View Full Version : Star Wars: The Old Republic Biographies

darth los
30-Apr-2010, 05:38 PM
If done right this could really be epic. I'm sure Lucas arts has learned some hard lessons from their most recent failed attempt at an MMO, so let's see.

And does darth Malgus look a tad familiar to anyone? Are they serious?



30-Apr-2010, 06:40 PM
like every damn lucas game be prepared to fight a rancor, go to hoth, tattoine, dagoba, maaaybe kashhik and naboo. I would be way more interested in this if i had any faith left in a star wars game to be completely fresh and interesting.

fiver says you go to the bar where han shot greedo even though this even longer of a long long time ago.:bored:

30-Apr-2010, 06:53 PM
Yeah, quality of output is very uneven across all Star Wars media. We'll see, I guess.

30-Apr-2010, 06:59 PM
Yeah, quality of output is very uneven across all Star Wars media. We'll see, I guess.

i aint on about quality in design terms, im talking how its meant to be this grand universe and theres hundreds of novels and comics aside from the first 6 films that have tons of possible i.p expansive ideas but in every game its like hoth and tattoine are the only planets in this supposedly grand universe.

30-Apr-2010, 07:06 PM
I know what you were aiming at, Hellsing. My personal opinion is that it's kind of systemic in how things are approached and that, not only are their overly derivative inhouse projects repetitive and unimaginative, this bleeds out to their licensees in many cases.

People want to relive 'their' Star Wars, so they don't stray far.

30-Apr-2010, 07:34 PM
I think the last SW game I played was Shadows of the Empire on Nintendo 64.:o

04-May-2010, 07:28 PM
i miss my N64.....

04-May-2010, 08:02 PM
i miss my N64.....

Still got mine.:cool:

It's fun to pull out of the closet when friends are over and have an old fashioned multiplayer tournament with Goldeneye. I also sometimes get the urge to go through Ocarina of Time, as well. 64 was the last system that I REALLY cared about...

darth los
04-May-2010, 08:57 PM
Still got mine.:cool:

It's fun to pull out of the closet when friends are over and have an old fashioned multiplayer tournament with Goldeneye. I also sometimes get the urge to go through Ocarina of Time, as well. 64 was the last system that I REALLY cared about...

The 90's. Dial up, 64 bits and stained blue dresses. :lol:

Ah, good times.
