them.

If they're not calling for the banning of Harry Potter because it's "witchcraft", or getting their kids to religiously touch cardboard cut outs of George Bush, we get idiots blowing themselves up or theorising that God is angry with us for XXXX reason and is causing war, hurricanes, earthquakes etc etc. If they're not trying to burn books, they're trying to burn people

This group mentality thing is going too far.

20-Apr-2010, 03:59 PM
Isn't Islam a deterministic religion? So these earthquakes were unavoidable anyway?

20-Apr-2010, 09:06 PM
Huh, so Nelly Furtado is responsible for much of the worlds grief.
