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View Full Version : "Jonah Hex" trailer...

30-Apr-2010, 10:29 AM


Looks like fun, plus it's Josh Brolin! :)

30-Apr-2010, 10:36 AM
never liked the comic, now theyve taken the story and added megan fox in now?:


30-Apr-2010, 11:38 AM
I hear this one is straying pretty far from the source material. I was never a fan of the comics, but I was aware of them. Although I do remember Hex being on Batman: The Animated Series....

Looks like cheap fun to me. Malkovich, Brolin, and two gatling guns attached to a horse? I'm in.:D

30-Apr-2010, 11:43 AM
I'd never heard of it at all before a snippet of news in Total Film a number of months ago about it, and it looks like a fun time from the trailer, so I'll be there to see it. Brolin growling like he did in Grindhouse? Hell yeah. :cool:

30-Apr-2010, 02:46 PM
I've always liked the idea of Jonah Hex, more than the few forays I've actually taken into the character's comics.

The movie could be fun or it could be a ten car pile up of shit. I do like Brolin and Malkovich, though so we'll see.