View Full Version : Dead Space 2 teaser trailer leaked

29-Apr-2010, 03:51 AM

I gotta admit im kind excited. the short length and linearity left me cold with the original but i gave it time and its grown on me and in hindsight it was a better sequel to resident evil 4 than resi 5 ever was.
So im not all losing my shit and flipping wigs over this like i am with Alan wake but its still pretty much a guaranteed sale for me and im pretty excited about it.

29-Apr-2010, 10:05 AM
The trailer is ok.... But frankly every time the new lead on dev team on this one opens his mouth I get less and less interested... With comments like "The first Dead Space was way too scary"(the sequel wont be as scary)... "We are looking to top call of duty and uncharted in action"(goodbye too tension and survival horror)... The list of this d'bags comments go on and on about how EA wants to broaden the appeal of the game(Destroy what made the 1st one good).

Again though that's what happens most of the time when the original team behind a game makes the sequel...Either they destroy it or clone it.

29-Apr-2010, 03:25 PM
I really enjoyed how linear the first game was if you can believe that. I'm all for open world stuff, but now and then its good to just get picked up in a terrifying linear event horizon esc story.

Not liking making it less scary though, thats what maked the first one so good though!

29-Apr-2010, 05:53 PM
Hellsing ... excited for a game? Not only that, but excited for Alan Wake as well?

Well, I do declare ... *faints*


I've still not played Dead Space ... was gonna get it for PC, but I saw it was riddled with that DRM bullshit, so I specifically said "fuck that" to Dead Space because of the DRM. A paying customer turning away because of DRM ... gee, that works doesn't it? :rolleyes:

29-Apr-2010, 08:56 PM
Hellsing ... excited for a game? Not only that, but excited for Alan Wake as well?

Well, I do declare ... *faints*


I've still not played Dead Space ... was gonna get it for PC, but I saw it was riddled with that DRM bullshit, so I specifically said "fuck that" to Dead Space because of the DRM. A paying customer turning away because of DRM ... gee, that works doesn't it? :rolleyes:

The origional aint bad. its nothing special but its a better horror game than resi 5, think bioshock, event horizon, resident evil 4 and alien all mixed together. theres bits with no gravity, bits outside the spaceship ect. they really mix it up and its pretty dern fun.

-though the lead developer is the biggest meat head cock around, he makes dude huge look demure and shy by comarison.

he claimed after hours of study that he discovered sound is a huge point in making a scary game:rolleyes:

darth los
17-Jun-2010, 05:54 PM

Damn I can't wait for this game! :hyper:

