View Full Version : More on "The Dark Tower" flick(s)

30-Apr-2010, 01:19 PM

30-Apr-2010, 01:37 PM
William h. macy for the role of randall flagg!

30-Apr-2010, 02:35 PM
William h. macy for the role of randall flagg!

Eh, never been a fan of William H. Macy. Not to say that he's a bad actor (he's done some good work) but I just have a difficult time in taking him seriously. He just looks too much like a middle school English teacher.

Why not have Jamey Sheridan from "The Stand" who played Flagg come back and reprise the role? I thought he did a great job. I say Clint Eastwood or Kris Kristofferson should have a cameo as Roland's father.


30-Apr-2010, 02:58 PM
Eh, never been a fan of William H. Macy. Not to say that he's a bad actor (he's done some good work) but I just have a difficult time in taking him seriously. He just looks too much like a middle school English teacher.

Thats what makes macy the right kind of creepy for flagg, he's either wide eyed in rage or shock or got this cheesy shit eating grin on all the time and looks like a math teacher, he looks "normal" thats the way i always pictured flagg, this slightly creepy, too easy going middle aged average guy who just below the service, behind that grin was totally fucking snooker loopy.

30-Apr-2010, 03:28 PM
I say Clint Eastwood or Kris Kristofferson should have a cameo as Roland's father.

That'd be flat out awesome.

I don't mind Macy for the part, though. Gotta see how he plays it though.