View Full Version : WOOHOO!!! It's 4/20

20-Apr-2010, 07:21 PM
Who's celebrating?! :shifty:


20-Apr-2010, 07:32 PM
Such activities are illegal in the United States of America. That being said.....I wish I was.:p

Although truthfully I find this "holiday" to be a bit silly. If you smoke, you most likely smoke often, so what's the point in having a holiday to do so?

20-Apr-2010, 07:38 PM
i have a lot of schoolwork going on lately (a shitload, as a matter of fact) and am scheduled to work this evening. thinking one of my friends would be willing to pick up a few hours, i called him up to see if he'd take my shift tonight...his answer: "nah, brah, it's 420 dude. i don't do anything on 420 but blaze all day. no school, work, nuthing. just chill and blaze." thanks, dude. enjoy your holiday, chong.:rolleyes:

20-Apr-2010, 07:46 PM

I am reverantly observing this Holiest of the High Holy Days.


20-Apr-2010, 07:53 PM
Such activities are illegal in the United States of America. That being said.....I wish I was.:p

Although truthfully I find this "holiday" to be a bit silly. If you smoke, you most likely smoke often, so what's the point in having a holiday to do so?

Bassman, live by my motto: "It's only illegal if you get caught" :p

Not only that, I have a medical condition - it's called not smoking enough. :lol:

The point of having the holiday? Well, that I don't know. I guess it's just an excuse to blaze the entire day and not feel guilty about it. Not that guilt ever plays a part with me. :elol:

20-Apr-2010, 07:54 PM
Well actually this is some made up BS, the holiday that is because today is actually HITLER's birthday.

20-Apr-2010, 07:54 PM
Well actually this is some made up BS, the holiday that is because today is actually HITLER's birthday.

Exactly - and the whole point is to smoke enough so you forget Hitler even existed.



20-Apr-2010, 07:57 PM
"It's only illegal if you get caught"

I used to say the same thing........Until I got caught.:p

No way i'm going to risk that now with a baby and family. Much too risky. That's always been the worst part of pot. There's virtually nothing wrong with it, imo. I used to enjoy the hell out of it. The only downside is the law hammering down on you when you get caught.

20-Apr-2010, 08:00 PM
I used to say the same thing........Until I got caught.:p

No way i'm going to risk that now with a baby and family. Much too risky. That's always been the worst part of pot. There's virtually nothing wrong with it, imo. I used to enjoy the hell out of it. The only downside is the law hammering down on you when you get caught.


The good thing is, it's up for a legalization vote in California this November, so you never know, we could get lucky. :D I never EVER thought I would EVER see that happen in my lifetime. It probably won't get a "yes" vote, but the fact it's making it onto the ballot is a step in the right direction.

20-Apr-2010, 08:01 PM
It's not a proper holiday without a Rankin-Bass animated special, anyway.

20-Apr-2010, 08:02 PM
Who's celebrating?! :shifty:

Me. Some guy at work told me to remember to smoke at 4:20. I told him it's always 4:20 somewhere in da world... or damn near close enough!

Well actually this is some made up BS, the holiday that is because today is actually HITLER's birthday.
Ha, we should all be doing meth instead then. I saw the History Channel thing on weed and meth last night, they said he was a raging tweeker, lol.

20-Apr-2010, 08:08 PM
All this talk about the wacky stuff (for which I never touch and have no interest) is making me want a beer. I'm not a druggie in the least but I'm a proud drunk (I have a card in my pocket to prove it, my AA all the way card -- Alcoholics of America). Other than Octoberfest, there needs to be more days to celebrate the joy of drinking beer. St. Patrick's Day works I suppose, but that's more of an unofficial drinking beer day as official.


20-Apr-2010, 08:19 PM
I'm not a druggie in the least

As I said earlier I don't smoke, but druggie shouldn't be used to describe someone that smokes marijuana, imho. There's a big difference between your typical "druggie"(coke, crack, meth, etc) and someone that smokes pot. Just my .02

20-Apr-2010, 08:47 PM
As I said earlier I don't smoke, but druggie shouldn't be used to describe someone that smokes marijuana, imho. There's a big difference between your typical "druggie"(coke, crack, meth, etc) and someone that smokes pot. Just my .02

I agree that there's a difference between being an occasional 'smoker' as opposed to an all out heroin addict, but someone who still uses narcotics could still be classified as a druggie just as someone who drinks occasionally could be still classified as a drunk. I guess there's a good argument that there should be better words to describe the level of use for people that use narcotics and/or drinks regularly v. someone who does it occasionally (such as alcoholic v. drunk and ? v. druggie I suppose?). :cool:

But, yeah, I get what you're saying and I agree... but is there a better word to describe the use of illegal drugs? I always preferred Professional Beer Drinker myself as opposed to drunk, I guess Professional Herbal Tester works? :shifty:


20-Apr-2010, 09:05 PM
Generally Ive not heard people refer to Marijuana as a narcotic.

From a legal perspective, narcotic refers to opium, opium derivatives, and their semi-synthetic substitutes.

Though in some circles it has become common to refer to any illicit substance as a narcotic.... but under that definition Alcohol was a narcotic under prohibition.

20-Apr-2010, 09:06 PM
Got the vaporizer on right now.;)

20-Apr-2010, 09:07 PM
Though in some circles it has become common to refer to any illicit substance as a narcotic.... but under that definition Alcohol was a narcotic under prohibition.


And yes.



21-Apr-2010, 12:21 AM
Got the vaporizer on right now.;)

Sweeeeet. Pass that over here when you're done. :D

"Professional Herbal Tester" - y'know, I think I like that. Now I have something for my business cards. :lol:

21-Apr-2010, 07:13 AM
lol you guys are nuts...I'd only heard the phrase 420 used but never knew what it was about...I get it now...!

21-Apr-2010, 09:26 AM
I agree that there's a difference between being an occasional 'smoker' as opposed to an all out heroin addict, but someone who still uses narcotics could still be classified as a druggie just as someone who drinks occasionally could be still classified as a drunk. I guess there's a good argument that there should be better words to describe the level of use for people that use narcotics and/or drinks regularly v. someone who does it occasionally (such as alcoholic v. drunk and ? v. druggie I suppose?). :cool:

Here's one difference I see between alcohol on the one hand and marijuana and other illegal drugs on the other hand:

Alcoholic refers to someone who is addicted to or dependent on alcohol. That would be equivalent to a drug addict. Drunk usually means someone who habitually or frequently gets drunk, i.e. intoxicated, from alcohol. I'm not sure what exactly "druggie" is supposed to mean but maybe that's equivalent to drunk, someone who frequently gets high from drugs.

But many people use alcohol without becoming 1) addicted or 2) intoxicated. When I use alcohol, it's most often one drink, either a beer or glass of wine with dinner or a beer while watching a game. Maybe that'd get me a little drunk if I were Verne Troyer, but I don't even feel a buzz from a beer sipped over the course of a basketball game. By contrast, my understanding is that there's no reason to use marijuana other than to get high. I've never tried it, though, so somebody correct me if I'm mistaken.

Chic Freak
21-Apr-2010, 01:47 PM
someone who still uses narcotics could still be classified as a druggie just as someone who drinks occasionally could be still classified as a drunk.

They could? :eek:

I've never heard of 4/20 before. Why is it on this particular date?

Anyway, I doubt I'll be celebrating, I'm so not hardcore anymore. I had a glass of wine in the bath last night and the heat + dehydration + alcohol nearly knocked me out :shifty: Salad and an orange juice for me tonight, party time!!

21-Apr-2010, 03:10 PM
By contrast, my understanding is that there's no reason to use marijuana other than to get high. I've never tried it, though, so somebody correct me if I'm mistaken.

There are legit medical uses for marijuana, although many people refuse to see that as a possibility.

Then again, there's a lot of people that say they use it for medical purposes and are full of shit, so who knows. :lol:

21-Apr-2010, 03:19 PM
There's also people that still believe pot makes you turn into a psychopath like the characters in Reefer Madness. :lol:


Uneducated people that are too scared to experience things for themselves and make up their own opinion. They automatically believe whatever they're told and think it's the worst thing on the face of the planet. "If it's illegal....it MUST be awful!" Oh but alcohol is PERFECTLY safe. No harm there.:rolleyes:

21-Apr-2010, 03:30 PM
Uneducated people that are too scared to experience things for themselves and make up their own opinion. They automatically believe whatever they're told and think it's the worst thing on the face of the planet. "If it's illegal....it MUST be awful!" Oh but alcohol is PERFECTLY safe. No harm there.:rolleyes:

No truer words have ever been spoken on this subject.

This is what surprises me about the legalization bill that's going on the California ballot in November. I always held the position that it would never be legalized for recreational use simply because the goverment would have to admit they've lied to the public about it's "harmful" effects for decades - and we all know how much the government likes admitting they're wrong.

As I said before, it hasn't "passed" and I don't know if it will, but at least it's a start.

21-Apr-2010, 04:06 PM
There's also people that still believe pot makes you turn into a psychopath like the characters in Reefer Madness. :lol:


Uneducated people that are too scared to experience things for themselves and make up their own opinion. They automatically believe whatever they're told and think it's the worst thing on the face of the planet. "If it's illegal....it MUST be awful!" Oh but alcohol is PERFECTLY safe. No harm there.:rolleyes:

Wait a minute! That dude did not even inhale!

22-Apr-2010, 09:22 AM
There are legit medical uses for marijuana, although many people refuse to see that as a possibility.

Yeah, I meant to compare the recreational uses of both. For some, alcoholic drinks are just beverages, not intoxicants. But is there anyone who, say, smokes marijuana just for the taste of it rather than the high? Is that even possible (e.g. with a low THC variety)?

22-Apr-2010, 12:40 PM
Yeah, I meant to compare the recreational uses of both. For some, alcoholic drinks are just beverages, not intoxicants. But is there anyone who, say, smokes marijuana just for the taste of it rather than the high? Is that even possible (e.g. with a low THC variety)?

Interesting question.

Perhaps they "think" of them as just beverages, but they are intoxicants no matter how anyone slices it. I mean, put it this way: if you're drinking a beverage with alcohol, you're doing it because it contains alcohol otherwise you'd be drinking fruit juice or a non-alcoholic beer like O'douls (or however it's spelled) not a Budweiser or mixed drink. If you're drinking the Bud or mixed drink instead of something non-alcoholic, it's because of the want of alcohol - and there's nothing wrong with that, but it is what it is.

I also think the taste of different kinds of weed are indeed a point of interest for most smokers - although that doesn't change the reason for doing it, it's still to catch a buzz. But then again, so is drinking a beverage that contains alcohol even if people still consider it "just a beverage" - we know the real reason they're drinking that particular "beverage" ;)

Perhaps if weed is legalized in the states, eventually someone will come up with a "non-THC containing bud" - but like non-alcoholic beers, I have to ask: what's the point? :lol:

Edited to add this link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1267696/National-weed-day-2010-US-4-20-pot-protesters-light-April-20th.html


22-Apr-2010, 03:10 PM
By contrast, my understanding is that there's no reason to use marijuana other than to get high. I've never tried it, though, so somebody correct me if I'm mistaken.

Yeah, I meant to compare the recreational uses of both. For some, alcoholic drinks are just beverages, not intoxicants. But is there anyone who, say, smokes marijuana just for the taste of it rather than the high? Is that even possible (e.g. with a low THC variety)?
Jeeze! I am a horribly boring person! No one reads this stuff lol.

People with experience in Alcohol generally acknowledge different levels of drunkenness. (addressed first)

People with experience in Marijuanna generally acknowledge not only different levels of being "high", but also different categories of "high". (addressed second)

Alcohol acts as a central nervous system depressant meaning it is a psychoactive substance (psychoactive depressant).
I think the different effects alcohol seems to have on people to some extent can be attributed to both the blood alcohol content and the speed in which it is raised.
For example, two ends of the spectrum:
Beer has a low alcohol % so when it is consumed gradually it raises the blood alcohol content very slowly as it passes into the blood stream from the stomach then to the liver which processes some of the alcohol and its toxic byproducts, then to the brain. This relatively slow process in a sense allows your brain to prepare coping mechanisms for intoxication. This results in a more sober drunk that is no less intoxicated than his/her blood alcohol implys.

Liquor has a high alcohol % so this whole process tends to raise blood alcohol content much more rapidly so the brain has less time to cope or to accustom itself to working under a depressed central nervous system. The result tends to be a more belligerent behavior.

By no means is this concrete people have different genetic and learned capabilities in coping with alcohols effects. Additionally one can achieve many different results from the same alcoholic beverage depending on how rapidly they consume them, but ultimately are limited to the beverages alcohol %

Side note: Delivery of alcohol to the blood stream by means of an enema is extremely risky because the alcohol bypasses the liver on route to the brain. So the toxic byproducts are not addressed and blood alcohol content rises nearly instantaneously with no means of control (vomiting would do nothing). Alcohol poisoning is a serious risk.

Marijuana is also psychoactive, however it exhibits stimulant, depressant, and/or hallucinogen effects (or some combination). Many of these effects are attributed to the concentration/amount of THC consumed...but!... There are at least 66 other cannabinoids many of which are believed to contribute to the resulting intoxication.

So any given (female)plant can produce Marijuana buds with drastically different concentrations of these compounds depending upon the plants genetics, and its preparation.
Much of this originated from the cross-breeding of three different species, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.
This introduced genetic variety has allowed botanists to develop marijuana with tailor made effects and potency.

So a person could smoke a joint that gives them a stimulant effect and pick the potency.
So a person could smoke a joint that gives them a depressant effect pick the potency (like being drunk).
So a person could smoke a joint that gives them a hallucinogenic effect pick the potency.
And an infinite spectrum in between thats why so many have such funny names like Purple Haze, AK-47, Maui Wowie, etc etc (Some are just for marketing purposes)....

Then there are the whole slew of products made from extracting desired chemicals like pure THC and Hashish.

Pure THC can be used to administer very controlled doses to produce very predicable effects.

Anyways the point is....

But is there anyone who, say, smokes marijuana just for the taste of it rather than the high? Is that even possible (e.g. with a low THC variety)?
I would say yes, not only is it possible but they already exists. These types of products still cause "intoxication" but in the same degree that ciggerettes, caffeine, and anti-depressents cause "intoxication".

darth los
22-Apr-2010, 03:26 PM
Wait a minute! That dude did not even inhale!

That's because he went to the Bill Clinton School of toking. :p

darth los
22-Apr-2010, 08:44 PM
And don't miss the bonus feature:

Celebs who toke !

