View Full Version : Iron Man 2 - Thoughts?

28-Apr-2010, 08:13 AM
So, any of you folks seen it?

28-Apr-2010, 09:50 AM
Tis not released yet in the USA, and I don't think they have done test screenings. In fact I don't think I have ever read on any forum/message board etc where a comic film was tested before an audience prior to its wide release.

28-Apr-2010, 10:20 AM
Tis not released yet in the USA, and I don't think they have done test screenings. In fact I don't think I have ever read on any forum/message board etc where a comic film was tested before an audience prior to its wide release.

Oh! It's out here tomorrow!? Thought the US might be ahead of us?

ps: There are reviews around. eg: Over at AICN.

28-Apr-2010, 11:19 AM
2 more days till i get to see it, cant wait.

-Though if you cant be arsed to wait through the credits heres the after the credit easter egg this time: A shield agent drives up to a crater and it pans to reveal the smoking hammer of thor and it looks exactly like it does in the comics

28-Apr-2010, 11:39 AM
As DJ said, we don't get it for another week or so, but there are a few reviews coming from the hollywood premiere. They're all around the "it's good...but not as good as the first" region. Which is funny because I never thought the original was all that good. It wasn't bad, but it was just normal fair with some pretty visuals and a few decent jokes. If this one is a step down, i don't know how i'll feel.:stunned:

-Though if you cant be arsed to wait through the credits heres the after the credit easter egg this time:

It's already on youtube...

28-Apr-2010, 12:47 PM
As DJ said, we don't get it for another week or so, but there are a few reviews coming from the hollywood premiere. They're all around the "it's good...but not as good as the first" region. Which is funny because I never thought the original was all that good. It wasn't bad, but it was just normal fair with some pretty visuals and a few decent jokes. If this one is a step down, i don't know how i'll feel.:stunned:

It's already on youtube...

Make with the linky then bassman. :D

28-Apr-2010, 12:55 PM
Make with the linky then bassman. :D

Being that it's a protected film I don't want to have my wrist slapped again. Just search youtube with the basic words. Iron. Man. 2. Ending.

28-Apr-2010, 12:56 PM
Being that it's a protected film I don't want to have my wrist slapped again. Just search youtube with the basic words. Iron. Man. 2. Ending.

Pussy... :p

28-Apr-2010, 12:58 PM
"NOBODY calls me chicken"


28-Apr-2010, 01:05 PM
Going to see it next Tuesday... Reviews generally seem OK. Some saying although it's got more (better) action than the original, its not as good story wise...

28-Apr-2010, 01:09 PM
Going to see it next Tuesday... Reviews generally seem OK. Some saying although it's got more (better) action than the original, its not as good story wise...

I've heard the same. I like action as much as the next guy, but if they sacrificed MORE story for action then there is a big problem. The first film's story was straight-forward and cookie cutter enough, but now they're getting rid of it for more action in the sequel? Ouch.

And apparently this will be the last Iron Man film for a long time. I saw an interview with Favreau and he says that Iron Man 3 will be in the distant future as they're right now dealing with other Marvel characters and an Avengers film(which he's producing). It'll be a shame if the IM films go out on a dull note...

28-Apr-2010, 03:39 PM
Link isnt working... most find more links!

darth los
28-Apr-2010, 03:58 PM
"NOBODY calls me chicken"


That philosophy didn't do any good for Mcfly either...:p


30-Apr-2010, 04:59 PM
Forget the after-credits scene in IM2. Here's the first photo of Thor himself (http://www.joblo.com/first-photo-of-thor-in-costume-is-here).

I'm not a big fan of the character, but I think what we can see of the suit looks pretty good. Especially if you consider how ridiculous it could have looked.

Wonder if we wears the wings helmet.

30-Apr-2010, 05:06 PM
I actually would love to see the writer(s?) handle Thor as they did in the Ultimate universe. I like the original Thor best, but the fresh take on Thor that was done early on in the Ultimates line was great for a reader, I felt, and could work wonders for a movie audience.

05-May-2010, 07:48 AM
Well, I found it a bit of a let down. Plot seemed a bit confused and a tad limp. In short some of the magic from the first one seemed to be gone, and it felt less "real" and more " contrived"...

Still enjoyed it...

05-May-2010, 09:57 AM
It maintained the overall quality of Iron Man, but it didn't live up to the sheer awesome vibe of the trailer. I was invested throughout, but the plotting and pacing did seem a bit odd ... there wasn't as much direction throughout - to the plot I mean. Favreu did a stand-up job again, I just mean that the plot itself wasn't as direct and focussed as the first movie ... it seemed a little lost.

I think on a second viewing my estimations will increase as I'll be watching it on its own terms, but yeah, a teeny-weeny bit disappointed by it ... but still had a lot of fun watching it.

05-May-2010, 10:02 AM
It maintained the overall quality of Iron Man, but it didn't live up to the sheer awesome vibe of the trailer. I was invested throughout, but the plotting and pacing did seem a bit odd ... there wasn't as much direction throughout - to the plot I mean. Favreu did a stand-up job again, I just mean that the plot itself wasn't as direct and focussed as the first movie ... it seemed a little lost.

I think on a second viewing my estimations will increase as I'll be watching it on its own terms, but yeah, a teeny-weeny bit disappointed by it ... but still had a lot of fun watching it.

Yup... The first I'd give an 8-9/10... The second a 7-8/10 for example...

05-May-2010, 02:04 PM
Neil, MZ: is it worth an Imax viewing for CGI-porn? I want to know if a multi-story tall Ironman & WarMachine are worth it the extra price of admission.

05-May-2010, 02:13 PM
Never seen a (proper) film on IMax so can't really comment!

05-May-2010, 05:25 PM
Never seen a (proper) film on IMax so can't really comment!
Neither have I.

The action is kick ass, but I've never thought of Iron Man 2 as a must-see-in-IMAX kinda movie ... then again I've never been to an IMAX, so I can't really help on that one.


My thoughts on Iron Man 2:

05-May-2010, 05:32 PM
Do you guys not have that many IMAX screens over there? In the states we have at least one in every major city. In most cases theres more than one, actually. If you can, I HIGHLY recommend you check them out. It's mind-blowing. I hear that both The Dark Knight and Avatar will be coming back to Imax within a year or two, so you should try to make it. It really is amazing.

As for Iron Man 2, i'm not expecting much. The first was a bit of a surprise as it kept me entertained in a popcorn fun kind of way, but I never really thought it was as good as some people made it out to be. The other day I saw a top ten list of the greatest super hero flicks ever....and Iron Man was number 2.:confused:

Anyway....good to hear that the second is at least worth one viewing. But i'm not really expecting much.

05-May-2010, 05:42 PM
"NOBODY calls me chicken"


I called you a pussy, not a chicken. :p

10-May-2010, 12:50 AM
i just watched it and i think its better than the first. The first had the novelty and spectacle that allowed a mediocre reworking of the origin of iron man to appeal to the general public but this dealt a lot more with building character, and the greater marvel universe on the whole.
Considering the basics of iron man was just a rich alcoholic in a suit fighting people, often in copies of his suit, the idea of the military not just giving him free reign like in the comics was a nice spin on things though the bad guy seemed more freak of the week with a chip on his shoulder than some traditional iron man big bad like fing fang foom. Though i guess this is really just for the box office sales and for more world building for the appearances of iron man, thor and cap in Joss Whedons Avengers movie.

But yeah, the first iron man was kind of funny, but you could never shake it was hastily building a rushed, condensed origin story and could never be more than just another superhero origin movie with the generic enemy thats there mirrored but similar version of themselves. This had better effects, a plot that had more than the by the numbers "how to make a superhero" stuff the first had, a decent score, much funnier dialogue and i really enjoyed it.

The biggest complaint people have said is that tony doesnt spend a lot fo time in the suit. but thats the appeal of iron man, he doesnt take off his spidey outfit and switch to this angsty teen, or calm down and become a nerdy scientist. He's the same crazy inventor in or out of the suit he made and it was a fun ride and worth the price of admission.

10-May-2010, 01:41 AM
loved the film!!

10-May-2010, 01:48 AM
i just watched it and i think its better than the first. The first had the novelty and spectacle that allowed a mediocre reworking of the origin of iron man to appeal to the general public but this dealt a lot more with building character, and the greater marvel universe on the whole.
Considering the basics of iron man was just a rich alcoholic in a suit fighting people, often in copies of his suit, the idea of the military not just giving him free reign like in the comics was a nice spin on things though the bad guy seemed more freak of the week with a chip on his shoulder than some traditional iron man big bad like fing fang foom. Though i guess this is really just for the box office sales and for more world building for the appearances of iron man, thor and cap in Joss Whedons Avengers movie.

But yeah, the first iron man was kind of funny, but you could never shake it was hastily building a rushed, condensed origin story and could never be more than just another superhero origin movie with the generic enemy thats there mirrored but similar version of themselves. This had better effects, a plot that had more than the by the numbers "how to make a superhero" stuff the first had, a decent score, much funnier dialogue and i really enjoyed it.

The biggest complaint people have said is that tony doesnt spend a lot fo time in the suit. but thats the appeal of iron man, he doesnt take off his spidey outfit and switch to this angsty teen, or calm down and become a nerdy scientist. He's the same crazy inventor in or out of the suit he made and it was a fun ride and worth the price of admission.


I enjoyed the hell out of the film. . .it was at least as good as the original. . . .if not better. It seemed deeper somehow. As Hells said, more character driven. And it was full of classic comic plots and and subplots. Me likey

11-May-2010, 08:45 PM
I didn't like it.
At all.
And not just because I don't like Downey Jr, or Sammy Jackson, or Micky...
I just found it really boring. Sorry, but I wanted more Ironman, maybe more Whiplash. Or at least when he was on to do more than he did. I remember the first being kinda slow like that, but this was worse. I missed the after the end credits thing, too, because my kid swore up and down that there wasn't anything after. Guesss it's just as well.
This movie just seemed like an ad for the Avengers movie, when they weren't just mugging for the camera...